The Rock Star Within Me - Chapter 11

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Copyright 2011 I trudged down the hallway, going toward the smell of food and the idea of apologizing. My stomach pulled me forward, but I really didn't want to go.

Jess was going to be in the room eating catering with everyone else and that meant I was going to have to apologize. I had calmed down and realized that freaking out on her wasn't the best idea. She didn't want to hurt me, she thought she was legitimately helping out. 

This didn't mean I thought River was a nice guy. I wasn't about to go back on that. It just sucks when you know you were wrong. 

I stepped into the room and easily saw Jess and the guys eating on a coach in the corner. The smell of food halted me, I quickly got in the buffet style line that had formed. I made small talk with some of the crew as i placed tonight's vegan themed food on my plate. 

The thought of apologizing was so... Terrible that I tried to stay at the table for as long as I could, but i was called out on it pretty quickly. 

"You sure you're gunna eat all that?" The scruffy drum tech questioned has he brushed passed me grabbing a fork. 

I looked down at the pile of rice I had scooped on to my paper plate. It's safe to say I could have fed half of Africa with that much food. 

"I'm hungry I guess..." I muttered embarrassed as the guy walked away from the table. 

I sighed to myself and made my way over to everybody. It surprised me when I saw River on the end of the coach talking to Mason, Drew and Jess. 


Jess looked up first. She smiled apologetically, and I smiled back. He patted the arm rest and sat beside her. 

"Fine. I'm sorry. I overreacted." I muttered. 

"No worries girl, don't need to state the obvious." She laughed at her own joke as I rolled my eyes. 

"C'mon Al, you do it a lot!"

Before I could even argue back River interrupted. 

"What does she do?" He asked amused at his eavesdropping. 

Jess turned around to give him her full attention and i stuck my tongue at him behind her back. 

"Alice tends to overreact a bit." 

River laughed out loud. "Just a bit?" he questioned, totally loving how angry I was getting. 

"I do not-"

"Puh-leaze," Jess laughed as well. "Every time someone gets on your nerves you automatically want to fight them!" 

The irony of the situation was crazy, as I held myself back from jumping on her. 

Drew leaned around Jess and gave my arm a squeeze. 

"Awe c'mon Al, she's just joking." His reassurance was nice and did calm me a bit. 

I smiled at Drew thankful that I had at least one friend that was mature and didn't find complete joy in making fun of me, even if it was all teasing. 

River's facial express caught me by surprise. The only moment I saw it, he whore a blank expression, but his eyes narrowed at me, and Drew's hand touching me. He looked angry and indifferent all at the same time, almost as if he was trying to decide which one to be. 

As soon as I saw it though, it was gone. He leaned back and smiled his famous crooked smile and winked, as if he knew something I didn't. 

"What do ya think Alice?" Jess called, bringing me back to real life. 

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