The Rock Star Within Me - Chapter 42

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copyright 2013

I drummed my fingers against the steering wheel of the rental, in nervous anticipation. I watched the hoards of people exiting the airport from inside the black jeep, my head low and wearing black sunglasses in hopes that I wouldn’t be pestered by anyone with a camera.

The information got out quickly that Shatter was back in modern society and everyone wanted the first interview about the break up that had happened between River and I. The media knew most of the details about what had happened, they knew it happened in Paris and that River had been unfaithful in some capacity but that was about it. From my understanding River hadn’t done any interviews about it so now they wanted me to talk. Whenever I was confronted by a member of the paparazzi or got a phone call about a statement etc. I always replied with a ‘no comment’. I didn’t have time or the stamina to reminisce about the past.

I rubbed my sweaty hands on my shorts.

God, I was nervous.

I checked the time for the fifth time.


She should be here by now.

3 days ago I had called my once best friend Jess. It was awkward and short but I managed to get out that I wanted her to come to LA to talk.

She was confused and rightfully so since we hadn’t had any form of communication for months but she agreed, booking a ticket right away. At the time she wanted to apologize but I stopped her quickly. Just hearing her voice brought up so much anger and hurt. Part of me wanted to scream and cry at Jess about what she had done to me but I knew that wouldn’t do me any good over the phone. Instead, I kept to my original plan and just invited her to Los Angeles so we could talk.

As I went over the two-minute conversation in my head, out of the corner of my eye I spied a familiar blonde head.

Having the jeep with no back, it was easy to call out to her. She saw me and made a beeline to the car, her head low.

“Hi.” She said timidly, opening the door and stepping in.

I nodded, making a face somewhere in between a smile and a grimace.

Not wasting any time, I pulled away from the curb heading directly for our destination; a small coffee shop that I had passed a couple times the last three days I had been in LA. It looked small and reserved enough so we would be civil towards each other. 

Jess looked terrified sitting beside me. She had no idea why I had called her out of the blue and had no idea where I was no taking her. Likely she thought I was going to drive her off a cliff.

“So… How are you?” Jess asked nervously, as she starred at her hands on her lap.

I cleared my throat slowly.

“I’m fine.

She nodded, and we lapsed into silence.

I focused on my breathing knowing that what was about to happen was going to be tough. Already I could feel the tears threatening to spill over.

Fortunately or unfortunately, we arrived at the coffee shop. Jess was being a good sport and didn’t question it as I parked and jumped out.

“Here, do you want to get a table and I’ll order some drinks?” I said bluntly as we walked into the small café.

She hesitated for a moment but then nodded.

“A chia latte?” I asked, remembering her favorite drink.

“Yeah, that would be great.”

I went and placed our orders as she went off to find a table. I order a large green tea for myself, and a large chia latte for her; I wanted to have a long conversation with Jess so the larger the drink the better.

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