The Rock Star Within Me - Chapter 22

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Copyright 2012

The rest of the award show went by in a blur of amazing musical performances and continuously being starstruck. When the show finished, the celebrities exited first out of the autritorium before the the other audience member in order to avoid a stampede. While processing into the lobby, a lot of people came up to River to say hello. 

Though I was dressed the part to fit into the lifestyles of the rich and famous, it was like I couldn’t fool anyone here. They would introduce themselves to me but the celebrities and other people in the business seemed to be uncomfortable with dealing with a nobody like me. With Julia being the exception, the more famous the person was,  the more it felt like I was just a fingerprint smudge on a crystal mirror to them. 

I mostly stood to the side with eyes wide with a silly, nervous grin painted on my face. River tried to keep me included with the conversations but to me it was obvious that I was over my head at some points. 

My usual confident self had been left in the hotel that night and in return a shy, self concious girl showed up. I couldn’t help but continuously readjust my dress and smooth down my hair. When someone would look me in the eyes I looked at my feet, my face going warm. 

Drew picked up on my mood change from where he, Mason and Jess stood across the room and walked over to River, a big-time producer and I. 

I excused myself from the conversation though I wasn’t really contributing to it and met Drew near the middle of the room. 

Drew gave me a small nudge.  “You look like a little kid who’s guilty over something.” 

“Ha. Ha.” I replied, with no humor. 

“Seriously though, what’s up?” He asked, sincerely, his clear blue eyes shinning with worry. 

“Nothing’s wrong. Actually everything is amazing. Just...”

“Let me guess, you don’t like the attention?” 

My mouth opened to answer but I couldn’t come up with a witty enough remark. 

“You’re always so tough, you know? It’s okay to be vulnerable sometimes.” Drew said, starring directly into my eyes. 

I looked away, his gaze making me shiver. 

“I guess that’s it. I’m just not used to it.” I replied glancing around the room for no one in particular. 

He pulled me into a hug, the kind of hugs that always put me at ease. 

“You better get used to it Al, you’re a star, have you seen yourself?” He spoke into my hair.

I laughed into his chest. 

“Don’t remind me. These tight dresses aren’t really my thing.” 

He pulled out of our hug a bit, and looked down at me with a carefree smile. 

I loved Drew’s smile. Unlike River’s grin which was more mysterious and sexy, Drew’s was much more kind and genuine. You could tell he was content when he was smiling. It made me happy. 

I felt a hand snake around my waist and immediately yank me back into a hard chest. Another hand brushed my hair away from my ear and I felt a mouth come close. 

“River Johnson’s girlfriend with her arms around another man? Hmmm, the press will love that.” The deep voice of River whispered into my ear. 

My eyes were still on Drew’s as he watched River practically hold me up. His blue eyes were narrow and his smile had disappeared. 

In a very deliberate action, River grabbed my chin and yanked it towards him and very slowly kissed me. My brain turned around into mush like it usually did when River and I kissed. But as shockingly as it came about, it ended. 

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