New friend part 1

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Lauren's POV
  While I was thinking what was going on with me .Behind us I see Mani with Demi smilling and making signs.I was like what is going on and Without realizing I  was still holding Camila's hand."Oh sorry my bad!"I said shyly and cleaning  my throat."It's okay"Camila said smirking at me.Ally and Normani hold my hand outside the dinning room I didn't have the time to say goodbye to Camila.I was a little bit upset  about that and they start to ask me questions."Lauren explain me everything what happen to you?"Mani ask."Is obvious Mani someone is in lovee"Ally said laughing."SHUT UP!!! Ally"I said pushing her a little "Stop Lauren Maybe is true!"Mani said laughing about how I push Ally."What is true?"I ask confuse."Maybe that u feel something for Camila when u make eyes contact and cause you went red when u shake her hand"Mani said."U think? And I was and you didn't tell me !!!!"i said a little angry."I'm sorry Lauren but was really cute I never see u like that."Mani said smirking."Right me neither"Ally said."Shut up!! both of u let's go to our room"I said walking.If its true?
When we are walking to our room i see a bunch of girls outside .I was confuse and ask Normani and Ally."What is going on?"I ask confuse."Lauren u don't hear anything that Jhonny say?"Mani said."Mani she was trying to look Mila Remember?"Ally said giggling louder with Mani."Ally ur a Bitch"I said pushing her."Jhonny say this year in all rooms  are four beds so we have to get another girl and remember You are the HOTTEST GIRL IN THIS CAMP SO that's why is the line of girls!"Mani said giggling.
I look at Mani and Ally  So confuse I don't want another rommate.When I see the girls are the same at the last year Harley the creeper ,Madison the stalker and Ashley was my friend until one day she start flirting with me and say bullshit about me because I ignored her.The others girls In the line  I did not know them but I see they in the last year.So we couldn't go to our room because we are three and the bunch of girls are going to fight.I hate the idea of get another girl but we have to find another ."We have to do this for real?"I ask."Yep baby ! Hey what about her?She is new and is hot?"Mani said pointing at a stunning girl."Yeah!she looks really new"Ally said giggling.We walk straight to a girl with red hair and tattoos really badass and really hot sitting on a bench."Hii I am Lauren!"I said a little excited she was really cute."Hi I am Salice"She said."U are new right?You are hispanic?"Mani ask curious with a smirk."Yes!I am from Peru but I live in California"Salice said.She was hispanic more perfect cant be."That why you have a Tattoo that say California right?"I ask curious."Yes I love Cali"She said smilling."I am from Cuba ,Ally from Texas and Normani from Georgia!"I said excited I already love this girl I feel we will be super friends."For real?That awesome"She said with her smile.
  I was happy this girl seems really cool and Normani and Ally were crazy for her .Normani punch me to ask her ."Salice u want to be our rommate ?"I ask her shyly.She look at the girls "For real? of courseee I was so scared because since I am new I don't get any of the shit that guy talk about the rooms."Salice said and we went to laugh."We got u .Follow us"We all said.After that Salice follow us and see the line of girls She gasp "What tha hell is thAt?"She ask curious."Lauren's suitors"Mani said giggling looking at me.I look at her serious."Oh shit they will kill me ?"She ask."Don't worry Salice ur good"Ally said."Yeah you are with us now, so chill your pussy girl"I said and she laugh."Alright then"She said "Good move Lauren for start a friendship"Mani said
laughing with Ally."Yep u now me bae"I said to Mani.We wAlk straight to our room and Madison,Ashley and Harley look at me so creepy and red like they are going to fucking die.The other girls start scream at Salice some shit.Why the girls are in line like I am some famous girl what is wrong . "Anyone have a problem with my friend?"I said looking at all the girls in the line.All girls look at me and went pale."You guys can go now! and if I see one of you bother My friend.Is going to have problems with me!!"I exclaimed.I get Salice inside of the room.Normani and Ally were laughing so hard.Salice was trying to  not laugh."That motherfuckers have serious problems.They Always are like that?"She said laughing."Yeahh"We all laugh.
We help each other with our things.After that we get in the middle of the room and talk all night.I was so happy because we get the best decision to get Salice with us she is 18 and super sweet and make us laugh so much .Ally and Mani love her and we just start our friendship .We fall sleep in the middle of the room one by each other side.
  <Lauren's dream
I heard a whistle outside of my room .I move quietly to don't wake up the girls and I get outside of our mini house.I see Camila who live in front of me  sit in front of the stairs of her house.I walk straight to her and I sat winged it."I'm sorry i wake u up?"she said And I say its ok. We look to each other eyes and I grab her cheeks gently and kiss her.Until she was saying LAUREN LAUREN LAUREN WAKE UP!!>
I wake up was Mani waking me up .All girls were laughing at me and I see at my side one pillow .I was confuse "Hey Lauren how That pillow kiss?"Ally said with giggles.
  Salice and Normani was laughing I still confuse .Then Ohh shit I throw the pillow to Ally ."What u were dreaming about Lauren?"Mani ask curious."Yeah bae what you were dreaming?"Salice ask.
I laugh before I answer "U wouldn't believed"I said smirking.Ally looks at Mani. smirking "CAMILA"they said at the same time.Salice looks at they so confuse "Fuck!!"I said laughing."I am so fucking confuse."Salice said."Right !Salice Camila is a new girl in the camp. Yesterday Lauren and She makes eyes contact and Lauren was so red."Mani said."Uuuuuuu So baby Lauren is in Love?I don't know  who is she?"Salice said smirking."Shut the fuck up you guys .I don't know she is I don't know different .I will show u Salice."I said to the girls.
"Uuuuu someone is in love someone is in love "they start singing and dancing.We shower and we get dressed for today.Then we head to the dinning room for breakfast.We sat together I was looking for Camz <Omg did I say Camz?> I only see the table of the Fuck boys Austin I hate that guy he thinks he is the most hot guy in the world ,Nick is Austin's Cousin he is a dick and Jay is the shy and cute guy.
Ally always has a crush in Jay she always talk about him."Omg guys look at Jay he looks so cute"Ally said excited.Ally never talk to him she went shy at guys"Ally omg again talk to him."I said."Awnn Ally looks so cute went she got shy."Salice said grabbing Ally's cheeks."Oh they are comming.Ugh"Mani said.I look at they comming ughh I fucking hate this guys."Hey Lauren wanna go at the lake later? "Austin said smirking."In your dreams dumbass "I said rolling my eyes to the girls."Who is she ?"He said reffering to Salice."Yeah who is that beautiful?"Nick said.
I saw Jay looking at Ally .Ally was Looking down."My friend don't u dare fuck with her "I said angry.
"Lauren when u get so bitch!"Austin said."Respect her dumb ass"Salice said standing up."Damn you are sexy give your number"Nick said getting close to her."You are really an idiot and I don't date guys "Salice said.The girls look at me to stop this."If u give me the chance I will change ur mind"Nick said Touching Salice face."Oh shit!!"Mani said eating her food like they were popcorn.I ggasp "Ooh don't u didn't!!BACK OFF OF HER ASSHOLE "I said throwing my juice in him."Fuck Lauren what is ur problem ?"Nick said."I say don't fuck with her Asshole.That means don't touch her ,don't look at her and don't bother"I said serious."Alright Alright find chill girl"Austin said."Bye Ally"Jay said.Ally's cheeks went red and look up "B.bye Jay"Ally said with a little stutter."I love my crew"Mani said smilling.Ally,Salice and I look at Mani smirking "Thanks Lauren.We are fucking badass"Salice said smirking.We laugh about Salice's comment."Don't worry Salice u are part of us now.I see someone redd."I said looking at Salice amd then at Ally."A..Ally"Salice said bothering.I laugh with Mani
"Shut up Salice!"Ally said hidding her cheeks."Now u know how it feels"I said giggling."Ffinee!!"she said laughing* "looks who is here!" "Whoo?"I ask excited thinking about Camz I said again Camz.
"Salice that is Camila"Ally said to Salice.Omg when Ally say her name I turn around fast to see her.

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