Sleep Over

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Salice's POV
This night it couldn't be more better cuddling with my girlfriend and all my bestfriends.I don't regret of coming here for real."Girls is almost over"Mani said with a sad tone.I know that feeling the camp is almost over and each of us is going to differents parts I am going with Demz but is not gonna be the same I waking up everyday with Mani,Allycat and my favorite Biscuit Lauren.It hurts."I know"Dinah said to Mani squeezing her in a hug.I start thinking about the first day of the camp gosh I want to cry.
Lauren's POV
Is almost over just one week and half of the camp.I saw Salice thoughtful then a tear comming down to her cheek."Salice u are okay?"I ask her.All of us watch her "What yeah I am fine"She said sniffling.Demz raise her head to see her girlfriend "What happen bae?"Demz ask her sitting in the bed."I just was thinking about my first day here,I didn't know anyone amd then this amazing girls came to me without knowing me and now I am here I couldn't I can't believe this is going to end waking up everyday with these three and Not seeing Mila,Ariana and Dinah all days"Salice said crying in Demz shoulder.We all look at each other we all were crying I hate seeing Salice like that and all my friends and my girlfriend.We all go to hug Salice "Salice U know that when meet u we went crazy for u.Was destiny baby meet each other and make this bond of friendship and is for life never ends"Mani said with tears hugging Salice.I go closer "Yeah baby U showed us the amazing friend u are always being there for each of us always helping and giving advices.Thank u so much and we always be together I love u"I said hugging her hard.Camz was crying
"Salice I know we are not much closer but want to tell u I really love u.U always was there when Lauren and I haved a fight and U always give the chance for explaining to u btw thanks for that.We maybe be apart for a time for finish our last year of school but we are gonna to be all all together again"Camz said looking at everyone.Salice stand up to hug Camz."Thanks girls I never had friend like u girls I fucking love all of u."Salice said."U idiot don't hug me"Dinah said smilling with watering eyes."I was going too but Ariana is first "Salice said laughing and hugging Ariana then D."Ha D I am more cute remember"Ariana said cleaning her eyes."That's not fair"Dinah said.We all laugh at Dinah and Ariana Conversation.This year of the camp is my best.
Demz's POV
Watching Salice cry my heart broke.I know how she feel cause I feel the same Like Camila,Dinah and Ariana waking with they is fun we understand each other.Why I am thinking like we never see each other again.I know we all see each other again and still together.Salice and I are going to take the same plane for that part I am happy because my girlfriend is going to be with me but my bestfriend I don't know if I could make it."Girls I am gonna miss u so freaking much"My tears came down.Camila came fast to hug me "Common Demz all is gonna be fine."She whisper to me hugging me
Ariana and D came and do the same.
"Demz don't worry Camz and I gonna finish our senior year and then we are thinking to go to a university close to yours"Lauren said to me smilling I raise my head to saw her then ."I told that to Mani too Demz then we all can get a house for all of us and be rommates"Dinah said excited."Then lising Lauren and Mila making out you are crazy"Mani said laughing.Lauren throw her a pillow."That is a good plan if u think about it or be neighbors that would goals"Ariana said with a big smile like she was there now living the dream then she look at Elizabeth who was looking at her smilling."Girls u are the best for real but after u girls finish ur seniors year we can meet and talk like move to another cities all together u know like Chicago or Miami "Salice said with confidence."Deal"Dinah and Mani said."We are definitely doing this"Mila said smilling looking at Lauren."Girls?"I said looking at all.They all look at me "I really love u"I said as they came and hug me.
Camila's POV
We vent about how we feel about the camp ending makes me feel happy that we are making plans after Lauren and I finish High as Dinah and Mani are doing."Hey D what Mani and U are going?"I ask D.I was curious because they lives in different places."Well Mani and I talk about it amd we figured out Mani or I get a schoolarship or change school we are thinking yet.But If u are worry about us don't be because I would never let this cupcake leave me"Dinah said grabbing Mani's Chin."Bae u are making me blush"Mani said kissing D.They look so cute and I don't want I mean anyone want to they broke up."U guys chill we are here"Lauren said laughing."Oh shut up and take care of yours"Mani said between Dinah's lips.Lauren looks at me grabbing me
closer to her body "U don't want that "Lauren said giggling to Mani."No no no no let's stop"Salice said with giggles.She was cuddling with Demz I really love them."Look at the sleepy couple"I said pointing to Elizabeth and Ariana who were sleeping."Awn photo photo"Demz said smilling.Salice take a pic and I get a blanket to them."Awn baby u are so cute"My girlfriend told me grabbing my cheeks with a quick pick.Mani and Dinah were looking at each other and whispering.Salice and Demz were doing the same but without talking just kissing.I lay with my girlfriend looking at each other.Her beautiful eyes I love her eyes at night change to Green blue I don't know how that is possible but is art."Hey honeybun"She whisper to me."I miss u"She said getting her hand in my waist."I miss u too baby"I said picking her lip."Babe u never talk about u parents.U think they would accept me?"My girlfriend ask me.Fuck I totally forgot that part of my comeback my parents.My mom?My dad is in Cuba yet with my little sister but."Baby I am sorry Really sorry I just though"I cutt her off "No no no is okay baby its just I was so focus on u on not making anything wrong for not loosing u I forgot about that "I said nervously.She looks at me and her mouth make a smile "Awn baby.I will marry u I meant i.Don't worry u are not alone we figured this out together alright?u are not alone.I am here if something happen always"She said grabbing my cheek closer to a kiss.I love the way she see the things and thinks I went more happy she wants to marry me I make a promise that I will do that but she
said it.I grab her hand and I look at our promise ring kissing her hand "I know baby we are gonna be together for ever.I know that u are here always we will fight,we will cry,we will get upset but that is a relationship I know we are gonna marry each other"I said kissing her. "I don't know if I can get mad or upset with u after you make all that cards that I have to open when that happen"she said and we both giggles "U are right U cant"I said she look at me "I fucking love u"she whisper kissing me again but passionatly.She get her tongue inside my mouth."I love u too"I whisper.We kiss for five minutes and then we cuddle and talk while we fall sleep all girls were cuddling with their partners.

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