New Friends part 2

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Camila's Pov
After Lauren and I were making eyes contact.Lauren realize she was holding my hand she apologized.I smile because she was so red she looks soo cutee when she is red.Normani take her hand and took her outside the dinning room we did not have time to say goodbye which made me feel sad.
After that Demi and I go outside she was showing me all the camp.I love Demi she is so cute and sweet with everyone.She show me the lake and there was a girl sitting alone with all her suitcase she obviously was new.Demi grab my hand and we walk toward the girl.I wasn't nervous anymore to make friends because I have Demi and feels good be with her."Hi I am Demi and this is Camila."Demz said.I nod with smile."Hi I'm Dinah Jane"the girl said shyly ."You are new right?"Demz ask.Dinah nod with a smile."U can stay with us if u want to.We are going to talk all night about each other ok?"Demz said smilling."Sounds good"Dinah said  smilling"Yey"I said excited.Wao Demi makes friends so fast.But I was happy because is only my first day and I was loving it already all .Omg. I don't know why I am saying this cause I really love the camp or because here is my dream girl?.I'm feeling things when I think about her.Those eyes.okokok Camila chill u are making friends Chiilll.
Demi and I help Dinah with her things and go to our room.As we walked we talk about random things.Dinah was super cool she is from California.When we got to the path of all camp wooden houses a girl with long red hair,top and skirt jump in Demi to hug her and then hug Dinah and I."HIIII DEMII I MISS U!!I was looking for u.Hi girls I'm Ariana Grande."the girl said."Hi Arii miss u too.This is Camila and Dinah."Demz said introducing us.
Ariana was soo cuteee and funny."Hiii nice to meet u."Dinah and said at the same time."Girls is ok?If Ari be our fourth rommate?"Demz
ask."Of course  Demz I will love too she so cute"I said hugging Ariana."I love her"Dinah said hugging Ariana with me."Don't be jealous Demz I am just more cute"Ariana said laughing.Dinah and I we were laughing about Ari's comment."Oh Shut up Ari"Demz said laughing.
We all head to our house.We realize that a house more winged our house there were a lot of girls waiting outside."Wao is has to be someone popular or hot right?"I said looking at that house."Maybe."Ariana said smirking.We both smile to each other and get inside the house with Demz and Dinah.I take the bed close to our door and Ariana take the bed in front of me.Demz take the left bed by Ariana and Dinah the left side of mine.While we unpacked our things Demi put Little mix music.We realized that we were all fans of Little Mix we start singing and Dancing."Guys !!All of you sing AMAZINGG! *"I said excited."Thanks Mila"they all said smilling."But so are u Mila"Demz said."thanks Demz"I said."Who wants to eat?"Ariana ask."MEEE"Dinah and I said at the same time laughing."We can get something in the dinning room and go to the lake and talk what u guys think?"Demz give the Idea.Dinah was already in the door to go grab something"Sounds awesome !"Ariana said and I nod.
As we say we go to the dinning room and grabs some. cookies,water,cupscakes and fruits.Then we went to the lake as we say.We stay in the lake eating and get to know each other better.After some time Dinah fall asleep in my lap. I was so happy I never do something like this with my friends in Cuba.I was so happy to have this girls. When Ari see her phone and gasp "Oh shit girls its 1:00am."She said."For real I thought it was like 9 or 10 pm"I said.The time goes very fast but was the most amazing time in my life.Demz was *yawning*"Dinah girl wake up!"Demz said."I don't want to go to school."Dinah said cleaning her eyes.We look each other trying to not laugh and she wake up ."What sup"Dinah ask confuse."We are going to our room common!"Ariana said helping Dinah to stand.
We get to our house and shower then Dinah was laying on her bed and close her eyes for a few seconds.Ari and Demz came to my bed."Sup"I said."I told u we were going to talk about Lauren."Demz said smirking."Wait What sup with Lauren? "Ariana ask curious."That's is not the question the question is what happen to Camila when she saw Lauren?"Demz said bothering."No way u like Lauren"Ariana said with a cute smile excited."Shut up Ari"I said smirking and hidding my cheeks."See she always went like this when she hears her name."Demz said  giggling."Awnnn so what u want to know?tell me"Ariana said."I don't know it's just ok?if I tells u something promise u guys won't tell anything."I said serious."Trust us Mila"They said
promise.Dinah open her eyes and scare me Thanks God she awake I didn't want to tell this again."Mila can i? "she ask shyly."Course thanks for wake up I don't want to say what i going to say again.ok?so after I came to this camp I was so nervous and I didn't sleep just one day after .Then I dream with a girl with green smerald eyes *Ari and Demz Gasp and see each other .Dinah was confuse but they let me finish.*and dark hair .We were on the beach behind my house and she was calling from inside the water and she kiss me.Guys feels so real but it wasn't. I did not know that girl .Until today and I said if that girl exist I will do anything to be with her."I finish saying embarrassing and laughing.All girls went in a silence for a minute looking each other Dinah was still confuse."OMGG"Ariana said excited and applauding."Wao Mila thats why u gasp when u saw her "Demz said getting all."Yes"I looking down."That's so cute Mila but I am confuse .Who is that girl is she here?!Dinah  ask excited."Lauren Jauregui Yes Dinah i will show u tommorrow who she is.Mila she is the lesbian badass at this camp every girl in this camp has a crush on her but she is not interested in anyone"Ariana said."Yes she is right.But Ari I think that was until today because the way she look at Mila God ! That was goals."Demz said  smirking big."U think?Demz"I ask without realizing."For real? But wait they meet?"Ariana ask confuse."Yes Mila!Yes Ari Normani came to me and ask how i was etc.Then she present Lauren to Mila they make eyes contact and Lauren Went Red was so cutee."Demi said excited."Ohh goddd CAMREN!I have to see her."Dinah said happy.
All girls start to laugh about what Dinah say.I went Red that name sounds really beautiful."Dinah stop"I said hidding my face."Awnn !"Ariana said."Well we have to sleep at least a little because its 2:30 am!!!"Demz said.Demi and Ari were like our moms always worry ."Shoot ! I want to talk more about Camren!"Dinah said in a sad voice."Don't worry Dinah we have to see all people in the morning at breakfast.You will see Lauren."Ariana said."Yeyy.Goodnight girls thanks for this night luv u all."Dinah said happy."WHAT OMG! "I said excited
and scared wait that is possible."Chill Mila .Goodnight Dinah ur welcome."Ariana said.Demz was the first who fall sleep I giggle a little thinking about the smerald eyes girl "okey Thanks a lot Ari "I said."Welcome love u girls."Ari said laying in her bed."We do too."D and I said.
We fell sleep after that . Demi wakes up at 10:00am because the breakfast is until 11:30 am on the dinning room .Gosh this girls besides sweet is so careful with us like I say after like a Mom.After they wake up everybody we shower and get dress I use a Skirt with a top and a Hat like always*giggles* to myself I look good .Ari ,Demz and Dinah were looking beautiful."I have a crew with the most cutiest and beautiful girls."I said smilling."Awnn Mila"They said and hug me I hug them back."You look amazing Mila!"Ariana said.They looks at each other and laugh."What happen?"I ask confuse."U dress for the camp or for Lauren?"Demz said laughing with the girls."Ah Common"I said laughing nervously."Girls u are going to get her nervous.Leave her."Ariana said touching my shoulder."Thanks Ari.U guys sucks."I said still laughing nervously."Omg I can't wait to see who is Lauren!"Dinah said laughing hard.
We go to Breakfast.

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