Sami Night

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Salice's POV
I love the relationship between Lauren and Camila they are so perfect together that makes me jealous they are meant to be together soulmates.We all know they always seems horny but no they are more careless they all of the time are watching movies or playing or cuddling when they have privacy privacy like two or three times in their relationship .I want to have a relationship like them.I came to our house to search clothes because is my time for privacy with my girlfriend before we move because I don't know what will happen or maybe days will pass for don't see each other until we get our university or our plans to get a apartment.
  We get together outside the cabin Demi was nervous."Princess we don't have to do it its ok I don't going to be mad"I said stopping her to look at her eyes."I'm 100% ready its just...its just I am a virgin"she said shyly.Awnn she so fucking cute wait that means I am gonna be her first her FIRST and she MINE  I am so fucking happy now."PRINCESS awn its okay mine too"I said to her.
Demi's POV
Salice say she is a virgin too?What she so fucking hot she obviously have to had a millions of suitors what are u talking about Demi what is happening she is with u she don't find the right person just thanks god u are her first idiot RIGHT RIGHT DEMI ALL IS GOOD relax."For real?"I ask her a little a excited what's more amazing that u and ur partner are virgins.She look at me so embarrassed "Yes I am why u don't believe it?"She ask me getting confuse like a mad confuse."Nonono don't get me wrong baby its just I don't know well I mean like u are a stunning women and u had well I think u had suitors like a tons"I said I think am gonna ruin everything gosh Demi what a dumbass why u said that."Soo?I don't have hurry to lose my virginity I just wanna wait for the indicated.If I am pretty doesn't mean I have to fuck with the first girlfriend I had"She said ashamed.I ruin it fuck.Why I always do this my stupids nervous.
Salice's POV
I know she is nervous but that hurt me a little bit like she saying I am slut?No she maybe say it without thinking.When I said my last words she look so sad I feel bad
why I said that if I know is her nerves."I am sorry Salice I know I get it. I am sorry I don't realize what I was saying.I will sleep in the other bed"She said with tears.Gosh I hate seeing her crying.Wait she said she will sleep in the other bed?I don't going to let her nerves ruin our night.I grab her cheeks cleaning her tears"What?I am the one who have to apologize I know u are nervous and I know u don't mean that.I am sorry for my attitude is automatic.Can u forgive and don't let ur nerves ruin our Night?"I said looking straight in her eyes.She smile a little bit "Our Night?If I can? that's not the question the question is can u forgive my stupid nerves?"She said holding my waist shyly."Yes.Now can u kiss me?"I said with a big smile.I fucking love Demi she is the one I know cause when I look at her she has those eyes with sparkles and she makes me feel so confident and makes me feel like the only one like Lauren said Oh my God is trrue.I always fall more for Demz.I know I want to get my rest of my life with her.
Demi's POV
She know me so good that I was nervous.I want her so bad.She ask me if I can kiss her I obey and grab her waist closer to mine.We are in front of the cabin yet kissing.Then she grab my butt and take the keys of the cabin.She grab my legs to her waist and take me to the door while she was trying to open my room she was kissing me "Wtf"She said.She can't open my room."Let me help u"I said laughing.I open the door and look at her watching my ass "Done"I said and she connect our lips I almost fall in the floor but she grab me.My nerves go I was in Salice's lips world.She smack me to the wall and grab one of my leg to her waist still kissing me then pushing me to the wall with her tummy she go to my neck that makes moans."OMG"I said moaning.I was grabbing her butt.She give me energy when she was getting my leg down to take off my shirt.She kiss my chest and I get her chin to kiss my lips and I push her to my bed amd get above of her kissing her soft collarbone then her nipples *Mmm Prin*Salice moan.I kiss her tummy and I take her shirt and her bra.
Salice's POV
OMY Demi was nervous or crazy to fuck me?I don't know I am so confuse but she makes me feel so good.She was taking all my clothes out "Turn around"she whisper in lips.I definitely obey she was above of me I can't said no.I turm around and I think she is in love with my butt she was kissing it.She turn me around how?I don't know she is like a tiger and I'm his prey.She start kissing my bikini part I bite my lip to control myself them she start playing with my /$'c then she came back to my lips and kiss me so hard but I didn't realize she have her hand in my parts "Omy
god"I was moaning so hard she is inside of me.
Demi's POV
When she cum she was tingly and taking air.She kiss me deep and get above of me  she kiss all my neck aka my spot.Then she was kissing my boobs and her hands was in my clit.I was bitting my lip trying to control my moanings.While she have her hand there her tongue go up to my neck again until she find my lips."Aa-ah"I scream.She give a kick pick and go down to lick all of me.Fuck this is amazing."Fuck-ing Aaamazin"I said between my breaths.I start tingly rubbing my hair and licking my lips.She came and I grab her cheeks "U are fucking perfect"I said
taking a deep breath.She smile at me " So are u"she said kissing me passionatly after long minutes of kissing we fall sleep naked.This was amazing omy gosh I didn't the way she makes me feel was possible.
Camila's POV
While the hispanic couple were together in the other cabin we were helping to pack the things of our partners was so sad.I was looking to Lauren who was talking to the girls I can't get my eyes out of her.*suspire*Lauren and I Damn the hot momment we got in the afternoon I can't forget it was so perfect.Who know that we will like make out again like we have to finish our high and get a apartment the best part of live in Miami is that well the point I am new in the city and she know the city she told me she will take me to beautiful places.I'm so lucky to have her she always treat me like a Princess.
Lauren's POV
"Blue or black"Mani ask me about a t shirt to use."Blue"I said.Then I feel eyes on me was my baby she was like in space."Helloo Camz "I said moving my hand in her face.She came back "Oh hi goddess"She said surprised.What she was thinking  she looks so cute Damn she never look ugly she is just perfect."What u were thinking beautiful?"I ask her curious sitting in her lap facing her she grab my butt to not fall on the floor."Girls please"Ariana said laughing."Shut up we are not that horny"I said making Camz to laugh.The girls all giggles and get back to pack the thing."So were I was?"I ask again."Nothing
  Baby I was just thinking about us.About our hot moment today I was surprised about that little spot of Jenni.Btw how u get the keys of Jennifer's cabin."She said."I know right I love to surprised you."I give a her a kiss in her lips."Well Jennifer give us a copy of her cabin if we want to spend the night alone or we need to be alone u know"I said."Oh she is so sweet and careless"Camz said smilling."Yeah big sister"I said kissing again her lips."GIRLS"Dinah scream at us that make break our sweet kiss I look at her "Ok ok Fine!"I said standing up and borrow a kiss from Camz.Camz laugh and helping me with my things to the suitcase.I was doing mine and Salice's.Dinah finish Helping Mani and start helping me with Salice things.Ariana was with Elizabeth in Elizabeth cabin helping her.Tommorrow is our last final days so tommorrow we will stay in Camz's to help they and all sleep together everyone.

     The book will end soon.OE u like it.

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