Scavenger hunt?

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  Lauren's POV
  I wake up from a message.I saw my phone and was my baby.To check my door why would I check my door?.When I stand up I saw Salice "Gosh u Scared me"I said."I'm sorry I'm so excited I couldn't sleep today Demz will be my girlfriend sure if she say yes"She said excited."Obviously she would said yes Sal"Ally said getting up."Why u girls are up so earlier"Mani say cleaning her face."We woke you up?"I said to the girls."Yeah"Mani say with a weird tone."It's ok Laur we can start with the plan"Ally say smilling."Wait who text u?"Salice said."Camz to check my door"I say a little bit confuse."What are you waiting for"Ally said excited.I go to my door "OMG Girls"I scream.It was a package and a big cardboard that say
Dear Lauren aka Goddess:
    One day after I went to this camp I had a dream with a beautiful girl with dark hair and smerald green eyes kissing me in the beach I didn't know her.But I promise to myself that if she is alive I will do anything to be with her as a couple.Then when I saw u in the reunion I gasp because It was u the girl of my dream and here we are as a couple.I love u soo much Lauren Michelle Jauregui I can't live without u you're mine and I'm yours  For ever .I promise u that I will marry u .Thanks for a amazing month.Hope u like the gifts.See ya OO
  Omg I'm going to cry.When I get inside of my room with tears in my cheek."What happen Laur?"Ally ask me worry.I show her the cardboard and Salice and Mani go closer to her.I was open my package was a Teddy bear of lion king I loveee lion king and a bunch of cards that say
Open when ...
       U need to know how much I love u
Open when...
     U are upset or mad with me
All cards have different things writed is soooo AWESOME gosh I love this girl I love it."Omg"Mani said."Laur this is destiny"Ally said smilling at me."Yeah Biscuit what more?"Salice say smilling."I know right!"I said cleaning my tears.I show them all the things.Ariana came.
Ariana's POV
    OMG almost Mila catch me I went so nervous.I though I could not make it.I am here "Hi girls"I say getting inside looking at all Lauren was like cleaning her tears."So u like the surprise"I said giggling."U knew it"Lauren said."Duh"I say laughing.Lauren and all girls laugh.
"We can start?I really want to see Mila 's face"Mani say smilling."Ariana u will be at the lake with this and this ok?"Lauren say giving me a clue and a rose."Omg is a scavenger?"I ask so excited. "Yep"Laur say giving Mani A hooddie a flower and A clue."Hoodie?"I ask her curious."Oh yeah u didn't see it "Lauren say showing me the hoodie.Omg was so cool "Omg this is goals"I say super excited."Yeah Jennifer gived it as a gift "Lauren say smilling."Mani ur first ,then Ally and then U Ari she will know where to go.Don't forget to all get together in the carnival to go through phase two Salice proposal."Lauren say we all nod."Right I have the cloth to blind Demz"Ally say ."Perfect u and Ariana will go alright?"Salice say nervously."Don't get nervous All will be good Salice"I say hugging her."Thanks Ariana Thanks all of u girls"Salice say hugging me back."GROUP HUG"I scream happily.We all hug."omg I am so excited "Lauren say smilling big."Me too"Ally and I said.Mani go outside to start the scavenger hunt.
Camila's POV
Lauren haved see my message? I'm thoughtful.Demi and I were talking until we hear the door knock
I open the door and "Hiiii Mila!"Mani say excited giving me a hoddie a flower and a clue ."Read the hoodie Mila"Demz say smilling.Dinah woke up "What's going on?Mani?"Dinah say looking at me and Mani standing in the door.Demz go to her.Omgg the hoodiee say I'm her princess with a arrow pointing to the left I love it."Omg "I say with watering eyes and  putting on the hoddie.Then when I open the clue say .
If you want your first clue
You really have to get
through the place
where we get wet.
I went to laugh My girlfriend is a perv ."How was the clue honey?"Demz say laughing."Omg u help her Perv"I say to Demz laughing."Maybe and haved help"she say laughing."Mani you can enter"I say to Mani who sit with her girlfriend and Demz.I went to the bathroom there is another clue with another rose."Demz I fucking hate u"I say laughing."I love u too Mila"Demz say laughing.Then the second clue
Our night is young
so let's have some fun.
Once you've read this clue in the dinning room ,
our travel has begun.
"This is so excited"I say smilling looking the girls."I go with u "Mani said."Demz can u stay with me?"Dinah ask Demz.Demz have to be here when we search her."Sure"Demz say."Good luck Mila"Demz say to me smilling.Mani kiss Dinah and get with me.We walk "Hey Mani Lauren saw my gift?"I ask Mani curious."Yess she cry "Mani say smilling."What ?for real?"I ask curious."Yep for real.Mila is that true?"Mani ask me lookin at me."What the dream?Yes I dream about a girl I didn't know the girl know my name she call me and kiss me and when I came here And saw Lauren I freak out"I say to her.She seems really surprise."Why?I know u don't like me but I'm really really in love with Lauren I would never hurt her"I ask her stoping her and looking in her eyes."Mila it's not that its just I didn't  want Lauren gets hurt.I really like u for real and I know u love Lauren I saw it in this month.I am sorry Mila if u think something wrong.I love you"Mani say hugging me.I hug her back "Its ok I get u.Me too"I said. I know she care for Lauren but I have to tell her that I really love Lauren because she is one of Lauren's bestfriends.Now we are at the dinning room."ALLYy"I scream excited.Ally hug me "Mila the gift was amazing"She said smilling as she give me another rose and another clue omg i'm soo excited the clue say
  Remember the place that we first kissed,
Beneath the stars so bright,
I still recall your tender words And how you held me tight .
Omg I love this one I know was on the lake but I know "Bridge"I say as Ally and Mani follow me.I run to the bridge I laugh so hard "Arianaa I knew something was suspicious I love u"I say hugging her."I know I am sorry for lie to u.But u know I'm Camren fan"Ariana say giggling at me."Here u go the last clue"She say giving me another rose and the last clue.
  Cotton candy treat                             Ferris wheels and carousels         Amazing fun house..                          Come and search me honeybun.
  Awnnn my baby."U know gurls I have the best girlfriend in the world "I say hugging them tight."Ok ok now let's go search her"Ariana said.I run  to the Carnival searching my baby.There she is with a hoddie like mine but hers say She is my princess a big teddy bear smilling with Salice."Babyyyy I fucking love u "I say jumping at her and kissing her."U look good in the hoddie baby"She
say smilling."So are u Princess"I say to her smilling back. "One thing is still missing"She say getting nervous she give me the teddy bear. I have the flowers and a big teddy bear goals."Camila We became girlfriend in a big situation in our life so I was thinking if"She say nervous.She never call me Camila what is happening.Then I saw her getting in one knee with a box in her hand."Karla Camila Cabello will u be my girlfriend again?"she say staring at me.Mani was filming.I start to cry I can't control myself I nod my head and kiss her."This is our first promise ring baby next will be the engagement ring "She whisper in my ear.I fucking love the ring I love all she gave me."Baby I love u so much"I say cleaning my tears of happiness.She hug me "U like it?"she ask me."No,I FUCKING LOVE ITT"I say laughing kissing her lips.She get scared but then she smile."U are bitch baby"She say smilling."I'm your Bitch baby"I say kissing her cheek."Ok now Ariana Ally goo"Lauren said."Salice u help with the clues too perv?"I ask Salice."Maybe"She said laughing.I grab Lauren's hand.This ring is beautiful.
When the girls came.They have Demi's eyes covered with a cloth.

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