Much things in one night

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   Camila's POV
    "Hey bAby girl"Lauren say getting inside in the cabin.I get excited but at the same time I wasn't ready ."What are u doing here Bae"I say looking at her."I get ur message"She say looking at the girls."Well Mila we out"Dinah say getting Ariana to go to the theater."Alright good luck "I say to the girls."What happen baby u are not happy?"Lauren ask."I am happy but u didn't reply me to get ready or get a shower at least"I told her.She get closer to me smirking."Awn baby we can shower together if u want "she say kissing my neck."Lauren u PERV"I say giggling.She was turning me on I jump in her waist kissing her lips and she was walking through the bathroom."U ready to be mine"She say as she sit me in the handwash while she close the door.She kiss my lips again and slowly get her tongue inside my mouth I grab her waist with my legs and my hands holding her face."Gosh make me yours Lolo"I said taking a deep breathe looking into her greens smerald eyes that change into a dark green.She kiss my neck and then my collarbone.I was on fire.Then she take my shirt off and kiss my lips while she was taking my bra off.
Lauren's POV
  I saw Camila's text but I don't reply in purpose because I want to get her .I told her I was going to get her so this was my time.She make me hers so  I want to make her mine.
   I take her bra off I kiss all her body.I turn on the shower.Camila went down the handwash and start kiss my neck from behind I moan "Camz its my turn sorry"I say as I turn around and get her in the wall.I kiss her while I was unbutton her pants and take them off.I went down kiss her panties and make a line through her panties into her lips."Lauren"she moan my name.I kiss her with my tongue and my hand went down her panties."FUCK"She say grabing my neck closer to her."Now who is wet?"I say with gigglings to her."Shut up and kiss me"she say closer to my lips smilling ."Get off ur clothes"she say touching my butt.I get naked and Camila kiss all my body .Gosh her lips are amazing "Come here"I say to her grabbing her to the inside the shower.I raise her leg into my waist and grab her butt.I get slowly two fingers inside of her.She open her mouth  gasping pushing me hard to her body."OMY GOD "she scream kissing me.I went down she was all wet I clean all her ---- my tongue ¿She don't have anything wrong God?she is perfect *giggles* until she start to tingly."Gosh Lauren"she say as I kiss her stomach and then her lips again.I leave three hikies  in her stomach and two in her neck."I love u"she say through we kiss."I love u too Camz I told u I was going to get u"I say grabbing her butt closer to me."So was on purpose "she laugh softly .I laugh a little"maybe"."U Bitch"she say laughing ."I'm your Bitch honeybun "I say kissing her as she smile.
   We get a shower and we go out.None of girls were here yet.Camz let me a sweatshirt and a joeboxers."Thanks bae"I say to her."U welcome baby always"she say dressing herself.I put my pants and my other clothes were wet from the water."Bae I'm gonna put a movie"Camz say."alright"I say laying down with her cuddling.I make her mine I am so happy.
Camila's POV
   I was laying in Lauren's chest watching the movie.I feel her heart so calm I look at her she was sleepy my baby.I can't believe she makes me hers I am feeling so damn good.
  Then Salice open the door holding it for Demi came in."Hi Mila"Salice whisper to me.They walk silently through my bed."Hi girls ,how was the date"I whisper to they.Salice and Demz looks at each other."Pretty amazing"Demz say smilling."Can u wake her Mila"Salice whisper to me.
Lauren look so cute sleeping."Baby"I say kissing her cheek and rubbing her arm."Common sleeping beauty"Salice say to Lauren.Lauren open her eyes "Hii honey bun I'm sorry I fell sleep"She say cleaning her eyes."Don't worry bae"I say looking at her."Oh hey Girls"Lauren say looking at the girls  with giggling."We have to go Lau"Salice say."I don't want to "She say like a baby."Common "Salice say to her laughing."Ok let me kiss my girlfriend"Lauren say giving me a kiss "Good night honeybun"Lauren say to me."Goodnight beautiful I'm yours finally"I whisper in her ear.She laugh "Obviously".Demi got to the door with Salice saying goodbye to her and Lauren.
Demi's POV
  I went to the door with Salice "Good night Popeyes's Queen"I say to her smilling.She smile at me "Goodnight My Princess"She say giving me a kiss in my cheek."Done let's go u have to tell me everything "Lauren say grabbing Salice arm.I saw they walk away and I get inside.I stook in the door and I sigh."Wow what was that "Mila ask me smilling."Omg Mila I have to tell u"I say excited and running into her bed."What happen tell me everything"Mila ask.I get curious about what Lauren and her were doing in three hours."Wait ,What did u do with Lauren  in this three hours None of the girls were here?"I ask her she start blushing and nervous."Em why u change the question I ask first"Mila say nervously looking around."Mila what happen don't worry trust me!We have to wait with the girls or I have to tell again what happen"I say lookin her."Ok u are right well em u remember when I told u I make her mine right ?"She ask looking in my eyes."Yes you right?and she say that she was getting u"I say confuse.She look into my eyes with sparkles "No way she did here"I went to laugh standing up of her bed.Camila laugh hard"Noot here in the shower"She say looking me."Ahhh wow Mila .Why u didn't tell me at first?"I ask her."I was going but I wanted to hear u first about ur night"she say smilling."That's what I thought"I say hugging her."Where are the girls its almost 12:00am"I say to Camz worry."Idk they are together amd remember tommorrow we don't have activities Lauren,Ally ,Ariana and I just have a reunion with William"Camila say."At 12?"I ask."Yeah how u now?"Camila ask."Because me too"I say happy."Why is he doing ?"Camila ask
I totally forgot that was Camila's first year in the camp."He will talk about the carnival probably say who was going to solo or be in a group.I'm with Dinah and Mani just they "I say smilling."Ohh that's cool U hear Lauren's voice when she sings?"She ask me."Nop"I say smilling."Is like a angel"She say ."Gosh Mila u are really in love with her"I say giggling."Obviously she is a well my goddess"She laughing."Nevermind tell what happen in your date".She say with a little girl voice.I will tell Mila everything since the girls aren't here."Soo emm we talk I thought she would ask me tonight but she didn't .But we talk about where we lives,where university were going and then I ask her how she see her life in 2 years .What u think she say?"I say  smilling at Camila."Demz first I'm sorry maybe she thinks is so fast u guys will be together don't worry and second WHAT SHEE SAY."Mila say excited.I took a deep breath and "Yeah that's what I think and I knoww "I say clapping my hands"Mila omg I'm so excited she say that she would be marry to me.I think she say that without thinking.Because she went blush."I say happily.Camila was so excited"Ohh my godddd yeyyyy and what u say"she say clapping her hands.I look at her with gigglings."I kiss her"I say taking a breath."OMG"she scream so happy.
  Then the girls came in."Finally"I say to they."Sorry girls we were with Ally and her boyfriend and Mani"Ariana say sleepy. "Boyfriend?"Camila amd I ask ."Girls Ally have boyfriend he declared to her with flower in front of the theather"Dinah say."Omy god"Camila say smilling."Jay?"I ask the girls"Yep"Ariana say laying in her bed.Dinah lay in her bed fell sleep as Ariana do the same."I think we talk tommorrow"I say to Camz."Yeah
I think that too"Mila say smilling.

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