Wood fire at the lake part 2

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Lauren's POV
We start talking."Lauren what happen in the bridge with that girl?"Camila ask looking straight to my eyes.I knew she wanted to know. I saw her when all people splits but I don't want her to know.I'm falling for this girl so hard now what can I do?Do I have to tell her?what if she get scare of me and get away?Lauren remember what Salice say if u don't try u will not know what will happen *I say to myself*."Eemm It..was no big deal"I try to say the truth but my words couldn't get out."Lauren tell her "Salice say looking at me with big eyes.I look at her like I can't."You or me"Salice say.I look at Camila she was so confuse Demi was looking at Salice."Was so bad?"Demi say."No bae I just want to Lauren tell the truth"Salice say looking at Me."Salice it's wasn't a real big deal"I say with a high tone.Normani and Ally look at Salice."Ok if it wasn't a big deal u wouldn't get mad if I tell her"Salice say looking at me."Let her Lauren try"Normani whisper.I look at Mani then a Camila and then Salice .Salice was smirking and nodding at me. I nod so low and scare inside of me.Salice was looking at Camz while she was telling her the thing of the bridge.I see Camila gasping and then she look at me straight to my eyes ."So that's why I hear Bitch was that girl talking about me?but why she don't even now me"Camila say looking at me."Because that girl likes Lauren"Mani whisper.I look at her angrily.I feel Camila grabing my hand and I look at her "You do all that for me?"Camila ask like she could not believed."Yes that girl not have the law to call u like that with not even know u"I say looking at our hand interweaving.She got everything in a way I don't expect.I look at Salice "thanks"whispering.She smile and yaw at me.
Camila's POV
After I close Lauren Eyes she turn around and kiss my cheek.God she is so hot I still don't get how she is single.She grabbed my hand I loved the sensation I feel when she did and guide me to the perfect spot .We sit in the blankets they got and a wood fire with mashmellows,graham and nutella to make s'more was like a perfect date in the night with stars and the moon.We start talking I ask about the bridge lake Lauren say it wasn't a big deal but I saw her so nervous.Salice and Lauren look at each other so much before Salice explain me everything.I get why she was nervous my baby fight for me omg .She is feeling the same as me?or she is just being a good friend?I grab her soft soft hand and thank her she said that she wouldn't let anyone call me that ugly word.We interweaves our hands while we were talking .Demi "How u guys get the keys to our cabin?"she ask.Lauren's crew start laughing ."Well someone gave us a number of a cabin and keys and when we found the house .Was of u guys and our "punishment"was clean your room so Mani got the amazing Idea to get u a cute note"Ally say.
"U guys love it right"Salice say looking at Demi.Demi went blush.I look at Lauren's beautiful eyes "I love it"I say smirking at her.Dinah was laughing with Mani.Salice was talking with Demi they were blushing at each other were sooo cute.Ally and Ari were talking.
Lauren's POV
Camila smirk at me saying that she love my note.Ally"Guys we are going to the dinning room"say smilling at me.I look at her like dinning room now?!What She maybe wants to give us privacy .Ari go with her before she hugs Everyone.Ariana is so cute she loves hugs.We were just Salice and Demz ,Dinah Mani and Me and Camz. "U want to see the stars"Camz say .I turn at her blush "yeah course"I say shyly. "Why u are blushing baby?" Camila say.Did she just Call me bbyyy. "Em me? nah" I say smirking and she went to laugh.So I get our blanket and Camz got the some mashmellows. Salice was in Demiland she was hugging her seeing the lake that means something good happen.Mani was kissing Dinah's cheeks so they were busy."Girls I will go to the bridge to see the stars " I say grabbing Camz Hand and carrying her to the bridge's lake.We sit in the bridge's lake and we see each other for minutes "You know I really want to get close and know each ohter better"Camz said placing her head in my shoulder.She wants too I am so excited of what will happen next."Me too"I said hidding my excitement.We were in silent until Camz get her head off of my shoulder and Look at me "Lauren I am sorry" she say .I look at her "Sorry ab-" she kiss me.Her lips GOD she stop and look at me "I am so sorry"she say standing up .I stand up with her she try to run but she couldn't I grab her arm and push her close to me and kiss her again I wouldn't lost this perfect moment."GOD Lauren why u don't kiss me before"She whisper so low .I could barely hear her "I was afraid"I say.
Camila's POV
Lauren grab my hand and Carry me to the bridge's lake.I really want to kiss her.We sit in the bridge's lake we were in silently.I have my head in her shoulder and holding her hand seeing the stars.The perfect moment Camila try what would happen Camila try it try kiss her I said to myself.I raise my head out of her shoulder .I look at her and I say I was sorry when she start to ask why I was I KISS HER  she don't stop the kiss that was a good sign right?I stop the kiss and say"Sorry"again standing up I try to run away but she grab my arm and  pull me closer to her and she SHE kiss me.Her kisses ,HER LIPS this girl is gorgeous.When I whisper in low voice why she didn't try before and she say she was scared."Afraid of what Lolo?"I ask .Lauren was holding my waist I don't want she to let me go."I was scare of my feeling for u that u wouldn't feel the same as me"she say looking at me.I suspire and smile looking at her placing my arms around her neck and kiss her again.
Lauren's POV
I told her why I was afraid of and she kiss me again.I grab her waist more closer to me ."Lolo,I think we should go "she say sadly.That nickname gosh makes me crazy."I don't want to "I say kissing her neck.I leave her a hickie *giggles *to myself."GOSH yeah me neither"she say bitting her lip."Alright"I say.We get all and went to the girls we gasp Salice was above Demi kissing her.Mani and Dinah were laying in the blankets.I look at Camz she was laughing .I took a pic with flash and Salice"What thaa"she scream getting off Demi and helping her to stand up .I start laughing showing Camz the pic.Demi was red as a tomato."Time to go girls"Camz say laughing.They help us with all and we walk to the woods cabins And leave the girls in their wood cabin I kiss Camila's cheek "Bye Camz" I say and "Bye LOLO"she say excited.She was so freaking cutiest.Salice send a blow kiss to Demi and a yaw.Dinah and Mani were in the back saying goodbye. We get to our house as soon as we left the girls and we get to scream excited.

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