I ask her.

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Lauren's POV
Camila is so perfect.When I get inside the classroom with Camz holding her arm.The asshole of Austin came to Camila Ash I will kill him if he try something stupid."Hi Beautiful"Austin say to Camz.He call her beautiful ?He is blind or something.He don't see I am holding her hand underwined. I hold her more closer to me."What u want"Camila say to him."I want u"He say grabbing Camila's chin.He touch her?!!!hell noo.I take his arm off of my girl "Back off dumbass"I say angry as he laugh and see I was grabbing Camz's Hand.Camila hold me hard."Oh shit Lauren can we make a threesome?"He say.He didn't say that."You wish and let me told u something" He get close to me and cut me off "What u want to tell me baby"He say.Camila gets so mad she try to hit him but I stop her."Baby chill"I told her."Yeah baby chill"He say.I cant no more who he thinks he is? .I hit him in his balls so hard he gets down.All girls scream of happiness."I get into my knees to tell him "I don't want you bother Camila or any of my girls or the next time I see u close to my girlfriend I will break u and u know I meant it"I say standing up.I grab Camila's hand again and sit with Ally and Ariana."Wao u really are a bad ass"Ariana say looking at me."Thanks Ari but u know Austin and if someone don't take him in his place no one is going"I say ."Right"She raise her hand to high five.I hive five her."Thanks Lauren"Camila say looking down."Hey don't worry baby that asshole is not going to bother u again"I say raising her chin to me but she look down again."I'm yours Lau"She whisper.I stare at Camila and connect our lips slowly.  "I'm yours Camila Cabello"I say looking into her eyes went sparkling.
The teacher came all was good a guy help him to the nurse *Giggles*.
The music teacher's name was William."Take a partner everyone"He say.I was scared and excited at the same time.First I never sing in front of people just my girls and excited because I will listen to Camz.Ally and Ariana obviously get together I know Ariana sings amazing as Ally.He give us a paper with a song call 1000 hands
I never hear this song but Camz was so excited.I whisper to Ally "What u got". "em Dangerous Woman" she whisper back to me.I love that song.
William Check a list a pick a random name to start singing."I'm just doing this for see who got the high skill for sing in the Carnival we always do that at the end of the camp.alright?!so let's Start with Ally Brooke"He say.Shit I totally forgot about the Carnival."Carnival?" Camz ask."Yeah they always do that the end of the camp is super cool"I say to her."We are here"Ally say."Ok when ever u are ready"he say.Camila was surprised about Ally's voice.They give a amazing cover everybody claps."Wao"Camila say to the girls."Guys that was awesome"I say to Ally and Ariana."I'm with Ms.Jauregui could u girls sit in this part?" William say."U are next Ms.Jauregui"He say.I grab Camila and we sit in front of the people.
When Camila start to sing my heart miss a beat.Omg she sings amazing God if something she can't do?She is fucking perfect.Then was my turn I could feel Camila looking me smilling.
Camila's POV
OMGODD Lauren singing is killing me is amazing her raspy voice.She sing beautiful.I can't stop looking at her.We have to sing at the same time gosh was a amazing we sing like superstar.We finish and I look at her "I love u"I whisper to her .She looks at me.Everybody stand up to clap us as Ally and Ariana came to us excited.William "Wao" he say "sit with Ally and Ariana please I will talk to all of u when the activity end"He say."Lolo I didn't know u sing"I said smilling."I know I'm awful"she answer me.She was kidding right?."U are kidding me right baby U sing amazing PERFECT"I say to her holding her face close to me.She blush "Camz I love u too"She said between our lips.
A lot of girls sings but none get to sit with us .The activity end and William came to us."Girls u are the best singers in this first activities I will do the same to the second period of class and see who is high and then we talk and start practicing to the Carnival ok ?"He ask us."Alright"All of us say at the same time.I get outside with my girlfriend and saw Demi and Salice.
Salice's POV
I walk with Demi to our class.While we were talking.I took a deep breath a "Demi u want to go out with me?"I ask without thinking.I saw her getting blush."Yes"she say excited."Well we can't go out out but I will suprise u so Tonight at the bridge's lake?I say to her smilling ."Alright "She giggles as we get into the room and sit together.
Yes I did it.So now what the fuck I can make?.The teacher came present herself as Kate."Hi everyone we will be outside today taking photo about whatever beautiful " she say smilling.All the group splits Demi and I get together obviously.We start walking I sit in a rock a d Demi took me a picture.

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