Last Hours at Camp

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Salice's POV
  Well waking up naked and have your girlfriend by your side same its pretty hot.I was admiring her beauty when she sleep she look like a angel she is so fucking perfect.I start rubbing her hair for a second then I stop and she take my hand to her hair to continue.I smile for her action she was so cute."Good *yawning* Morning"she said.I giggle "Good morning Princess"I said getting my hand  down to rubbing her cheek.She look at me with those chocolate eyes that make me OMG."What?"I ask her."Nothing is just I love you"She said smilling.I get close to her to give a her a quick peck in her lips."Me too Lovato"I said smilling back."How u feel?"I ask her.She just suspire and look at me then connect our lips for a moment and take off to take a breathe "Full of energy"she said connecting our lips again I feel her smile between.
Demi's POV
Salice is a stunning,beautiful and gorgeous women I have the best luck waking by her side.Yesterday night was unbelievable.I was kissing her passionatly we had a little make out scene."Ready to pack?"She ask me.I feel so sad this is our last day tommorow in the morning we go to our houses fuck I am gonna miss my beautiful dorks best friends."Yes"I said sad.She hug me "Don't worry it will be fine"She said to me."Baby what are we going to do?"I ask her curious.She look at me confuse "What do u mean?"She ask me."Well we live in Cali,our universities are gonna be like 15 or 20 min away.U want to get a mini apartment for both of us or we are gonna move to one of each house or with me?"I said.She look at me surprised like when I said to move with me to live with me I know is maybe fast but I want her I mean I know she is the one and only."U live alone?"She ask me."Yep."I said.I don't want to talk about my parents but I know I have to tell her."Ur parents baby"She said shyly."Well
they are like well we don't talk since I had the eating desorder and caught me drinking.Then I had a job in a movie Camp Rock  and make money and I  go away to make my life so here I am now."I said looking down nervous.She grab my chin to look at her eyes "Hey don't do that now I'm here u are not going to be alone never again"She said and I nod.She is so careless and kind and gentle and omg she is everything.I give her a last kiss.I get our clothes to get ready to go with the girls.
Mani's POV
I was happy to awake this days with Dinah by my side but I was thinking and thinking what the hell I am going to do about our places like she lives in
Cali and I live in Georgia 33hours of distance Fuck.Demi and Salice live in Cali too but WAIT if we are having plans to move all together I can just change of school right?My parents are always traveling they always ask me if I want to move of school they wouldn't have problems.My friends this years told me that they were going to move so yeah why not I have a beautiful girlfriend now And I don't gonna leave her I think will be fun because is going to be Salice and Demz.I know all girls we will make it and get together.I have only this day to call my parents and to they change my ticket.I will call them in breakfast will be a surprise for D.I hope they said yes.
Camila's  POV
We help the girls with her suitcases and they are ready they just leave the clothes for tonight and for the morning airport.This day is would be sad as hell.I never wake up earlier but is amazing seeing my beautiful girlfriend sleeping she looks so adorable.
  I stay freeze looking at her like an idiot.Until she start talking"Camzncsdontjcscleavecwjcmee".   she whisper dreaming.I jump a little a whisper "Lauren?" she don't respond she was dreaming omg awn I wondering about what she was dreaming.Why she would said that I will never do that.But I continue admiring her all the girls where sleeping Mani was awake but thoughtful rubbing Dinah.Until Lauren jumps scaring me.
Lauren's POV
  I was in my school in Miami with Camila by my side holding hands.Camila is new in the school so anyone know her.My friends came to hug me and push Camila to a side.I was so happy for see them again.When I realize Camila wasn't there I start searching for her.*U don't see a girl with black hair with a middle stature?*I ask everyone no sign of her.Then there is she but with a guy touching her I walk through them.Camila
don't look at me I was so jealous.I grab her arm and take her to the bathroom and we start to talk about it when she was going angry I grab her hand and said "Camz don't leave me"and she look at me with watering eyes.
I jump about that orrible dream to saw Camila staring at me.We are here good wow I hate those dreams."U are okay baby?"she ask me.I look at her a kiss her soft lips I need that for be sure."Yeah was just a orrible nightmare"I said looking at her I see in her eyes her worry now."Why u said Camz don't leave me?"she ask me.Did I just said that loud?.Now I have to tell her."I said that loud?"I ask and she nood.I have to tell her because I don't want to think wrong."Well was like we are in the High and I hug my friends and u dissapear and I find u with a guy touching ur ass.I grab u and u were angry and I grab your hand and said that but I wake up"I said nervously.Feel so real Thanks God wasn't.She grab my hand were I have our promise ring "Baby how I would change these *touching all my body* for a guy?U are the only one I want.You have to dump me because I won't do it.Remember this *Pointing to our ring*is our promise and I am yours and"She said smilling touching my cheek."You are mine.I will never dump u.Someone have to kill me to do that u are my Jackspot baby u are my freaking all"I said grabbing her cheeks closer to a kiss.She is so GOSH amazing the way she think the way she makes me feel I know we are meant to be together I can feel it.
We were just kissing until "Love birdss!"Salice said in the door waking everyone up."OMGOSH"I said laughing with Camz."For real"I said throwing Salice a pillow.
  Salice's POV
I go inside my cabin with my princess and the first thing I saw is Lauren and Camila kissing.I scream and Lauren throw me a pillow.I laugh God I will miss that Biscuit so fucking much."Sooo?"Dinah ask."Unbelievable"Demi said with a big smile."Omy gosh Demi control ur pussy"Mani said giggling."No Mani wait"Camila said giggling looking at Lauren touching her neck."Oh We can see Demi we can see was pretty awesome right"Lauren said giggling and Mani "Oh shit Salice"Said.Demi take a mirror and saw all her neck and collarbone full of hickies and start to laugh."Salice go a head"Lauren said touching her own shirt.I get it"Oh well"I said lifting my shirt a little bit to saw my hickies everyone get excited "Yey"Mila said clapping and jumping in Demi to a hug."Where is Ariana?"Demz ask.The girls look at each other "Omg she never came back?"Dinah ask."I thought she came back"Mani said surprised."Well I think she sleep yesterday at Elizabeth's cabin then"Lauren said smilling at all."Omg"I said.Ariana is like an angel I can believe this well she need privacy too and it her last day with her girlfriend well I don't know what they would do but omg I remmeber when Demi said to move with her I am so happy *giggles to myself*."Can we go eat now?"Dinah said rubbing her stomach."Ready?"I ask.They all nod amd we go to breakfast.
Mani's POV
We were in break fast  time to call my parents."Hey bae I am going to the bathroom I be right back"I said to my girlfriend she nod.
I take my phone out and deal with my Dad's number.Is calling.....
*Hello*My dad said in the other line.
"Hello Dad I have something to tell u well ask u"I said nervously.*Sweety We have something to tell u too*He said.I will let he talk first."Yeah?What happen Dad u can go first"I said to him.*Well u remember why we put u again the camp?*he ask me I really don't remember anything My thoughts were on Dinah and moving to Cali."Sorry Dad I don't remember"I said.*Its okay so was because we need to close a bussiness in California and if all was good we have to move there.I know u don't want to move from Georgia Sweety but *He said until I cutt her off.OMG this can be more perfect omy God I am so idiot how I forgot that I start dancing in the bathroom I wanna scream."Dad is okay I was calling for that for moving to California.Look Dad I know u always are protecting me and always telling that I have to be who I am and Dad I have a girlfriend now that live there"I said hoping to he don't hung up.*For real sweety U want to move?Well they send a message now is confirm the bussines.Sweety I am proud of u.You never are afraid to show who u are I am so happy u meet her there?*He ask me.I am so excited."Yeah Dad I am sorry"I said because maybe he want to be married to a guy and have kids well Dinah and I can adopt but u know.*Sorry about what sweety u are happy?Right what the matter*he said."Omg Dad I love u so much."I said with a big smile.*Oh and sweety don't worry I will change ur ticket now and send it to u alright.Ur mom and I are in Cali right now for searching houses*he said."Thank u so much Dad"I said and hung up.I start dancing and Lauren came and Salice.

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