Hot moment...

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Lauren's POV
We were walking through lunch I have my girlfriend by my side.I haved her dream in my mind yet was so cute.Camz go with the girls for food and I was with Salice in the table "How u doing Hon?"I ask Salice."Lauren I am so fucking nervous."She said looking at my eyes."Salice u don't have to do it if u are not ready"I said to her, she look at me so extrange."No I mean I want to make her Mine.But is like a feel like if I do it wrong or if I don't make her happy"She said embarrassed.I was trying to control not laugh "Omg Salice are u fucking kidding me.Salice u are going to be fine Demi loves u and she is nervous too.Is Normal be like that.I was when u leave me with Camz alone! but Camz make me feel safe and confident about me."I said giggles.I think my words get Salice."U know what?U are right!Omg Thank u so much Laur and I knew if I let you alone with Mila you will have a big smile later so look at you now you have to thank me"She said to me and I giggle "Yeah yeah thank you"I said .The girls came."What happen here?"My honeybun ask.Salice and I look at each other and start to laugh."Nothing "Salice said."Omg girls! I am so happy"Dinah said.Camz sit by my side her hand was on my thigh gosh she know me."Te amo bebe"she whisper in my hear.Oh shit she talk to me in her cuban accent that turn me."Dinah we know YOU and MANI get fuck"Ally said laughing hard.
Salice's POV
What Lauren tell me really get in me.When my bae came she look at me so sparkling."Hello princess again"I said to her smilling.She blush I loved the fact we are together and she still blushing about me is so adorable."Hhi"she said shyly.I know she is nervous so Am I but I know all is gonna be okay.
Then Dinah said a comment about her that we all know about what she was refering. Camila was telling something to Lauren in her ear that makes Lauren like so nervous.She suspire so low nobody her it I hear it because I am in front of her.I give her a quick kick down the table.Lauren look at me with wide eyes."Em I have to I mean WE have to talk to Jennifer"She said standing up of the table getting Camila by her arm.Camila look at her confuse but following her.They leave Demi and I look at each other "What was that?"Demi ask me."No idea"I said giggling."Where Lauren and Camila go?"Mani ask me."To talk with Jennifer"I said.I know Lauren she was horny after Camila whisper in her ear something."How about we go to the lake?"Elizabeth said."I love that Idea"Dinah said.We all nod take our food to the trash and heat the lake.
Camila's POV
I whisper to my girlfriend in my cuban accent while I have my hand on her thigh.I think I turn her *giggles to me* then she without saying nothing to me she grab my arm.She guide me "Bae where are you taking me bae?"I ask her "Trust me"she said.I always trust her but she take me through the lake but more to the woods then there was a mini house I never knew "Bae where are we?"I ask her confuse she have the keys of this house."Don't worry bae this house is Jennifer's"She said.She unlock the door and grab me close to her connecting our lips yep I turn her.I jump in her waist she catch me and we enter the house was really pretty with a couch,a kitchen and one bed simple.She throw me in the bed "Talk spanish Camz"She said getting above of me connecting our lips again."Lauren"I said while she go to my neck "Eres hermosa"I said then a moan go out of me."Hazme tuya otravez"I said.She was on my collarbone then came back to my lips with a passion kiss and with her tongue getting in my mouth.She sit above of me and grab me by my shirt kissing me.She take out my shirt and then was taking my bra "Eres perfecta"she whisper kissing my chest and pushing me again to the bed.I never hear her accent omy god her raspy voice makes me omy.I rolled above of her "Camila"she said in her accent oh shit.I kiss her lips again then her neck "Take your clothes out"I. said to her she obey me.Then start to the part a left kissing her chest then her tummy amd then her gorgeous thighs."Camz"She moan.I lick all of her .Lauren push me close to her taking a deep breath "Te amo Camila"she said.I don't know why but I feel like our first time so full of enery about those words in spanish."Yo mas mi amor"I said that and she smile "omg"she said smilling getting above of me she start to kiss all my body like always "Estas wet"Lauren said giggling."Can u ahh"I moan while she kiss my part.I get the sheets of the bed "FUCK"I scream she came to my lips.My phone buzz in the floor.I ignored it and follow our passionatly kiss I take a deep breath "I fucking love u Lauren Jauregui I'm so lucky to have u"I said looking at her eyes above of me."I got the jackspot With u Camila"she said.Awwn.I grab her again to our 100th kiss.Minutes after her and my cell start to ring.
"What sup"Lauren said."Ok"she finish her call."Hello"I said."Mila where the fuck are u.We are on the lake"Dinah said in the other line."Ok I see u there"I said I don't want to tell her by phone.
"Bae who was it?"I ask my naked girlfriend."Normani yours?"She said."Dinah Lake?"I said to her."Same"She said.She was grabbing her clothes I go closer and smack her for the last time I bite her ass."Perv Camz"She said giggling."Is for reminder"I said giggling hugging her back with a kiss in her neck."I love yours reminder I am yours babe"She said with a moan."I am yours too let's go I want to see Demz before she go with Sal"I said smilling getting dress.
Lauren's POV
Camila,Camila,Camila, fuck I love that girl.They way she makes me feel when we are together.I love our relationship is not all about sex is about we understand each other,don't keep secrets,trust,loyalty ,cuddles fall in love all days more and more.We almost have two months and half together .When we get dress and I unlock the Jennifer's house.I grab her ass and she turn around after she said something a kiss her for the last time.We heat to the lake.
"Well hello there love birds how u doing"Salice said giggling."Hey girls whatsup"I said and Camz sit in my lap."How was it?"Dinah ask laughing.I was so confuse I was so obvious?I don't think so the only person who see me was Salice."How was what?"Camz ask nervous."Common Girls we know and "Ariana said touching Camz's neck and get her shirt a little down to see her collarbone."WOW"Demz said surprised.What is happening then I saw Camz neck she look at me.I start to laugh and take a pic for Camz to see a line of four big hickies."Lauren!"She said laughing and giving me a quick pick."U horny BITCHES"Salice said laughing with Demz between her legs."I know"I said laughing.We talk and get to remember our moments in this lake.Then We finish and go to our houses "Demz here u go"Ariana said to Demz giving her shorts and a t-shirt."How u feeling hon?"I ask Salice."Pretty good "Salice said looking down."Omg stop Salice if u are not ready say it dumbass"I said to Salice who look at me and start to laugh"U are kidding right I am ready"Salice said with a big smile looking at Demz.

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