I love HER

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Lauren's POV
I cant believe my girlfriend live in my street omy God."Hey Lauren how u meet Camila?"My dad ask me.I remember everything like it was yesterday.I start to giggle "Well the first day of camp u know Jhonny make the reunion and blah"I said and my dad nod."So I get late at the
reunion"my Dad cut me off "Always"He said giggling."Shh so when I turn around to search Mani and Ally between I have a new best friend.A girl gasp so hard and I try to look at her but she aka Camz hide and Mani ask for me who was she and all that stuff and Mani introduced me and I get super weird like I freeze watching her eyes,grabbing her soft hand and watching her angel face I fall in love"I finish with a big smile."U are so in Love Lauren"My dad said."Yes I am Dad.She makes me so happy"I said playing with my promise ring."I am so proud of u Lauren she is so sweet and kind she is perfect for u.And who is ur new?"he said with a smile."I got the jackpot with her Dad.Her name is Salice she is hispanic but live in Cali. "I said and he smile "I am really happy Lauren for u.What is that?"He ask watching me playing with my ring."Oh our promise ring She have one too for our first month together"I said smilling."So she is the one?"He said.My dad knows when I love someone I love hard."Yes Dad she is"I said getting out of the car.
I go to my room to get all my stuff on her place and text my girls.I already miss Camz she probably is doing the same thing as me taking her things and calling the girls.I know she will text me.
Camila's POV
I call the girls Demi and Salice were with Mani and D eating.Ariana was with Elizabeth in her house.The told me that they will call me everyday I have a big smile I already missing my goddess and my friends.Its just been 20min since she leave I can't leave without her is so weird be at my room alone I miss Demi and the girls going to my bed and talk about our girlfriends is hard.*Clack* The door close my mom is here I am so nervous."Karla!"she scream."Comming"I said omy omy God I am so nervous I am afraid.I went down stairs and my mom was in the kitchen with her arms cross."Hi mom I miss u"I said she came closer and slap my cheek."Auch"I said rubbing my cheek."How could u do this to me Karla?"She exclaimed."What did I do Mom?!"I said."U have a girlfriend who is that girl?When u start have feeling for girls!Was the camp right!Answer me!"My mom said with a high tone.I am so done"MOM!Stop alright!Why u care now u never are with me u never lising to me about how I feel.U never sit with me and talk about my stuff all is your job job this job that.The camp was the best time I got in my whole life.I make friends amazings friends that care about me and protect me and I knew this amazing girl that I am so lucky to have as my GIRLFRIEND!"I exclaimed.I try to go but my mom grab my arm hard stopping me."U are hurting me!!"I scream and my tears go down she was holding me so hard."Karla I only do this for ur sister and Dad.I don't want u with that girl understand!!That's not correct is a sin Karla"She said."WHAT NOOO u can do that ur crazy?.Don't bring that Mom because in the Bible says that God will take care of us!I will never break up with Lauren I LOVE LOVE HER" I said loud taking her hand off of my arm I was going outside the house until my mom start to cry "Was my fault?"She ask."No mom my heart fall for her.U know u can't decide to be in love with. U know that you always told me that.Can u please try to know her u will love her I promise"I said hugging my mom."I am so sorry Camila I blind myself I know u cant decide to be in love with.I will try alright just I need time."she said.I don't said anything.I thought I was going to sleep outside or she will kick me out.She went to her bed.I go to the beach to relax myself because my heart is scare yet.
I was on the beach and I start to cry hard my cheek hurt so much and my arm have the mark of my mom's hand.Lauren call me "Camz u are ok?I am worry.Where are u?"she said.I sob "I am on the beach can u come please?"I ask her.I need my girlfriend right now."I be there in two"She said and We hung up.I stare to the ocean its was almost 7:00pm I know my mom is probably crying in her bedroom.Its not my fault I just love Lauren she is the love of my life and I won't leave her never.My tears were going down.
Lauren's POV
Its almost 7:00pm and Camz not call me.I decide to call her because I feel somthing is wrong.She answer me and I could feel her in pain.She said she is on the beach I get my keys "Mom I be back"I said I drive to the beach.There was a lonely girl sitting watching the ocean."Camz?"I said behind her."Lolo?"she said turning around and jump in me to a hug.She was crying what happen."Baby u alright?What happen"I ask Camz.She look down with her arms hide in her back.What is she hidding.She was sobbing.I lift her face "Camila what the fuck is this"I exclaimed looking at her right cheek red "Nothing bae"she said with more tears when she clean her tears I saw her arm "Camila what is THAT ?What happen?!"I said worry.She have her cheek red and in her arm have a mark of fingers.She hide her arm fast "My mom slap me because she was angry about me having a girlfriend.She try to separate me from u.Then the arm was because I said I wasn't going to do that because I really love u.Then she start crying and at final she said she will try to meet u but she need time.I really don't want to go home Laur.I'm scare."She said resting in my shoulder.Gosh I am so worry "Hey u want to fight for our love?"I ask her grabbing her cheeks carefully I look at her eyes.She look at me and make a little smile "Yeah!And for u I will do anything Lauren Jauregui I wanna marry u"She said looking at my eyes.When she said does thing my stomach went full of butterflies like the first time.I kiss her soft lips and I feel her smile.Why her mom is not happy for Camz if she is Happy?I don't get it.
Camila's POV
Is official Lauren make me get away from reality.I feel like she and I are the only one in this planet.I never gonna break up with Lauren my mom have to be happy for me because I am happy to be with Lauren I mean I feel I am lucky.She kiss me and I feel fireworks."Let's go"Lauren said taking me to her car.She open my door "What a gentle"I said with smile making her smile.I really don't wanna go home.Lauren's smile is the most beautiful thing in the word is ART.She grab my hand and we walk inside the house a big house.

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