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Normani's POV
   Ally and I invited Dinah and Ariana to the theater.Always they make a reunion to talk about the Carnival .Ally and I wait for Dinah and Ariana outside of the theater."Hii D"I say to ma girl while Ariana hug Ally."Hi mani"She answer me smilling.I don't know why but she makes me feel butterflies in my stomach."Let's get inside girls"Ally exclaimed.We enter there was not much people I just know Jay and Nick who were so weird tonight.We sit together I always grab Dinah's hand.Johnny came "Everybody u know we got a festival they will be surprises .I would let u see a movie since everybody is not here."He said.We will see Dirty Dancing."What is the plot of this movie?"Dinah say confuse.Wait she never see Dirty dancing?All of us look a her weird."U never see Dirty Dancing?"Ally say.Ariana nod weird."Nop"Dinah say."Omg D so u have to stay focus alright?"I say to her smilling."Dinah u will like it"Ariana say giggling.While we see the movie at dark Dinah lay on my shoulder.She makes me nervous why?I don't have a idea Her smile,her personality is amazing.After one hour of the movie I was looking at her thinking about why she makes me feel so nervous while I decide to give me a try."Dinah"I say as she raise her head off my shoulder looking at me."What suuu.."She say but I cut her kissing her.She don't stop ?she don't push me away? When I was going to separate my lips from hers she grab my cheeks to her  and kept kissing me.I have  my answer I'm in love with Dinah Jane.This amazing kiss make this thoughts concretes her lips my god.When she separate her lips "Finally Mani "Dinah say smilling.Finally?she was waiting for me to kiss her."Too late?"I say giggling as she laugh."U want to be my.."I say nervously while she cut me off."Yes"Dinah say smilling giving me a kiss.When the movie finish we saw Nick coming to us."What u want asshole?"I say to him."Ey Mani easy I came in peace"Nick say nervously."That's what I thought"I say to him."Ally would u follow me"Nick say to Ally.I saw Nick and Jay nervous before the movie what they are planning.We follow him outside the theather and he guide us to the back."Omg"Ally say excited.We all smiled.Was Jay with a big cardboard and flowers.The cardboard was so cute say.
Dear Allyson Brooke Since the day u came in this camp I fall completely in love with u.I know My shyness never let me to get close to you but this days in theather with u.Were amazing and makes me fall more for u.Can u please give the chance to be ur boyfriend?
  Ally was crying "Yes yes yes"she say as he kiss her happily.I look at Dinah why I ask her so empty damn she deserves more jum.Think Normani Think ugh I need help.We stay a little with the new couple.Ariana was so sleepy "We should go"Dinah say holding Ari. "I walk with both "I say to Dinah leaving Ally with her boyfriend "Hey Jay take care of her Or u know what u gonna get"I say to Jay."Don't worry Normani I am not Austin"He say laughing.I know he is a good guy.I walk with Dinah and Ariana to their cabin.Ariana get first to her cabin huggin me"Goodnight Mani"She say sleepy.She is a cutiepie.
"Goodnight Ari"I say hugging her back."So "Dinah say smilling.What I do omg I'm so nervous."yeah"I say as she grab me closer to her "Common Mani stop being nervous around me"She say giggling.Omg "I cant u are hella beautiful"I say nervously.She kiss me and "Allright I will fix that good night Bear"she say smilling."Goodnight D"I say smilling to her.
   I walk to my cabin and Ally was there like "Wth Ally how u came so fast?"I ask her."Oh I run because Jay was trying to catch me "She say laughing."U are happy happy right"I say to her."Of course my crush is now my boyfriend "She say with the cardboard in her and smelling the flowers.Then Salice and Lauren came wait I never see that sweatshirt before."Hi girls"Lauren say smilling with Salice."Hiiii"Ally say excited.They walk to us "Omg Ally what is that?"Salice ask with a big smile."No shit"Lauren say surprised."Yes Jay is my boyfriend"Ally say excitedly."Omg this is so cute"Lauren say smilling.I was looking at her."I'm so happy for u little Ally"Salice say giggling.I clean my throat "Em Lauren who is that sweatshirt?"I ask confuse.Salice and Ally looks each other."Oh is from Camz"She say smilling."Why u girls do in this three hours?"I ask curious."Noooo shit Lauren "Salice say surprised.I love Lauren and Salice but they have like a connection so friendship goals."I don't get it"I say confuse."Just think about it Mani sweatshirt and her clothes in a bag?"Ally say surprised too.Omg she slept again with Mila."U make her yours?"I ask her more curious."Heh maybe"She say with a sparkle eyes."Mani after u start I going to tell u was the best thing I ever do in my life I feel connection I feel saved with her"she say looking at me.She really knows me I was going to start fighting but I get her I see her so in loveee and soo happy after she meet Mila.That makes me scared because I know she love hard."Ok Laur"I say smilling to her.Salice hug Lauren "Ma girl"Salice say while she was hugging Lauren."What about u Salice how was ur date"Ally ask.She suspire "AMAZING "She scream laying in her bed."What about u Normani u have something?" Salice ask me smilling.I gonna tell because I really need help to do something to Dinah."Yeppp and I need help"I say looking at all the girls."What's wrong?"Lauren ask.She always cared about me and support me I have to do the same for her."So I kiss Dinah "All the girls get surprised "I ask her she say yes but she deserve more like u all know what I mean?"I finish."U did what"Lauren say laughing."Lauren please"I say looking at her."I'm sorry i'm sorry "Lauren say."I get u we will help u don't worry"Salice say throwing Lauren a pillow.I love Salice is such a amazing friend.Ally nod."thanks Salice".I say smilling to her.We get too sleep.
  When we wake up was 10:00am God.We all get ready because we got a reunion with William and we have to eat breakfast.
  Camila's POV
We wake up earlier "Hey Demz how was ur date yesterday?"Ariana ask.I look at Demz."Was unbelievable amazing perfect"she say smilling ."Omy gosh Demz chill "Dinah say smilling."How about uuu Mila Mila"Ariana say.Demz went to laugh so I throw her my pillow."What happen Mila?"Dinah ask confuse."Well Lauren make me hers"I say fast with my eyes close to don't see their expressions.I just hear gasp and Demi laughing."She did what"Ariana say."Yeah she did it in ur bed Dinah"Demz say laughing more.Dinah stand up fast.I went to laugh Ariana was surprised."No no Dinah in none of the beds"I say looking at all and getting a pillow  fight with Demz."Where it was"Dinah ask."Emm in the shower"I say as they laugh with relief."One of u got something new?"Demz ask."I have nothing I'm forever alone"Ariana cuddling with Demz."Talk to Elizabeth"Demz say bother Ariana."Shut up"Ari say smilling pushing her ."and u Dinah?"I ask her."Actually yes I Mani ask me yesterday"Dinah say smilling."Wait wat?"Ariana exclaimed ."For real?"Demz say smilling.I was surprised."Omg Dinah"I say."Yes and she kiss me"She say smilling."Ari say it or I will"I say laughing at Ariana.I'm happy for all my girls gosh I love this girls."Don't u dare"she say with a funny tone."Group hug group hug"Ariana say excited.We hug each other and we start get ready to go eat and go to the reunion.I feel fire inside of me yet.Lauren my girlfriend omg I just can't stop thinking about yesterday gosh damn that girl's body.Camila chill Perv.I will marry that girl I promise.All promises I say I meant it like What I say if I saw my dream girl alive I will do anything to be with her and I Did."Let's go girls"Demz say excited ."Omg Demz control yourself"I say giggling.We get to the breakfast and My baby and the girls were there.

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