Wood fire at the lake

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Lauren's POV
Camila 's cabin was two cabins down from mine."Biscuits em if u can't find me at nights,Y'all know were I am alright?"she say smilling."God Salice chill ur pussy" I say Laughing."Sorry biscuit I was just warning u and the girls to don't worry"she say bitting her lips smilling.Mani, Ally and me were laughing so hard.I got the keys of my pocket and see around again if the girls or anyone was comming.We enter the room and was so organized it was so easy to know which bed belongs to.Camz have a nightstand by her bed with a picture .Obviously has to be her family duh.

Obviously has to be her family duh

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She look so cute in all ways GOD. I put my note in her bed by her pillow .She have a lot of Bows and hats cutiest thing ever right *giggling*.Salice and the girls put their notes in things like well Ally tape her note in Ari's lamp,Normani in the nightstand and Salice tape her note in the wall of Demi's bed."Why u are giggling Lauren Jauregui?" Ally ask me."What u got in mind Biscuit?"Salice ask me."What u guys talk about?"I ask confuse.I know what they mean but i don't want to say nothing ."Lauren u say in ur note that we will meet at 9 at the lake right?"Mani say thoughtful."Yeeeah why"I say questioning ."I got a IDEA" she say clapping excited."Another one?"Ally say with big smile.We were talking in Camila and Demi's room ."How about we carry blankets and make a little wood fire(campfire)?" Normani say looking at all of us."Damn Mani bear I LOVE YOUR IDEAS but we have to get mashmellows,grahams and NUTELLA" Salice say smilling and hugging Mani."I love that And see the stars and SHOOT I don't have anyone!"Ally said a little bit sad."Because u don't want! You just have to talk to Jay"Mani say to Ally.Ally roll her eyes ."What u think biscuit"Salice said looking at me.I have Camila's pic in my hands "Yes i like the idea and Salice I am with u about the food " I say placing the pic in the nightstand."Let's go guys I don't want the girls came and see us here!".Salice say ."Right "I say as we again see around checking all was clear nobody comming .We run to our house because lunch is almost over.
Camila's POV
  We finish eating and we walk to our room.I really was hoping to Lauren send me a text to know about her.
  We enter our room talking about things about the camp until all of us GASP. ¿How? .Lauren leave me a note as Salice did with Demz,Mani to Dinah and Ally to Ari .I blushed after I read Lauren's note she want to know each other better and get close.This girl how to make fall in love people I don't get yet WHY is she single."Girls they want us to meet them at the lake at 9"I say excited.Demi have a big big smile Salice makes her shy in person and blush by little details relationship goals."We are going right?"Ari say looking all of us.I was bitting my lips "YES but how they do this? "I ask ."No idea"Dinah say. "We will ask them"Demz say.We go to our closet to search something pretty to wear for tonight we don't have any idea what we would do .What is the plan?Lauren just say meet us .We start getting ready I pick a black ripped jeans at knees ,a shirt that said stussy and my sk8-hi vans black and white.I left my hair down.Demz get a black shorts really cute with a black top and a vest like green and convers she look so cute she look amazing with all.Dinah use a casual dress with a beanie.Ari jeans and a gray top.We all dress really cute."How do i look?"Demz ask."Hot"Dinah say.Ari and I nod and smile at her with thumbs up.We were walking to the lake and the girls were there Lauren was so hot.I could only see her back and that booty.I walk silently and I close her eyes."Who is it?"Lauren say grabing my hands turning around and seeing me.
Lauren's POV
" Girls two hours left"I say excited.
"yey Let's get dress"Mani say.We thought that we have to get the perfect outfit.While we were choosing our outfits we start talking "Guys I never feel like this like being in love never!"Salice sounding a little bit sad but smilling."Don't worry Salice there is always a first time"Ally say rubbing Salice." Me neither I am like scare of being happy"I say making clothes to look good."Wait what ?!! U never tell that u always say that was because u don't find the indicated !"Mani say confuse."That too but I was thinking about what is happening to me with Camz and I am scared"I say with my eyes watery.All girls stop what they were doing and hug me.Then Salice grab my hand and sit me at the bed "Tell me baby why u are scared ?"she say."I don't really know like to do something wrong ,to lose her or to finish with my heart broken *My tears fell in my cheeks*or to never have her"I say trying to not cry.Salice was hugging me "Lauren It's ok to feel that and to cry bby but how u would know what will happen if u don't try , If u don't give you a chance to love.I will tell what would happen if u don't take the chance you deserve you'll be sorry for not having tried and feel miserable for not take the risk.Don't worry if u get hurt I will be here by ur side I promise alright?"She say smilling.Normani and Ally have they eyes watering about what Salice say"Same Lauren"they say.I hear every word that Salice said those words really really touch me I thanks again to God to have her she is a trueee friend God I never meet a girl like she so real.I look at her and hug her hard "U really promise ?" i ask."I promise Lauren Jauregui "she say cleaning my tears and giving me a kiss on my forehead .After this amazing moment we group hug and go back to get a outfit finaly I get white rasped jeans and a Black top with my boots.Salice use a blue jean with a vest around her waist and a white top .Her top let us see a big tattoo on her back that say "When you are solid nothing can break u"with a cross.She was goals literally."God Salice "I say looking at her."I know i know its not finish yet"she say laughing.Mani use a blue dress and Ally shorts and a shirt .All girls get one blanket and Salice got Mashmellows and Graham cookies to makes s'mores and Nutella her obsession.We get to the lake and Salice and I start looking at the lake and Mani and Ally were looking the best spot.Until someone close my eyes I grab the hands and turn around was Camz!omg i get excited and hug her giving her a kiss in her soft cheek."Looking hot Camz!"I say to her bitting my lip.Her booty .GOD TAKE MERCY.Salice start blushing at Demi she looks so cute .Mani always flirting hardcore.Ally was talking and laughing with Ariana.Then Each of us grab our babies hands and carrying they to the spot.We start to ........

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