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Camila's POV
  We enter at the dinning room laughing and I was looking for Lauren.For Lauren?Yes i want to see her.When I see one guy with a wet shirt  and two guys behind him I did not know who they are but then I see Normani and Lauren's back and in front of them was Ally and another really hot girl.Ally and the other girl was looking at me like telling I am here.I look At Dinah and Ari .
"Dinah you see the girl with a black jacket ?"Ariana said to D.
"The girl who is watching Mila?"Dinah said."Yes that one .That is Lauren"Ariana said smilling."Omg Not bad Mila!"Dinah said laughing "Shut up! Is she looking?"I ask trying to control my self.
After that I see Demz and the other girl with Ally staring at each other.Then I grab Demz and the other girls to make the line to get our breakfast.When I begin to ask her she went soo red and nervous. I was trying to not laugh but I couldn't ."Are u okay Demz?"I said with giggles."Demz what happen?"Ariana ask."Guys they are watching us"Dinah said nervously."Are they? Guys I am ok but u guys see the girl at the left side of Ally?"Demz said nervous.That is weird."I just saw how she looks at u."I said bothering her."Common Mila stop she she is really hot.Wait what"Demz said."Omg Another one in love!"Ariana said smirking.
We got our food and take a table.I was hugging Demz because I know how it feels.We start bother Demz and eat our food .Then like 10 minutes later Normani came."Hii Mila,Demi and Ari "She said.This is so weird Normani always hug us.But no this time she was talking and at the same time staring at Dinah.We see at each other and laugh .
"This is not fair!"Ariana said giggling.Dinah push her and I laugh hard with Demz until Normani say
"Can we sit here?"Mani ask nervous.I literally freak out . I see Demz she start shaking and Ari answer."Sureee why not."Ariana reply with a smile at Mani.Normani go to search her friends.Until they came Demz,Dinah and I looks at Ari like we are gonna kill you later."Chill guys everything is going to be ok!u will thank me later."Ariana said still giggling.Omg I can believe this is happening .
Lauren's POV
  I was trying to see Camz but she start talking to Ariana and other girl I didn't know.Ally shows Salice who was Camila."She is so cute Lauren.Now I have a question."Salice said shyly."What ?"I ask her."Who is the girl at her side with part of her head shave?"Salice ask.Normani and I looks behind
us to see  about who she was talking.We look at each other and smirking at Salice we answer her."DEMI!"Mani and I said at the same time excited."U like her? who is the other girl?"Ally ask."She is so fucking hot "Salice said staring at Demi."I really don't know I can't see her good.Salice stop staring at Demi!"I said to her."Shhh"She said laughing.I could not see Camz because I was sitting facing the other side.But I see Salice watching at Demi who was so Funny because she was literally seeing Demi with sparkling eyes.Normani push her. Then Salice wake up of her trip to Demiland.They got to the line to get her food and I finally see Camz GOD She have a big and nice booty.Oh shit what Am I saying.
"Can we sit with them?"Salice ask."Salice u can't hide your feelings right?lI said laughing ."Sincerely noo but Lauren look at her . Ok tell me one thing U are going stay the rest of the camp trying to see Camila? make a move biscuit!"Salice said.
   That makes me think that Salice was right I have to make a move.Thanks God I talk to this girl."U know what?!U are right Babe.But idk what to do"I said sadly.
  Ally and Normani finish eating and was trying to see who was the new girl."Don't worry Biscuit I got u.But we have to sit with them.Can someone ask I will do it but I don't now anyone there."Salice said smilling.
  We stare at each other for a few second to see who was going to ask.
"Ok I have to meet that girl.I will go.Give me a sec."Mani said standing up.
We stay in the table while Mani was asking if we can sit with them."Guys I'm the only who is watching what is happen with Mani?"Ally said.
I try to see Mani without Camz notice .Salice and I see each other trying to don't laugh."Shit!!"Salice and I said.
    I was laughing so hard because I never see Normani like that.Then she come back to us smilling .Salice start bother her and Ally was laughing.
"Someone can't stop staring at the new girl!"Salice said smirking big."Omg I was so obvious? "Mani ask nervous."Mani ur crazy"I said laughing."Her name is Dinah Jane.Common they let us"Mani said smilling.Normani and Ally walk in front of Salice and I.Salice look at me Like saying I got u.Mani sit beside Dinah,Ally beside Ari ,Salice in front of Demi of course .I obviously trying to hide my shaking hands I sit in front of Camz and thanks god Salice was by my side she saw my hand shaking down the table and she grab my hand.That calm me so much .
Camila's POV
Normani tell the girls and Ally was comming in front of Lauren and the new girl.I saw Demi's hands was sweating and shaking like mines.She grab my hand down the table.As they were sitting Demi and I interwine our hands  because Lauren sit in front of meee I freak out and she grab me hard as the new girl sit in front of her too.Ari and Ally know each other so they start to talk about other things Normani was flirting with Dinah.Lauren and I were looking at each other and The girl by her
side was making eyes contact with Demi.Until the new girl break the ice.
"Hi I'm Salice"Salice said with a beautiful smile."Hi I'm Camila"I said pinching Demi's Hand."Hh..Hi I'm Demi."Demi stutter.What stutter?!
This was so weird but cute because Demi always love to talk and make friends.She never have the problem of stutter.I think she is feeling something for Salice .Then Salice start to ask her question and talk .Demi leave my hand slowly .Lauren was staring  at me and Finally she start talking."So Camila u are from Cuba?"Lauren said."Yes but I move to Miami a week ago"I said smilling Gosh those eyes.Lauren open her eyes big"You are kidding right? I live in Miami too."She said smilling.
Omg she really say what I think she say.She live in Miami .I feel my cheeks went Red I try to hide them but."Please don't do that" she said looking into my eyes.I smirk "Do what?"I ask curious."That try to hide your beautiful face from me. "She said smirking at me I giggle
Omg I just giggle because she really makes me feel butterflies and nervous .I was staring at her until."Camz! Can I have ur phone number?"She ask me nervous.She put me a nickname !!!I loveee itt And she wants my number .okok Camila breath "How u call me? "I ask."Ouh em I call u Camz i can't?"Lauren said super nervous."The opposite Lolo I love it!"I said excited."U call me Lolo?"She ask me smilling."U are not the only one with cute nicknames."I said smilling.Hehe I just put her a nickname which I love .I ear her Giggles she is so freaking cutee.I love her smile.oh yeah my number I have to give to her."Give me your phone"I said smirking at her.She give it to me and I write my number."Thanks Camzi!"She said.
Omg that nickname make me want to kiss her but I have to control myself. Then I saw her taking a pic of me."Lolo what are u doing?"I ask curious."Getting my new wallpaper duh"She said giggling.Did she just say wallpaper I went so happy so I pose for the pic."Done!"She said super excited."Can I see it?"I ask shyly."Sure"She said showing me her phone screen.She show me her Phone screen and she literally put me into her screen.Omg can i kiss her no no no Camila chill.I bite my lip omy God Karla Camila what is going on?
Lauren's POV
  When I sit in front of Camz I stare at her.God she is so hot.Salice start presenting herself to Camz and Demi.I was staring at Camz.Then Salice was asking question to Demi.She squeeze my hand like a signal to stop staring at Camz and start talking.I starting ask her common questions.She lives in Miami like me I freak out like Omg she live in the same country as me and she is from Cuba like me what more I need.Beautiful,Cuban,live in Miami and her booty.Lauren chill ur pussy Breathe.The best part she love the nickname I put her and she gave me one too . Also she give me her
phone number and let me take her a photo That now is my background I know is weird of me but I think I'm falling so hard for her and I don't want to hide my feeling.Then I saw Salice touching Demi's hand and Demi was laughing .I do not blame Demi because Salice is super hot.They look sooo hot together.Also Normanii my Mani bear flirting with Dinah I never saw her like that.After we finish eating and talk . Me and my crew got up first of the table Normani say goodbye to Dinah,Salice say goodbye to Demi giving her a kiss in her cheek so CUTE! I look at Camila pointing to my phone like a signal that I will text her and I blow her a kiss.We go outside and I scream I DID IT! hugging Salice .We went to the Lake's bridge to talk about what just  happen.When we were talking about what happen.We realize that...

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