Catch Me

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Hey guys!!! So here is chapter three! I SUPER HOPE YOU LIKE IT! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment and vote and all that! I'm always looking for ideas and feedback!! Ill be trying to update AT LEAST once a week! every friday! but if i do well then ill try for two! :)


I woke up and it's already 9 shit! I gotta pick Mac up at 10! okay okay, I brush my hair out and shove it into a messy bun, using pins to hold my hair up. I grab my make-up and head straight for the bathroom, since I had such heavy stage make-up on last night I'll make it simple today, I moisturize, put a bit of concealer under my eyes, put on powder and add mascara and a lip balm. To easy okay it's almost 930, don't worry about breakfast I can just grab something while we have coffee. God I hope Mac's okay...she was so upset last night and then when she text me asking for help...something happened I really hope she'll tell me today...or at least tell me what happened with Jake at my concert. I grab my phone wallet and keys and head off to my car, texting Mac that I'm on my way to hers now.

Demi: Hey Mac, I'm headed to yours now, I'll be there in 10! :)


I woke up at 8 and started getting ready to meet Demi, I brushed and straightened my hair, and started on make-up, I don't really like make-up so I just put on some mascara and lip gloss. Okay what do I wear? My favorite blacked skinnies with the rips on the knees are definitely a yes, match it with me favorite t-shirt, white with 'can't sleep clowns will eat me' written in black, and my yellow docs. I grab out my bra and underwear and get dressed, once I'm dressed I head to my bed and get my stuff together. Okay phone wallet, house keys, earphones, check! Okay 45 minutes until Demi should arrive, perfect!

I put my headphones in and started playing, for the love of a daughter,definitely my favorite Demi song. I ripped my headphones out when I heard a pounding at my door, no please no, please Dad not today, not now.

"Mackenzie open up right now! We need to have a little family discussion"

Oh god...I open the door..."What is it Dad..."

He grabs my hair, pulls me through the bedroom door and flings me down the stairs. "Stupid little Mackenzie, what are you all dressed up for who would want to see your ugly fat ass" I slowly lifted myself off the bottom step and licked my lip tasting blood, my entire body was hurting, every muscle aching from the fall down the stairs."Mackenzie I'm so disappointed in you, the house is a mess there isn't any foods in the cupboard, I want breakfast Mackenzie what are you going to do about that?" dad sneered. "Dad I'm sorry please,please don't hurt me" He flew down the stairs "Don't tell me what to do Mackenzie, I do whatever the hell I like, especially to your worthless, pathetic body" slamming his fists into my stomach and ribs I curled up trying to block his hands, he started kicking his feet connecting with the side of my face and back. "Dad, please,stop!!" He gave me one finally punch to the face, busting my lip open and walking away muttered "pathetic piece of shit, can't do anything right"

I slowly sat up from the floor, wiping my hand across my face trying to wipe the blood away. I got up and grabbed my favorite black hoodie from the front door and ran out to sit on the steps. I need to getaway from this place, I can't take this any more. I grabbed my phone to check the time and saw a text from Demi.

Demi: Hey Mac, I'm headed to yours now, I'll be there in 10! :)

Oh god that was 10 minutes ago! I still have blood on my face and my hairs a mess!Using my phone as a mirror I quickly clean the blood off using my hoodie and run my fingers through my hair trying to make it look neat, I look up and see Demi pulling into the driveway. Oh god please let her not remember the text...and please don't let her notice the bruises.

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