Old Ways

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It's been a month since Joe tried to hurt Demi and I can see more and more just how much it is affecting her. I slowly made my way down stairs to the kitchen where Demi was putting pop tarts into the toaster. I stayed silent, she always faked perfect happiness when she knew I was around, and watched as she pulled a bottle from handbag took two pills out and then threw the bottle away. I thought nothing of it until she reached into the cupboard and pushed aside a whole stack of plates to retrieve an identical bottle to put in her bag.

Deciding to stop hiding I step out from the stairs and walk into the kitchen where Demi immediately puts a smile on her face "Good morning baby! I made pop tarts!" I smiled back at her but forced myself to look away after a second, I hate that she's constantly pretending. "Baby what's going on? Are you okay?" I gave her a small smile and nodded, I knew what Joe did was hurting her and she was feeling more and more pressure from the X Factor, to look perfect and be perfect.

"Just, not awake yet I guess" Demi laughed and shook her head "Kid it's already 8! Well I have X Factor today are you gonna be okay here on your own?" I frowned and nodded "Y-yeah course I will, promise to call me if you need right Memi?" she smiled and nodded at me before swiping her keys from the table and rushing out the door. I received a quick kiss to the cheek before she left.

When I was sure she had left I quickly opened the bin and pulled out the empty prescription bottle, as I read what the bottle was meant to contain I gasped and dropped it back into the bin. I needed to call Mar about this. I found my phone and unlocked it, immediately searching for Mar's number and hitting dial.

It only took two rings for her to answer.

"Hey Kid what's up"

"Mar is Demi meant to take anti-depressant's?"

"She can take them if she needs them but not for long periods of time, they can mess with her bipolar causing mood swings and stuff, Why? Is she taking them?"

"Yeah I just saw her throw out a bottle and grab another, what do I do? I know the pressure from X Factor is really getting to her and being on camera again is too"

"Keep an eye on her okay? Check how long that bottle lasts and if it doesn't we might have to call Holly. She really should be seeing her psychologist if she's feeling the need to take them"

"Okay, I'll call you later okay?"

Mar said goodbye and I hung up. I guess the pills can explain the crying and defensive behavior. Whenever I bring up my concerns about her being on X Factor she just tells me she's fine and that it's none of my business, or when she calls me crying because she feels yuck or misses me.

Today was a Saturday and I quickly made my way upstairs to my room, taking a banana with me for breakfast, I really need to do my homework. I had heaps of work for psychology and chemistry to do. I was thinking about calling Elle when I noticed my phone going off, Demi was calling me.

I quickly snatched my phone up and answered "Hey Memi what's up?" I heard her take a shaky breath "Baby girl, I have to sing a song on X Factor, I have to perform Neon Lights" I frowned "Yeah Memi...that's okay, right? You've done performances like that before?" I could hear her shuffle around before answering.

"I have...but I don't what if I don't sound good anymore, what if stuff up?"

"Dem, listen to me, you won't stuff up, you're an amazing performer and you'll smash it. Believe in yourself okay?"

"I...Okay baby girl, I'm sorry I bothered you, I'll see you tonight?"

She hung up and I breathed a sigh of relief, it scares me seeing Demi like this. She's always so strong, so determined and now it's like she could crumble any minute.

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