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Demi and I were laying on her bed, waiting for dinner, "So baby girl, apart from smothering me in eggs and flour with Maddison, how have you liked it here?" I instantly giggled remember how Dianna had called Demi a chicken that's ready to cook. 

"It's been so good Memi, they are so nice and so crazy! I had so much fun and Maddie is awesome! We already have a prank planned for Dallas tonight! Oh! Which reminds me, you wanna come with? It's going to be epic" I winked and cuddled in closer to Demi feeling her body shake as she laughed "Yeah baby girl, I'm always down for pranks!"

I was about to tell Demi more about the plan when Maddie fell through the door, literally fell and Dallas was laughing the hallway "Good job Mads, learn to walk would you" and with that she ran off down stairs. Demi and I looked at each other before breaking into laughter, Demi's contagious laugh filling the room as Mads huffed on the floor and shot her best pouty face "She's going to regret that later, have you filled Demi in on the plan yet? Oh and dinners ready so leggo!"

I shook my head and laughed "Nah not yet, she's aware there is a plan but you broke my concentration when you stumbled into our room" I broke into another bout of laughter as Maddie tried to use the desk chair to get up and was flung to the floor when its wheels spun under her weight.

I jumped off the bed and walked over to her offering my hand and helping her up as Demi remained a useless ball of laughter on the bed, this time with tears running down her cheeks.

"Y'all need help" Demi laughed as we sat at the dining room table for dinner. Maddie groaned and kicked Dallas under the table "Well I wouldn't need help if someone wouldn't trip me in the hallway" Dallas choked on her mouthful of food as she started laughing and shrugged her shoulders "If only you didn't make it so easy Mads"

Which was met with another groan and a swift kick to the shin under the table. I carefully pushed my food around my plate before I felt Demi nudge me in the ribs and gave me a stern look. I sighed quietly and nodded before starting to eat, Dianna gave Demi and me a confused look before shaking her head and taking another bite of her steak.

"So Mac, how's school?" I looked up at Dianna and smiled, she was the cutest mom ever "It's good, I got good classes and I'm looking at some good AP options too" Maddison laughed and I looked up expecting to be ridiculed only to see her pointing at Dallas who had coke coming out her nose "Did you really raise these weirdo's?" 

Dianna laughed at my comment and winked "God I hope that wasn't all me" we both laughed as Dallas complained about how much it burned and rubbed her nose. Maddie was still laughing like crazy and I took the opportunity to tilt her chair.

She screamed and fell off with a giant thud to the floor "Fucking, what the fuck" I burst out laughing and looked at Demi who was laughing along with me when I felt my arm being tugged on and fell to the floor right beside Maddie "Ow. What the fuck!" this made Demi laugh even harder and I had no problems kicking her in the leg which earned a break in the laughter. 

I stood up and brushed off my clothes where my drink had spilt "Damn son, clean yourself for dinner would you" I look at Demi who had made the comment and picked up her drink and poured it over her head.

"OH MY GOD!! MAC!!" Demi screamed as she stood up, the water dripping down her face and soaking her clothes "Yeah Demi you really should clean yourself for dinner" she shot me a look before smiling and walking towards me.

"C'mon baby girl I just want a hug" I screamed and shoved Maddie, who had just gotten off the floor, into Demi before racing to Dallas "Dally protect me, Demi's picking on me" I gave her my puppy eyes and a pout and watched as she went from giggling to mush. "Aww c'mere kid, I'll protect you" she pulled me onto her lap and wound her arms around my waist.

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