My Loves Like A Star

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Hey Guys!! Okay I'm super sorry it's taken so long to update. I left for my holiday on Friday and have been doing stuff everyday BUT today is a free day so I decided to finally get this next chapter up!! Okay so if I can get to 75 reads and get 5 votes on this chapter I will update early and on Friday so two updates this week!! I know you guys can do it!! Remember to comment too, I always love getting advice and feedback. Plus I'm always looking for ideas for future chapters!! Love you guys and stay strong! xo


Demi left yesterday...thank god it was the weekend, but I knew school was coming and I would have to go. I had written a letter and forged my dad's signature saying I was sick, so at least I wouldn't get in trouble but I would have to face Bronte. I had gotten all my books together shoved them in my bag, along with money headphones and wallet, I know it's only Saturday but I'm not going anywhere except my room so fuck it. I opened and my phone and went to text Demi but just as I was typing she text me;

D:Hey cutie! I'm home and in bed and doing nothing but I'm back at the studio on Monday I miss you

M:Hey Dem!! I'm glad you're home! That's so exciting I better hear the songs before anyone else ;) I miss you too and I have school on Monday which sucks! 

D:Aw Honey we can Skype right after school okay! I promise! And Duh who else would get to hear them first 

The weekend went so slowly, I talked to Demi nonstop and avoided my parents.

It was finally Monday and I got up at 7 to get in the shower, I turned the temperature up til I saw the steam rising and jumped in. Dumping my clothes on the floor. I huddled under the water getting warm and emptied some shampoo in my hair, once I had rinsed my shampoo I conditioned and washed my body. Rinsing the last of the conditioner out I sighed not wanting to get out of the warm water.

I grabbed my towel from the rack and turned the shower off, rushing to get the towel around me. Once I was dry I dropped my towel over the sink and began drying my hair, brushing it as it dried. I click on my hair straightener and opened my bathroom cupboard pulling out my makeup bag and extra blades. My straightener beeped and I began sectioning my hair into layers, just straighten today fuck it, it's just school after all.

After my hair was done I used bobby pins to pin the front back to do my makeup. I began with concealer, just for under my eyes, and the added a bit of tinted moisturizer, foundation made me gag. Once I was done I added powder and a tiny bit of blush, mascara and eyeliner. Done, good, I pulled the bobby pins from my hand and quickly straightened those sections of hair, curling them slightly to frame my face.

Now the most important step, blades, I grabbed two new ones, throwing my old one down the toilet and flushing it. I pushed one blade in behind my iPhone case and the other I grabbed and took with me to my bedroom. I chucked it next to my bag to put in my wallet and walked over to my closet. I grabbed my favorite black ripped skinnies, my yellow docs, my favorite Paramore band tee, my favorite black hoodie and my stay strong bracelets, some peace bracelets and some fabric friendship bracelets, shoving them on my wrists.

Since Demi had been here, I had taken them off, braving just a jacket, plus she'd made me promise to stop so I had to try prove I was keeping the promise, thank god she didn't check my legs. Once I was dressed I grabbed my spare blade and pushed into the corner of my coin section in my wallet and stuffed it in my bag. I checked the time and it was already 8, not bothering with breakfast I headed out the door already knowing I was going to be late.

I walked to my locker, not bothering to rush, and checked my timetable stuck to my locker door. Dammit maths first, way to start the day off, I grabbed my books and shut my locker. I opened the class room and door and sighed, my teacher didn't say a word just handed me a pink detention slip and pointed at my desk. I grudgingly took the slip scrunching it up and tossing it in my bag and sat at my desk,noticing Bronte smirking to Carly. Opening my book I felt something hit me in the back of the head, I looked down and saw a crumpled up piece of paper. Picking it up I heard Bronte snicker

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