Don't Forget

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Hey guys!!! I'm so sorry it didn't go up on Friday! BUT if i can get to 65 reads and get to 10 votes so 5 more. I PROMISE to update early as well as on Friday ;) so you could get two updates in one week! i hope you like it and don't worry there is lots of drama to come ;)


Well I had been seeing Demi for a week now, she was staying with me, or I would crash at her hotel, it all depending on my dad and his moods. She was perfect, but she had kept checking on me which meant no cutting, luckily I had managed to fool her about my eating, but I had the feeling that it wouldn't last. Today we were going out, I think Demi wanted to go shopping and maybe see a movie, I didn't care as long we didn't see anyone I know. Demi was getting ready in my bathroom, so I scavenged in my wardrobe for some clothes.

I finally settled on some ripped tights, a high waisted leather skirt, a white crop top with get lost written on it and my white docs. All I had now was to do my hair, I wanted to change maybe add some blonde to the bottom of my kind of boring light brown hair, maybe a trim too. I straightened my hair and met Demi in the bathroom "Dem you really need to learn to share the only good mirror in my bedroom, I still need to do my face ya know" Of course Demi was already dressed in black skinny jeans a band tee and a pair of MY yellow docs, already stealing my stuff "Demi try not to steal ALL my stuff could you"I laughed pointing at my shoes.

I cleaned my teeth, put on some powder and mascara, a little bit of eye liner and grabbed a lip smacker. Make-up was never really my thing and I didn't try to pretend it was. "Oh also this is your band tee" she laughed, damn this girl was going to steal all my clothes. "C'mon Dem I was leave before my dad gets home, I'd rather we BOTH avoid him if you don't mind" god could she take any longer oh my fucking god "Okay okay let's go" Demi grabbed her keys her wallet and her phone and headed downstairs, we both saw my dad's car pulling up next to Demi's and she shot me a worried look "Don't say anything, don't make eye contact just get in the car Demi, c'mon we gotta go now" I jumped in her car and saw my dad shoot me an awful look, well I guess I was going to pay for this later, but at least right now I was with Demi and we were heading out.

Demi drove us to the mall, parked and immediately headed for topshop, the girl is obsessed, and she ran inside and started flicking through rows and rows of clothes. From top shop we headed to forever 21, Demi had already brought a pair of jeans and some tops from top shop but she showed no signs of slowing down, immediately pulling things from the racks. Seriously Demi could shop and she didn't hold back. I heard it before I saw them, screaming fans, there were only 4 girls, but they were loud.Demi smiled brightly at them and signed what they were holding, I saw a 5thgirl standing back from them, clearly here by herself, she was crying...she looked just like me at jeans black hoodie tons of bracelets lining her arms..

When the screaming girls left, after getting photos and what they wanted signed, Demi came back to me "Dem, you need to see her" I pointed at the girl and Demi nodded smiling at me as she turned and walked over to the small girl. She cried harder as Demi approached and Dem gave her a hug as I heard her mumble stay strong in her ear, the girl nodded and got Demi to sign some stuff and a photo. Demi came back over to me "You know, you probably just made that girl so happy, I wouldn't have seen her without you" I nodded still watching her,Demi glanced back a small smile on her lips "She reminded me of you, dresses the same, and she had the same quiet nature you seem to have" I smiled at Demi..if only she knew.

Finally Demi decided it was time for a break "c'mon kiddo I'm starved,let's get lunch and go see a movie" Ew lunch at least it was my pick "how about subway?" Demi nodded and I swear I saw drool. We made our way to subway and I tried to figure out what I could order.When we arrived at subway Demi ordered first and I pretended to look at the board still deciding. This was way harder than I thought, I wanted to get a salad, no bread and no meat meant easier throw up AND not as bad calorie and fat wise. I decided on a turkey sub, I didn't want Demi thinking about it too much, we hadn't had breakfast because of the rush to leave my house so I should be starving like Demi. Demi paid for both our subs and I thanked her and we found a table. Thank god I only got a 6 inch Sub, but I had to figure out away to use the bathroom, without Demi, before the movies. We finished eating and Demi wanted to drop all the shopping in the car, perfect I could go to the bathroom and she could meet me at the cinemas!

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