Give Your Heart A Break

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Hey guys! Holy shit guys I can't believe I have so many reads like I'm actually so excited! Thank you guys so much! Remember I love you all and to stay strong, if you ever need anyone to talk to you can message me! I also have kik so I'm happy to give that out to you guys as well! I really hope you enjoy this chapter, stay strong xoxo

Apart from some serious charges for my guitar and extra suitcase the flight to LA went perfectly. Now of course I have to get my bag AND try to find Marissa. I was almost worried she would bring Demi with her to the airport but I'm hoping she won't force our reunion until tomorrow. I got a trolley and soon it was stacked with my two suitcases, my guitar and my duffle. I was terrified to head out the doors to find Marissa, taking a shaky deep breath I closed my eyes and then pushed my trolley forward. I couldn't go back now anyway.

My blades were safely tucked into my clothes suitcase and I knew exactly what to do with them when I got to Marissa's. I slowed down looking at all the different faces in the terminal, scared I would find Demi's, when I finally spotted the sign. Marissa wasn't kidding when she said she'd have a sign with loser on it, but I'm glad, all worries were slowly making their way to the back of mind and a smile fell across my lips.

"Well hey, thank you so much for this, and please tell me I get till tomorrow before I have to see her" I said smiling as I hugged her, she's almost as huggable as Demi, her adorable features lighting up. "Hey no worries Kid, you're Demi's baby girl so I gotta look out for you, plus you're fucking cute seriously. Now, you do get to wait till tomorrow to see her, which I'm assuming refers to Demi, but only because she is busy today AND I thought you might want to get settled" I smiled and nodded while pushing the trolley out the main doors and following Marissa to her car. "Please tell me you're a better driver than Demi, she's terrifying" I laughed, loading all my bags into the boot of her SUV. The ride to her house was basically silent, I mostly watched out the window taking in my new home.

Mar opened the door and helped me carry my stuff to the spare room. "So this is your room for tonight, but honestly kid you can stay here as long as you need...Dem told me about your dad so I'm not surprised you ran away. I'm sure Dem will want you at her house from tomorrow anyway" she grabbed my hand and walked me around the bedroom

"So this is the bedroom, you know bed, desk and cupboard. You have a connecting bathroom too, I only have two guest rooms but this is the one with the ensuite so feel loved. Kitchen is downstairs so is the lounge room with the TV and shit so yeah use whatever, unpack and come downstairs okay? Take as long as you need and yell out if you need anything" she smiled and left my room taking her phone out of her pocket.

I wonder if I should text Demi...tell her what's going on. Maybe I should just leave it to Mar, Demi won't want to hear from me anyway. I put both suitcases on my bed and took my guitar out of its case placing it in the corner next to the window. I put the case in the cupboard up the very top. I started with the random suitcase putting all my shoes in the bottom of the wardrobe then putting my jewellery box in the middle shelf of the wardrobe.

Once I had finished with that suitcase I started on clothes. Shirts went in one draw, jeans in another, I put my bras and underwear and tights in a draw and hung up the few skirts and dresses I had. Satisfied that I was done I sat on the bed staring at it. Do I put my posters up? I'll ask Mar first, just in case. I looked around the room, the wooden floors and black double bed. The white walls and white wardrobe. The giant mirror the wardrobe doors made. The tiny little sunbed below the window in my room with black cushions with white edges. It was so different to my room. My old room I should say.

I slowly stood and made my way to the bathroom, taking my face stuff and soap and shampoo and blades. I took 3 blades from the packet and made a mental note to buy more. I put one under my shampoo bottle, taped one to the underneath of the middle draw, making sure to tap it to the draw itself, and put another under my phone case. I took the one from under the shampoo bottle and quietly locked the bathroom door.

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