Wicked Games

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I woke Mac carefully just before our flight was due to land "Baby girl, c'mon you gotta wake up and get in your seat now, we are about to land" she rolled over and shoved my hand off her face and began snuggling in closer to me causing me to giggle, which made her growl "stop it Memi, I'm tired" I giggled and ran my fingers through her hair "C'mon baby girl, I know you're tired but time to be awake, you can sleep when you're home I promise"

She slowly rolled over until she completely rolled off my lap to the floor, I couldn't stop my laughter as she shot me a dirty look and pulled herself off the floor and went back to her chair. I saw her clip her belt together and watched in amazement as she immediately fell back asleep, that girl can sleep anywhere, it has to be a talent.


I opened the front door and dumped the two bags I was holding on the floor while Mac dragged a suitcase in and let it at the stairs "Please tell me we don't have to unpack straight away" I laughed at her and shook my head "Hell no, I vote for pizza and a nap" Mac nodded her head and snuggled into me.

"Ah baby girl, we may not need to unpack right away but we still gotta empty the car and, you know, close the door and sit down before we cuddle" She groaned and backed up before tripping over a bag and falling on her ass. I burst out laughing, clutching my sides and trying not to cry while Mac glared at me and refused to get up "I'm so done, I'm never getting up. I will die here forever alone. Just leave me to die" I couldn't stop laughing at how dramatic she was being which only earned me a harder glare and an eye roll.

I held my hand out and helped her up before walking to the car and grabbing the last two bags from the boot and my bag from the back seat. Mac closed the boot and the front door behind us before I walked her into the kitchen for lunch.

"Alright kid what do you want to eat? We can get pizza or we can make sandwiches or pasta or something else?" Mac shrugged at me and looked away from the kitchen. I know eating at my parents was hard but she had done so well. I won't let her take two steps back after doing so well.

"Baby girl we gotta eat okay? what can you manage?" I heard her sigh and shrug her shoulders before turning back to me and sighing again "You pick, it'll be easier for you to just pick and I eat it...please..." I nodded and grabbed my phone to order some pizza.


I pulled up by the school and watched as Mac walked out the front doors with Katie and Elodie, before saying goodbye and running to the car "Hey baby girl, how was school?" I had to tell her about the party tomorrow night sooner or later but I was scared she would outright say no and remember what happened last time, but I just thought she could use some fun after she finally confessed to the bullying.

I only wanted to go to see Nick and Miley but I also want Mac to go so she can meet my friends, I think she'll love Miley and they could get along really well. "Yeah school was good, but that girl that knows you take care of me...I'm scared she will tell everyone..." I turned to face her when she said that and frowned "Does it matter...do you...are you embarrassed about it..." as soon as the words left my mouth I felt stupid but despite my stupid moment Mac laughed and pulled me over for a hug.

"you're ridiculous Memi, of course I'm not embarrassed, but I am scared that people will start talking to me just because of you, or use me just to get to you" I instantly felt better and smiled at her "I would never let anyone do that to you" she gave me a small smile and turned to look at her phone, typing out a hasty reply on it.


I felt my phone vibrate and gave Demi a smile before checking my phone to see what it was. I was expecting it to be Elodie or Katie telling me to talk to Demi, instead I was met with the anonymous number.

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