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Demi's POV

"Hey baby girl..." I mumbled quietly.

"I can't believe it's been 2 whole years since the car accident, and I still have this horrible scar in my hairline. Front and centre of my forehead you know?"

"Not to mention those stupid metal rods in my right leg"

"Marissa is coming around soon, in fact she should be here by now" I took a deep breath, pausing for a moment.

"Of course you'll know all this..." I mumbled.

"Hey kiddo" Marissa whispered, her hand linking with my own.

"We miss you..." She whispered beside me.

I squeezed her hand tightly "We sure do baby bear..."

"Hey sweetie, I hope we aren't too late" Mom spoke as she came up behind us, looping her arm around my shoulders.

"No momma, you aren't" I mumbled as tears formed in the corner of my eyes.

"She's always with us Demi, she's watching over you now" Mom whispered, trying to provide some kind of comfort.

"I don't want her to be watching over me, I want her with me. Living the life she was finally meant to have, free from everything" I cried, my hands shaking as I placed the flowers by her gravestone.

1 and half years earlier

"Demi cmon honey! It's time to go, are you ready?" My mom shouted from my door, not having opened it.

It eased open "Baby girl...we don't want to be late" she whispered, taking my hand and pulling me off the bed.

"I don't want to go, I can't. I can't do this Mom" I cried, ruining the makeup Natalie had just finished.

"I know baby, but the funeral is today. Everyone is downstairs, we should go see them" she reasoned.

"I'll send Natalie up to fix your makeup okay? You aren't alone today my baby, I'll send Marissa up with her" she whispered placing a soft kiss on my cheek.

I walked to the mirror and dabbed a tissue under my eyes, trying to fix the running makeup.

"Dem let me do that.." Natalie spoke up from the door frame.

I was pulled into a hug "It's going to be okay sweets, we will be okay. She'd want you to be strong; to celebrate her life not cry" Marissa mumbled, her own tears making her voice crack.

"I just want to get this over with" I mumbled.

"Okay Dems, let me fix you up. Oh and Holly is asking about your tour...is it cancelled indefinitely?" She mumbled, I could tell she didn't really want to ask and so I forced my angry response down.

"It's cancelled until I feel up to it, and 6 months after my daughters death is still too soon" I growled, guess I couldn't keep all my anger down.

"Okay honey, you're makeup is done. I'll give you girls a minute" Natalie whispered, giving me a hug before excusing herself.

"Okay sweets, it's just a few hours and then we can come home okay? You can do this, be strong for our girl" Rissa spoke, hands on my shoulders; forcing me to listen.

I took a deep breath "Let's go"

Present day

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