Believe In Me

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I picked my phone up from where Mac had tossed it and called Mar back, what could she have said that would make her flee like that "What is it Mac, what more could you have to say to me?" she practically screamed into the phone "Not Mac, it's me. I need to know what you said to her. Now Marissa" I waited for her to reply and knew she was thinking about it "Ugh whatever. I told her you weren't ready to be a mom and that you were going to end up hurting her or yourself. I told her you couldn't handle her" I didn't bother replying I hung up and flung my phone on the bench, running straight for her room.

"Baby girl!" I slammed into her bedroom and looked around before seeing her small frame in the bathtub. "Baby girl...I'm coming in" I slowly stepped into the bathroom and could hear her soft sobs, as I got closer to the bath I saw she had a pillow and was hugging it tightly while crying. I pushed the pillow up moving her body forward and slid down into the bath behind it which left her resting against my chest between my legs. "Shh it's okay baby girl, tell me what's going on in that pretty little head of yours?"

She sniffled and moved her head up high so it was touching my chin and clung to the pillow, clutching it tightly to her chest. I dropped my hand and rubbed small circles on her back. "It's my fault Demi, I'm the reason it all happened. I'm here for a few months with you and I made you drink so it's no wonder my Dad started drinking. Then when that stopped being enough he took it out on me. It was all my fault and I'm going to ruin you"

I took a deep breath, trying my hardest not to charge to my car and drive over to Marissa's right now "Baby girl, no, I'm so sorry Marissa said that but she was out of line! I went to a party and had a drink because I thought I could handle it, and when I thought nothing happened I felt okay to have a drink at the next party too. I know now that I can't afford that and I should never have tried in the first place, you're mine now and I need to take care of you" I felt her snuggle in closer and wound my arm her stomach "Baby girl I love you, you matter to me more than anything and I won't let anything happen to you. I made that promise before you were living with me but I'm making it again because I made a mistake. I'm going to take care of you"


Demi got me out of the bath and set me up in her bed with camp rock, she had laughed at my request but admitted to having a copy and set it up on the TV for me. I knew she was going to call Mar so I waited till I heard her talking to walk to the door to listen.

"No you need to listen to me, you hurt her. She thought it was her fault, and not just me getting drunk once or twice but her dad drinking and her dad abusing her. You don't get it Mar, you don't understand so stop pretending to" I could hear Mar talking through the phone, yelling, but I couldn't hear what she was saying "No you need to say sorry to her and you need to butt out, she's living with me, she chose to stay with me. I want her here and she wants to be here and until that changes she stays with me. I'm not giving her up for anything"

I made a quick retreat to the bed, I didn't need to hear anymore and Demi had hung up after her rant meaning she would be back any second. I held my breath for what felt like hours as I waited for her to push the door open and come back to watch camp rock with me.

I heard the door creak and snapped my head down, hoping she wouldn't notice I had been waiting "So how much did you hear then?" I smiled with my head still down until I felt the bed dip and looked at Demi, who was wearing the same grin I was "Just how you confessed your undying devotion and love to me" she groaned and shoved me playfully "You're such a fucking pain" I smiled at her and laughed "Nah you love me, but thank you...for defending me. You didn't need to do that for me"

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