Remember December

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I left Mac with Miley, she was clearly happier out there with her than with me, and went back inside to find Nick. I found Taylor standing in the kitchen filling cups "Hey have you seen Nick anywhere?" Taylor smiled and nodded "Oh yeah! He was with Selena last time I saw, maybe check the movie room? Last I heard Selena needed some quiet; headache or something" I smiled and nodded saying thanks and headed straight for the stairs when Joe stopped me.

"Demi, hey" I looked at him and smiled, despite what happened I still considered him a friend and wasn't about to let some stupid breakup ruin that "Hey Joe, what's up?" I could smell the alcohol on his breath as he leaned in closer "Can we go somewhere and talk, I really want to talk to you" I nodded and pointed upstairs; motioning him to follow me up.

I found a room to the left that looked a little like a day room, maybe just a chill out room for Miles and walked in, Joe close on my heels. "What's up Joe? What did you want to talk to me about?" he came closer and gave me a hug, which I reciprocated before I felt his hands run down my back and to my ass. He grabbed my ass and squeezed it before whispering in my ear "God I want you Demi, you have such a hot body now, and that ass, god it's perfect" he gently grazed my ear with his teeth, his breath hot on my neck.

"Joe, stop, we broke up, stop it" I shoved him a little and he took a step back with a confused look on his face 'C'mon Demi, have a little fun you know you still want me" I groaned and slapped his shoulder "Joe as if! We broke up remember, you broke up with me! Get lost Joe and I'll forget this ever happened"

Joe stepped forward again and grabbed me just below my shoulders, his fingers wrapping tightly around my upper arm, and shoved me against the closed door "Or I'll take what I want, you never let me have what I wanted when we were dating Demi and I want it. I want it now"

A gasp flew from my mouth as my back was slammed into the door behind me and I couldn't stop the tears from forming in my eyes when he shoved his leg between mine, forcing them apart. "Joe, don't, let me go; I don't want this" he laughed in my ear as he trailed sloppy kisses down my neck, he released one of my arms so he could pull the bottom of my skirt up.

I mentally cursed myself for wearing my skirt and tights and not the jeans I had originally planned "Joe stop! Get off me!!" I tried using my free arm to push him back, only earning a laugh. "Demi just stop fighting" when I wriggled again he grabbed both my arms again and pulled me forward from the door and slammed me back against it, harder than previously "Dammit Demi! Stop fighting!"

The tears that had been forming finally spilled over my cheeks "Please Joe, just let me go" I couldn't stop the sobs escaping my mouth "I wasn't even going to originally come to this party, but then Nick told me you were coming and I just knew I had to come" my tears fell faster and I begged for someone to find us and help me. "Joe, please, you can still stop and let me go" he laughed again and released one of my arms to tug out my shirt from where it was tucked into my skirt.

"Joe please, stop"


I found Taylor in the kitchen and laughed at her attempts to carry the 5 drinks she had just made "Hey Tay, have you seen Demi? And do you want a hand?" Taylor had her tongue stuck out in concentration and let out an audible sigh at my offer "Oh god yes please, can you just carry these two? Oh and Demi went looking for Selena and Nick, so upstairs somewhere. I suggested movie room" I nodded and grabbed the two drinks, following her into the lounge where Taylor was with Justin, Zach, Cara and someone I didn't recognise.

I set the two drinks on the table and Taylor immediately said thank you "No worries, gotta go find Demi" I shot her a smile and waved bye to the group and headed for the stairs. As I reached the top step I heard something slam against the wall and shook my head laughing until I heard a voice say "Dammit Demi! Stop fighting!" My head immediately snapped up and I looked around trying to figure out where the noise had come from.

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