Last Day Before L.A.

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{ A/N: I created this story a long time ago. So if there are mispelled words or incorrect grammar, sorry. A little cheesy though, I have to admit... I was a very suckish writer back then, not that I'm any better now, but oh well. Also, I  don't even like this band anymore, so this story is a bit embarrassing, but I'm only keeping it because it's the first one I've ever wrote. As I looked through the story, I noticed very short chapters, I apologize about that... but thanks for reading }

 “Nadia! WAKE UP,” mom shouted as she was shaking me. I moaned and flopped over just like any other teenager would.  I just quietly mumbled. “No Thanks.” I honestly didn’t feel like going to school. I leave for L.A. tomorrow anyway, so what’s the point. “Fine, I guess I’ll just have to leave you here with your brother.” I immediately hop out of bed. “I’M UP!” My mom replied with a smirk on her face, “Good.”

     Before she left my room I tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around, “What?” I looked up hoping that she would say yes to my question. “Can we leave Andre here,” I asked in a desperate tone. “No,” she said with a laugh.

     "I know you don’t like your brother, but he never did anything to you.” A few seconds passed and I corrected her, “Step-Brother.” She rolled her eyes, turned towards my door and left. I wish he never came into my life. I chuckled to the thought and headed towards my closet to change my clothes.


     I looked into the mirror, scrunching my hair, making faces. You know, all those things. I turn around and run to the bathroom until I trip over a loose shoe string… making me land, on my face. I thought I had swag until that happened. “You okay Nadia?!” “Sure,” I yelled. I just stood up, like nothing happened, straightened my shirt and walked back over to the mirror hanging on my wall. “Darnet,” I whisper to myself, wiping the blood off of the small scratch on my face.

     “Time to go,” my mom shouted from downstairs. I grabbed my bag, flashed a look into the mirror, and exited the house.


     I walked into school like any other day and opened my locker. “So you’re going to walk in here and not say good morning,” a voice sarcastically questioned me from behind. I turned around to notice it was Aliyah, my best friend. I laughed. “Sorry, just thinking about what L.A.’s going to be like…”

     It took her a few seconds to reply. “How about you live at my house?!” I gave her a look. “Well I have this thing called a mom that won’t allow that,” I said with a chuckle. Aliyah didn’t laugh with me; she just fiddled with her fingers, looking at the floor. “Yeah, I know,” she said with a tear strolling down her face.

     Some people walked past with a confused look. I hugged her and wiped her tear. “We’ll text, okay?” She gave me an ‘Are You Kidding Face’. “You better,” she laughed. Soon the bell rung and we walked to class.


     I opened the door and walked in. “Hello? Hello?” No response, I thought to myself ‘Guess I’m Alone.’ I slowly walked upstairs and flopped onto my bed. “Hey sexy,” Andre smirked as he entered. I sighed, “What do you want?”

     He laughed, “You know what I want.” Ugh, gross. I changed the subject, “You could’ve knocked.” He just stared at me. “I know,” he replied “but it’s not like you were doing anything.” “I could’ve been changing.” Andre chuckled. “It’s not like I haven’t seen you naked before.”


     I had a couple tears run down my face just thinking of that moment, “Just leave me alone.” Andre saw my tears and wiped them, “Aw, what a cry baby.”  I rolled my eyes, “Shut up.” How could someone be such a pain? I don’t understand why he doesn’t comprehend ‘leave me alone’.  He slammed me against the wall, keeping me there with only one of his hands around my neck. “Nadia,” he spit in my face. “Don’t talk to me like that,” he said in a furious tone.

     Soon the door opened downstairs, “Home!” Andre let go of me and whispered, “You were lucky this time,” then walked out of my bedroom. I sighed in relief that mom was here, slowly placed myself on the bed, and fell asleep.

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