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     I walked upstairs and stood there for a while until Andre grabbed me from behind. “Let go please,” I said nicely. Yet, he didn’t let go. “I said please,” I told him in an annoyed tone. A few moments passed and his hands were still wrapped around my waist. “Andre, Get Off Of Me!” After I said that, he slammed me against the wall and started to kiss my neck so roughly that he drew blood. I started panicking. “MOM!” He laughed, “Mom’s not home.”

     He pushed me onto my bed, taking off his shirt. I screamed and kicked as he tried to unbutton my shirt. Times like this, I wish I never had a step brother... Just kidding I always wished that. I got the chance to slap him and escape before he pulled off our pants. I never understood why he was always so thirsty. He looks kind of decent, I'm pretty sure he can pick up any hoe he woud want... mostly because he'd probably knock them out before they  could respond.

     I’ve never ran so fast in my life. When I got outside, I hid behind a tree until I heard him come out. “Nadia, come out… I’m not going to hurt you.” A minute passed by and he got super angry. “WHATEVER B****! BUT WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU,” he shouted and then went inside. It's weird how mom is never home when this happens... isn't it? Trust me, I love my mom, but sometimes, I know she could give a shit about me, I'm  not stupid.

     I ran about a mile or two down the road and realized that I didn’t even know where I was. “I give up,” I whisper to myself. Not knowing what to I just sat on the curb of a street. It was so hot, which didn’t help at all. There were only a few clouds in the sky, meaning that it's only going to get hotter. I mean, it's only four o'clock. "Shit..." I whisper to myself. I still have that homework from Mr. Calvin gave me. I got extra homework, so did some other kids. That's complete bull shit right?! He said, "It' s only for the gifted kids." Gifted kids my ass. I don't need more homework to prove I'm smart....

     A voice called to me, “Hey, are you okay?” I turned around to become eye to eye with a cute guy. I felt like I’ve seen him somewhere before, he looks very familiar. Still breathing heavily, I answer, “Yeah, I guess.” He sits down with me, “What’s your name?” After the breathing calms down I tell him, “Nadia.”  A few seconds pass and I ask him, “Yours?” He looks at me, “Ray.”

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