Babe, You Look Fine

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     I slowly blinked my eyes and yawned, morning already? My arms stretched out and I tried to roll over, but something was anchoring me down. I opened my eyes to see Ray sitting on me. “Hey, you’re up,” he said in an excited tone. I yawned once more and closed my eyes, “No I’m not,” and tried my hardest to roll over. “You’re not going anywhere,” Ray said.


     I was originally just going to go back to sleep until he started tickling me. “Ray,” I tried to speak in between my laughs. “Ray… Stop… It!” He laughed too and did as I said, “Will you get up?” I sighed, “Sure.” Then yawned again, “In an hour,” I mumbled. He started tickling me again and I almost cried. I pushed his hands off of my stomach, “No more tickling,” I said still not opening my eyes.


     Ray was silent for a moment. “Okay.” Then I felt him kiss my stomach. “Can you get off me,” I asked him still laughing. “No,” he said, continuing. I sighed, “Look, I can’t do this on an empty stomach.” I opened my eyes to him frowning, “Fine.” He got off of me and I stretched my arms and legs. I got up and walked past him, but he was just standing there, still frowning.


     I stopped, ran towards him, and pecked his lips. He wanted to go farther, but I stopped him, putting my finger over his lips. “Save it for later,” I said smirking. Finally, he smiled.


     “Whatcha wanna do,” he asked me, putting his arm around me. I thought about it for a while, but come on, it’s Spain! Then I jumped up, off of the couch. “SHOPPING!” He jumped, laughing. “But you have sooooooo many clothes.” “Not from Spain!” Ray slouched and sighed, “Fineeee,” he said in a kid voice. I kissed him on the cheek and walked away, but he grabbed me. “Right now,” he asked in a whiny tone.


     I smirked, “Are you whining?” He stood there for a minute or two, “No…” I laughed and started walking upstairs, “Imma change.” Once I got upstairs he called for me. “What!?” “You need help changing you bra?” I laughed what a freak. “Later Ray!” He didn’t yell back, but I could hear him say Darnet. I chucked silently while changing my clothes, what a goof.


*Ray’s P.O.V*


     Nadia walked out of the dressing room constantly, in and out. “Does this look okay?” “Yes Babe.” She grabbed another piece of clothing and entered the dressing room and walked out again. “Does this make me look fat?” I laughed, “No Nadia.” She stared at me and I smiled, “What?” One of her eyes squinted, “Are you lying to me?” I shook my head, “Just go change.” She sighed and walked back in.


     “Ray?” “Yes?”I sighed, better not be another outfit. “I need help with my bra!” I smirked and bit my lip. Oh yeah, it’s go time. I entered the room to see her fully clothed; I felt so confused. “Huh?” She laughed, “False Alarm.” I rolled my eyes and exited, “Not funny.” “I love you Ray,” she said grabbing my hand. I kissed her and smiled, “I love you too.”


     Then she saw another store she liked, “OOO! Ray what about-.” “You have plenty of clothes babe.” Nadia started to pout. “Fine.” We walked past Olive Garden and I stopped. “What about food?” Her eyes lit up. “Yes! I’m sooooooo hungry!!!!!!” I laughed, “You’re always hungry,” I said guiding us into the restaurant.

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