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*Nadia’s P.O.V.*

      “So where do you live,” Ray asked me as we walked around. I stopped him, “I wouldn’t ask all these questions… Amnesia, remember?” He laughed, “Right, sorry.” We continued walking. I was having fun until someone grabbed my waste, “Heard about your amnesia babe, how’d that happen?” I turned around to see a guy. “Do I know you,” I asked him feeling confused.


     “I’m the man of your dreams,” he replied; cocky much? “Excuse me?” Then Ray stood in front of me, “Andre! Leave her alone…” He looked at Ray weird and then me, “Oh no!  Nadia, are you going to get your boyfriend on me again,” he said in wimpy voice laughing. What was he talking about? I felt even more confused. “Boyfriend?” Andre started laughing again, “Oh he didn’t tell you?” I looked at Ray, but all he did was look at the ground. Andre, chuckled, “Later losers,” he said, shoving Ray.


      “Ray, did we use to?” He didn’t answer, all he did was look away with tears rolling down his face. I felt so pissed! “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME,” I yelled at him. “I didn’t want to bring back the topic…” I was absolutely furious. “Well you could’ve told me!” He looked at me, “Nadia, plea-,” “Save it Ray!” That was it and I walked away feeling his hand grab mine. I yanked away, “Don’t! Touch! Me!”


     I walked for a long time and took a break, sitting on the curb of a street. I didn’t know where I was so I had to call Imani. “Hello?” She called out, a little too loud. “Imani, it’s Nadia. Can you come and get me? I don’t know where I am.” She sighed, “You okay,” she asked me. Avoiding her question, I answer, “Can you just pick me up? I’m just 3 miles from the park.” She sighed again, “Yeah. Be there in a bit,” and she hung up.


     I saw her car pull up, I hopped in and she immediately asked me what was going on. I wiped my tears off of my face and tried to clear my throat, “Did me and Ray use to be… You know?” Her face went blank, “Oh, you just found out didn’t you?” I nodded, “I don’t know if I should be mad or not.” She wiped another tear from my face, “You want to know what happened,” she asked me? I nodded again.


     “Oh,” was all I could say, I never knew how close Ray and I were. “It’s a lot to take in.” I looked down, “Yeah…” She jumped up. “How about you go to the mall with Mason and I? It will take your mind off of things.” I thought about it, “You sure?” She smiled, “Positive.”

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