First Day

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 She opened my locker and turned towards me, “I’m Imani. You the new girl?” I put my things in my locker and faced her. “Thanks and I’m Nadia, ‘the new girl’.” We both laughed. I lowered my voice, “So, why is everyone staring?” She shrugged, “Oh you know, you’re new and all.” I nodded, “Got it,” and shut my locker. We talked for a while and then the bell rung and she walked me to class.


     I walked into class with no confidence what so ever. Everyone. Stared at me. Imani introduced me, "Mr. Calvin,  this is Nadia."  He came up and shook hands up with me, "Please, take a seat anywhere." I felt a little disgusted, his hands were all moist and sweaty, like he was nervous about something, but I gave him a smile and just wiped my hands on my jeans. I tried so hard to focus, but I felt someone staring at me... and they wouldn't look away.

     When I turned around to see what it was, I noticed that everyone was paying attention... maybe I'm just going crazy. As soon as I faced the board, it happened again. I know there's someone staring at me. Right when I turned back around to see who it was, Mr. Calvin coughed really loudly. "Nadia," he said in a soft voice. "Is there something wrong?" Now everyone's eyes were on me.

     As much as I wanted to tell him what was bothering me, I couldn't. What was I going to say anyway? "Mr. Calvin, my crazy brain thinks that someone's staring at me. Could you please tell that mystery person to stop?" I sighed and pushed my hair out of my face. "May I use the bathroom?" He nodded and opened the door for me... and I was for sure that someone was staring at me.

     "Hey ma! Yeah you! Come here, sit on daddy's lap." I tried not to look at the guys who were whistling and trying to get my attention, I just kept walking. Then I heard a pounding on one of the lockers. "Hey I said come here!!!" The guy's voice was aggressive this time, sounding more like he was giving me a demand rather than a suggestion... Even though I wasn't looking I could tell he was coming after me. The faster I walked the faster they walked. Eventually, I just started running and guess a what... so did he.

     I thought I was loosing them until one of them kicked me from behind. That's when I heard a door open and shut, hopefully it was a teacher. I wanted to look that way, but I was completely distracted by falling onto the floor, constantly rolling down the hallway; practically smacking the floor. He picked me up by my neck and slammed me onto the wall, just like Andre did. I started getting aggravated. Can nobody hear all of this?!

     The way he spit in my face and slid his hands up and down my body gave me goose bumps. I closed my eyes, thinking that if I didn't see what he was doing, it'd be better, that was until he undid the zipper on my pants and stuck his hand around the back to touch my butt. "How about we... take this to the janitor's closet." Oh, sounds romantic. That was way too original. If I were him, I'd put me in a car, so at least no one would hear what was going on in the school, but this it seems as if the people here can't hear a thing.

     I rolled my eyes. "What was that?!" He immediately attatched his tongue to my face, it was so disgusting. Does he really think he can turn on a girl like that? "Get off of me!" He ignored me and starting gripping my ass really hard. I squealed a little; I think he's giving me a hickey. When he went for my lips, I started moving my head from left to right, hoping that it would confuse him. My plan didn't work and he slammed his lips onto mine, trying to shove his tongue down my throat. That's when I heard  a door open and shut. Immediately I started panicking. I didn't want anyone to think of me as a whore. Kissing random dudes on the first day of school. I scratched him, trying to get his attention to stop, but he didn't see, to notice that.

     I guess he heard the noise too, so he took his stopped kissing me... "Tasty," he smirked. "See ya later babe." He winked and walked away. I immediately zipped my pants and fell to the floor, covering my face in shame. How could I let this happen!? On the first day of school too!!! As much as I tried pushing him off, or kicking him, scratiching, biting, and whatever... he wouldn't budge. This is completely embarrassing...

     "Nadia, you okay?" I didn't recognize the voice, but I could tell it was a boy. Man am I tired of them. I stopped breathing heavily, forgot about that. "Yeah." I said, not even sure if he had understood what I just said. He sighed with me, making me look up...

     I felt like I was frozen solid, staring into his eyes... They were so amazing. His face, body, style... it was everything I could imagine. I smiled when he stuck his hand out for me to grab. When he pulled me up, he looked at me again and said, "See you in class." Was he the one staring at me?

 -End of School-

     I sighed at the fact that today was terrible... Officially the worst day ever. Nothing could top this, I wasn't even excited for school anyway. I was only there  to see and hang out with my friends, but I don't think I have any here. I haven't made any enemies, but that guy was on my list... for sure. Right when I was about to turn around the corner to walk home, I heard someone yell wait. I turned around, and there was Imani, running after me. It was so hilarious, I could've sworn I peed my pants.

     When she finally got to me, she took out a piece of paper and wrote her name and number on it, "Text me after school?" I smiled and chuckled at how dorky she was. "Sure," I replied and started walking towards the Hell House.

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