1. Coming home

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Hi:-) I just wanted to say a quick little thing before you start reading. I wanted to say that this was my first story and I think my writing has improved quite a bit so please don't judge this and know that it gets better further in and also know that I have started something new and I think that my new stories are more well written.

Chapter one

Alison lost both of her parents when she was 17 - exactly 8 months before she turned 18, therefore she had to move from seattle to Mystic Falls, there she was forced to live with her godfather Zach. Zach had been her parents closest friend, from university. Doing her 8 months in Zack's house he was barely ever home, he traveled a lot and seemed to be very secretive about what it was he did, all Alison knew was that he was very important to the major, and the other founding families.

A few weeks after Alison's 18th birthday, she really wanted to see the world and to use her new found freedom to get the hell out of Mystic Falls, it's not that she didn't like the little town, but she had been forced to attend high school here and since, it was the senior year, it was already begun and she had just lost her parents, she did not exactly make a lot of friends. She didn't really see why she should, she was only there for 8 months and she was way too sad too make friends. So she really needed a change of scenery.

Alison is now 19 years old and are returning to Mystic Falls after a year and a half on the road.

Alison's POV:

I gave the taxi-driver plenty of tips when he dropped me off at the boardinghouse, he had been very friendly - a little to chatty for my taste, but non the less friendly. I had felt a little nervous when we had past the 'welcome to Mystic Falls' sign, but I completely relaxed when I looked at the old beautiful boardinghouse, it felt like I was home, even though I only spent 8 months of my life there.

I went to the front-door which oddly enough wasn't locked.. When I took a step in, I dropped my bags and took a good look around, it looked exactly the same, I smiled to my self, thinking about how I had told Zach he really should re-do the place, but right now it was actually great coming home and find it the same way I left it. While taking it all in, my thoughts suddenly cut of when I heard someone on the stairs.

"Hello, Can I help you with something?"

I looked up and saw a gorgeous guy with brown hair, and a jawline you could cut class on - he was hot!

"Are you alright? My name is Stefan" the gorgeous guy said with a kind voice, he probably thought I was lost.

I forced my self to look down, because his beautiful face was distracting me from thinking clearly.

"My name is Ali, well actually it is Alison - but either one is fine. I am looking for Zach, is he here?" I asked while looking down at my converse and feeling the blood rush to my head. I just hoped it didn't show to much.

The guy named Stefan gave me a very studying look, before he answered.

"Sorry Alison but my uncle Zach, is traveling and the last thing I heard from him was that he was not planning to come back anytime soon, were he expecting you?" Stefan was very convincing, but I still had the feeling there was something off about him.

I was just about to answer him, when the front-door behind me were pushed a little further open than I had left it, in walked another man, he seemed to be a little older, not just by his looks but also by the way he walked in here, with a lot of confidence and like he was superior. I was completely taken back by his beauty, not in the same way as Stefan, Stefan was more somebody I would walk up to in a bar, where this guy I could stare at for hours.

"So you are Zach's goddaughter, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am Damon Salvatore - Stefan's older brother" the new guy said while taking my hand in his and bringing it to his mouth for a brief kiss.

Yet again I looked down and cursed at my self, because this time I knew for sure that my cheeks were tomato-red. I completely forgot to answer him, but when he let go of my hand I was brought back to reality.

How could he know who I was? And who was these guys? If they really were Salvatore's why didn't I know them?

Damon apparently saw my confused expression.

"My brother and I came to live here when Zach had to go on a long business trip, we haven't lived here since we were kids - but I talked briefly to Zach a few months ago, he told me about you" Damon said with a seductive look in his eyes.

Since I was still processing what Damon had told me, and therefore didn't reply, Damon kept talking

"He told me that you lost both of your parents" he then replaced his seductive face and gave me a sympathetic look. "Stefan and I have lost pretty much everyone we have ever loved, isn't that right brother?" Damon asked Stefan with a small smirk on his lips.

That was the first time I noticed the serious stare Stefan was giving Damon

I am certain that something is way off between the two brothers.


So that was the first chapter, I hope you liked it:)

I would just like to say that the mistake you might come across in the story is partly because I am Danish and therefore does not speak fluent English:) others mistakes might be because I don't read it throw over and over:)

please vote and comment if you like it:) by the way you should know the chapters become longer later on in the story:-)

Oh and suggestions are much appreciated threw the entire book:-)

First chapter is dedicated to Sille Zimmerman:-)

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