30. Trouble

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So sorry about the wait...

Chapter thirty

Damon's POV:

'Oh and you need to bring your former guardian with you, I believe that would be your godfather Mr. Salvatore, you have a nice day miss Reed'


Oh my god she's gonna need to get a hold of Zach.. Well small problem. I fucking killed Zach!

I can't believe this is happening, and to add to my drama, it's happening on the day she forgave me for kissing Elena. I don't exactly think she'll be to quick to forgive me for killing her godfather.

There's no way she's forgiving this!

I'm beyond screwed.

"Damon?" I looked at her, she'd raised her eyebrows in a questionable way.

"You ok?"


"Yeah I'm fine" I answered nonchalant.

She gave me a long look not really believing me but she knew me well enough to know that she couldn't get anything out of me if I didn't want her to know.

She opened her mouth about to say something, but in fear of it being about Zach, I quickly excused myself.

"I have a few things I need to take care of, I'll see you later" I smiled at her and left the house, got in my car and drove away.

She doesn't like it when I don't tell her where I'm going or what I'm going to do, but she accepts it. I already told her that I am part of the counsel in town, the own protecting the city from vampires. Ironic I know. But the best place for vampires to be when they settle in a town is right in middle of their enemies, that way I have been able to earn their trust and I have easy access to finding out if anyone is on our trail.

So Alison is probably assuming I have some work to do related to the counsel.. I hate lying to her, I hate that something in my past might screw everything up for me.

Then again, Stefan forgave me for killing Zach so maybe Alison could as well.. What the hell am I saying! That's totally different, if we had to keep count, Stefan has killed way more of our family than I have. He killed our freaking father for god sake!

There is simply no way Alison will forgive me for this.. My only option if I don't want to lose her is to compel her. Again. But I swore never to do it again, that one time was more than enough.

I guess I'm gonna have to break my own promise.

Alison's POV:

Damon left to quickly for me to ask him for Zach's phone number. The one I have has been out of service for a while. It would have been nice of Zach had contacted me to let me know how to reach him, but then again back when I left we only spoke a few times, so I guess I can't really blame him for not thinking of it.

Well I'll just ask Damon later, it's not urgent or anything.

It was pretty late and for first time in a while I was alone in the big boardinghouse, god I've missed this place. Back when I lived here because of my parents death it never truly felt like home, but this time living here with Damon and Stefan it really did.

I lived a few different places by now but I think this is the one that feels the most like home. I smiled happily, finally things seemed good again.

I went up to my room and looked around that's when I remembered that I was actually on my way to Matt's house to get my sketch book when Damon and I had erghmm.. Made up.

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