14. The truth

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Chapter fourteen

Alison's POV:

Vampire.. He is a vampire.. Okay. NO not okay, he can't be a vampire, there is no such thing as vampires..

"You... You can't be a vampire" I looked around in the woods, trying to avoid his eyes, I kept shaking my head in denial "nope. It's just not possible"

"I am telling you, it's the truth, it's what I am" I could tell he was trying to get eye contact with me, but I just couldn't look at him, this is all to much right now.

"Look Ali I know you must be so confused right now, but I have to get you home, it's still not safe out here, Tyler might come back" that's the first time I looked him in the eyes, and I could see that the moment he had said it he regretted it.

"Tyler..? I don't understand.. Where does Tyler fit in to this?" I asked shaking.

"Dammit Alison I will explain everything, but we need to go" Damon said, he was starting to lose his patience with me. No way in hell am I going anywhere with him.

"No" I said blunt and started walking away.

I don't know how to explain it, but one second I am walking away from Damon and the next I am being picked up and thrown over his shoulder, it can't be more 20 seconds after that I am being dropped in the couch in the parlor. How the hell is that possible we were far in the woods!

I got up from the couch and started looking around, the place was trashed, furniture were knocked over, a huge window was broken, leaving glass all over the place.
While I was looking around I notices Damon observing me with a worried expression.

I had calmed down a bit, my breathing was under control and I was desperately trying to wrap my mind around everything, I guess I would have to hear him out, cause I can't make sense of the situation.

"I think now would be a good time to explain" I told Damon, my voice was steady and confident, I wasn't actually that calm, but at least I was able to make it seem like I was.

Damon was looking me up and down, really studying my face before he spoke.

"Everything you think you know about the world is about to change, are you sure you are ready for that?" Damon asked. Like I have a choice? It's not like I can just forget everything that happened tonight, I thought to myself. I gave him a nod, indicating I wanted him to go on.

"Like I told you I am a vampire, so is Stefan and Caroline" he took a pause looking over my reaction. I didn't say or do anything I just starred at him, my sanity was telling me that he would have to be joking, but there was something about him that made me believe every word he said. Damon continued when it was clear I wasn't freaking out.

"Stefan and I have been like this since 1864, we grew up here in Mystic Falls, over the years we have both returned on various occasions. The issues Stefan and I have with each other, dates back to 1864"

I took it all in.

"Okay.. I believe you. What about Tyler, how does he fit in to all this?" I asked, to my surprise my voice was steady as a rock. I was taking this really well.
Damon was starring at me, I think he to was surprised of how well I was copping. I saw him smile though, when I said that I believed him, he gave me a brief relieved smile.

"Oh yeah your boyfriend, he is the reason for all the mess around here, you see he is from a family with a werewolf bloodline, they call it a curse, and apparently if they tricker it, they become werewolfs, forced to turn every full moon.

I didn't know exactly what this curse entailed, but it didn't sound pleasant, I felt really bad for him, but then I put two and two together, the wolf, the wolf in the woods that attacked me... It was Tyler! Oh my god, why would he do that?

"Tyler was the wolf that attacked me out there" I said choked, Damon knew it wasn't a question, he just gave me a small nod to confirm. I sat back down on the couch and starred at my hands placed in my lap. I could understand and I think accept everything that Damon had told me, but that Tyler attacked me I just couldn't cope with.
I didn't even notice Damon walking away from me before I saw that he had returned with a glass of bourbon, that he offered me. I toke it and drank it all in one go.

"As much as I don't want to defend him, actually I preferred it if you guys were to break up, I should properly tell you that when a werewolf change, they will hurt anyone, even their friends, as far as I know they are not in control when they have turned" Damon looked down, he didn't look happy at all while telling me about Tyler.
Wait did he say he wanted us to break up? I mean he has expressed his dislike towards Tyler before, but he never actual said he preferred us to break up. I wondered if he was worried about my safety with Tyler, or if he was jealous.. I couldn't help but want Damon to be jealous.. What was that about? Wait I had to get a grip of myself, this wasn't the time to think about Damon like this, or weather or not he was jealous, I mean I have just been told that my friends and boyfriend are supernatural creatures.

Damon was looking at me trying to read my face. I was about to ask him more about all this craziness, I also wanted to know Matt's part of this, Damon didn't mention anything about him, but he must know something, he was the one who told Damon I was catching on to all the secrets. Unfortunately I didn't get the chance as the front door opened and in walked Tyler, he was only wearing a pair of ripped pants, his chest was bare and he was pretty dirty, not looking sexy, I mean he was covered in dirt and mud.

Tyler walked towards me and Damon, but stopped when he saw how furious Damon was looking. I really didn't know what to feel, I was scared of him, but still I felt so bad for him, he looked so ashamed.
He looked me in the eyes, his dark eyes was starting to fill with tears.

"I am sorry. I am so so sorry Alison" he said with a shaking voice.


It's kind of a filler chapter, a lot of talk, but there were a lot she needed to know, there is of cause more she need to be put into, but that covered the basics:) please vote, commend and fan me, if I should keep uploading:) have an awesome day

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