18. Nightmares

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Chapter eighteen

One thing before you read this chapter, there is a short dream scene that isn't very pleasant, not that it goes into horrible details or anything like that but it can be a bit uncomfortable for some people so if you don't feel like reading it just skip that part, it's marked with dream and dream ending. Personally I don't think it's that bad, but there is some wattpad guidelines I have to follow:)

Alison's POV:

I was crying, argh I couldn't stop, Damon was witnessing my breakdown! Shit! Please Alison stop crying, but I couldn't I just kept on crying.

I felt Damon wrap something around me, it was his jacket, he had put it over my shoulders and then he lifted me up, as he put me down my legs started to shake, so he wrapped an arm around my waist and started walking, he supported me all the way to his car, which was a good thing because I am not sure I would have been able to walk on my own.

Damon didn't say anything to me, thank god! He just guided me into the passenger seat and then we were on the way home. Please don't ask about it..! Please! Please! That pretty much summed up my thoughts the hole ride home.

We pulled in at the huge driveway and Damon turned off the engine when we were right outside the boardinghouse, oh no don't do it Damon, let's just go inside and forget this evening - like that would ever happen!

"Alison talk to me" he was begging me and I really did want to share my pain with someone, but I had kept it bottled up for this long I can't just spill my guts.

"Damon please just leave it alone, or better yet forget I said anything" I was being way to harsh with him, but he was starting to break through all the walls I have put up to protect myself and I fear that it's gonna be one hell of an ugly breakdown I'm gonna have if he pushes me any further.

"I can't just..." That's all I heard him say before I got out of the car and started walking inside, I wanted to go to bed, wake up and forget I just told Damon one of my deepest secrets.

I kept thinking Damon would do that annoying vamp speed thing and suddenly be right in front of me but he didn't, actually I don't even think he followed me, so I used this as my chance to walk straight to my bedroom, close the door and lock it. God I can believe what this night turned into, I sighed and went to take a long relaxing shower, fortunately for me my bathroom was installed with a regular shower and a bathtub, thankfully because right now I needed to have a long relaxing bath.
I found my headset and plugged them in my phone, which I placed on a small table right next to tub, I poured some bath salt in and turned on the hot water, I watched as the bobbles started to appear. My mom used to draw me baths like that when I was a kid, I could feel the tears appearing... Stop that right now Alison! I stopped being sentimental and stripped naked so I could slip in the tub, I plugged my music in and closed my eyes.
I must have been in that tub for an hour and a half before I opened my eyes again.

I had emptied the tub and was now sitting on my bed in my pajamas, it was silk so it clung to my soft skin nicely, the last thing I remember before closing my eyes was wishing that the nightmares would stay far away, of cause I would be wrong, I knew that this would be a horrible night, I always have the worst nightmares when I think to much about the incident with my parents, and today I had let it come to close, so not surprisingly this was a bad night...


The scenery kept changing.. First I was in the basement, the awful basement that he would always take me to when he was babysitting me.
The basement was all white with a princess bed that had a pink bed frame and a lot of teddybears, but he always tossed them on the flour when we would come down here, there needed to be room for me in the bed..
I was seven years old again, lying in the bed again I was handcuffed to the bed frame, I looked around noticed that nothing had changed, all the toys, the mini cooking set and the videocamera, placed in the corner facing towards the bed and always running. I looked down and saw I was wearing a pink nightgown. I blinked a few times to make sure I was really here, the place I had sworn never to come back to, but even though I kept closing and opening my eyes I really was here and now I wasn't alone anymore he was standing by the camera.. Watching me... Then the scene changed.

I was 17 and he was in my room at my parents house telling me not to forget to keep my mouth shut! He caressed my cheek, I was old enough and big enough to fight him of at this time but when ever he was around I froze up not able to protect myself.. Then the scenery changed again to the worst one.

I was standing outside my house watching it burn, the smell was awful and I could hear my parents scream for their lives, I could hear them dying... It was the most sickening sound in the world. I screamed and screamed for someone to help me, but no one did.. I wanted to move, I wanted to run straight through the flames, I wanted to save them but I couldn't move! I was stuck!

Last but not least I was back in the bed as my seven year old self and he was still watching me...

"Have you been a bad girl? Do uncle Andy need to punish you again?" I screamed as he dropped his pants and came closer to the bed, I knew what was coming next!

----dream ending----

Stefan's POV:

I was lying in bed alone, like I have for the last many nights, Elena and I are working through our problems, but it has been hard ignoring the fact that she has feeling for my brother...

I heard Damon drive in but when the front door opened I only heard Ali come in, her heart was beating like crazy and her breathing suggested she might be crying, I thought about going to check on her but not soon after I heard her close her door, I guess she wanted to be alone, I just hope my brother is not the cause of her misery.

I wrote a little in my journal before shutting my eyes and let the darkness take over.

I woke with a shock, someone was screaming, no not someone Alison, a terrifying scream was coming from her bedroom! I ran to her door and grabbed the doorknob, but it was locked..!
I was gonna ask her through the door if she was ok, but then she screamed again! Instead I kicked the door in and ran to her, she was alone! My god she was having a nightmare! How's that possible? I could have sworn I have heard people in war not screaming as bad as her..

"Ali please wake up! Please it's a nightmare!" I called out to her while shaking her lightly. She finely stopped screaming and opened her eyes, she looked at me scared, but I knew it wasn't about me.. I took her in my arms and gently got her to sit up, she clung to me like she was afraid I was going to leave.

"Ali what in gods name just happened?" I asked her worried.

"I... I had a nightmare.. It's ok I'm ok now" like hell she was ok, she was pale, sweating and shaking!

"Well you are defiantly far from ok, why don't I get you a glass of water?" I started standing up, I was only gonna go to her bathroom, I would have left the door open so she could even see me but the second I let go of her she panicked!

"NO! Don't... Don't leave me" she stuttered, I have never heard her so scared.

"Ok hey hey I'm right here.. take a deep breath... I'm right here.." I put my arms tight around her and got her to lay back down with her head resting on my chest, I could feel her breath and heartbeat starting to get back to normal, in any other situation the position we were in, not forgetting that we were in her bed it would be very wrong, but she needed me and I didn't want to let her go...

After about half an hour she fell back a sleep, but I was frighten to let go of her, frighten she might have another nightmare like that, so I stayed. All night I wondered what could bring her to scream like that, it had sounded like she was fighting for her life


That's it then, I wanted to show that Stefan really care about her at this point in the story they have lived together for a while and are friends, and as always Stefan is the guy when someone is hurting:) please review, fan and vote:) thanks and have a great day:)

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