22. Overprotective

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Chapter twenty two

Damon's POV:

You just know a shower were amazing, when you come out feeling more dirty than you did going in. I smirked at Alison as I watched her walk past me in a towel.

"Can you hear if Stefan is home?" She asked me.

"Uhm yeah" I listen in and couldn't hear him anywhere around the house. "Nope doesn't seem like it. Why?"

"I would prefer not meeting him walking out of your room in a towel" she said in a obvious way.

"Do you not want him to know what happened between us?" I tried to pull it of like it didn't matter to me, but I knew I sounded worried, this wasn't a one night stand to me.. But still I don't see myself begging her to be with me, it's really not my scene.

"I don't regret it, and of cause if you and I are... Uhm are together I would want him to know... But don't you think he deserves to be told instead of being surprised like this" she made a good point, I also noticed that it was kind of a question - the part about us being together.

I vamp speeded in front of her, making her jump a little, I smirked at my accomplishment. I looked into her beautiful eyes and knew what I wanted.

"Be mine?" She was a little taking back by my question, but she quickly smiled a wide smile and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I'll be yours, if you'll be mine?" She flashed her eyelashes at me in a cute way.

"Of cause how could any man in their right mind turn that down" I laughed at her and gave her a soft passionate kiss. She pulled away from me and I caught her looking at my still naked chest, she bit her bottom lip.

"Argh I really need to get ready I have to go to work and I promised Matt to pick him up, his car is being repaired" she reluctantly walked away from me and out my room to go to her own. I laid down on the bed thinking about last nights events, smirking at just how great it was.

Stefan's POV:

Last night Alison indicated that she wanted me out of the house, not in an rude way of cause. She just needed time with Damon, he wasn't dealing with hearing about her past very well. It hit me hard as well, but I think Damon is falling for the sweet Alison so the thought of someone hurting her like that just killed him. I can't help but worry about these pretty obvious feelings he is having towards our roommate, I just don't see it ending well, but like Damon had said before there is also a part of me, that is glad, I mean if he were to fall in love with her, wouldn't that mean I didn't have to fight my brother anymore when it comes to Elena?

When I left my house I didn't know were to go, I wanted to go to Elena's, but it Would be awkward sleeping there when we are still on this kind of a break thing. So I had decided to go stay at Caroline's, we were becoming close friends, she reminded me so mush of a dear friend I have lost. Caroline is always there when I need her, that's just who she is. We talked about Elena a lot, she had some good advise about the hole thing, she's easy to talk to because she have known Elena for years and loves her so much. Caroline really believes in true love and she wants me to fight for Elena, and not give up on her, especially now where it might seem like Damon will be backing off.

I woke up un the couch with a bit of a chock because Caroline threw a pillow at me.

"Wake up sleepy head! We are gonna be late!" She started shooing me of the comfortable couch.

"Hey! What's the rush? Where are we going?" I guess I hadn't completely woken up yet, if a had I wouldn't have ask such a idiotic question.

"Uhm school... That thing you don't really seem to care much about!" She gave me a very disapproving look, I couldn't help but chuckle a little, it was way to early for so much seriousness.

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