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"Hey Alison will you pretty please cover that table in my section?" Marie pointed to a table where four very good looking guys just sat down.

"Why the hell would you not want to take their order. Girl they are smoking hot!" I teased her.

"Well the one in the blue shirt is my ex boyfriend and I really don't want to talk to him. Please Alison I'll totally owe you one" she looked so cute when begging like that.

Marie and I have been working side by side at this diner for about a year now. She's so funny I really loveher. She's my best friend and we share an apartment not far from the diner.

"Sure. I got it" I winked at her and walked to the table to take everyone's order.

It's been a good two years since I woke up in a hospital in Mystic Falls. Apparently I had an accident while on my road-trip. I lost some memory but the doctor told me I had been visiting Mystic Falls because my god father had died and I was there to sign a few things and say my goodbye. Apparently I wasn't paying attention and when I was about to leave Mystic Falls I crashed with a truck. I was lucky to make it out alive.

I was quite depressed when I found out that Zach had passed away but they informed me he didn't suffer. But it's been two years and I hardly think of him anymore, we weren't that close to begin with.

The first months after the accident I drove from place to place, but for over a year now I have been settled here in New York and I'm quite happy with that. It's such a beautiful city and you are never bored here.


"What do you wanna do for dinner?" I asked Marie as we were walking home. It's 07.45 pm and we were both out of the night shift for once.

"Pizza!" She yelled loud enough for a few people to give her a strange look when we walked by. She's so weird it's ridiculous. I just laughed at her and agreed on pizza.

We were both seated in front of the tv munching on our pizza when I started getting a stupid headache. Agh damn it. I totally forgot to drink anything today.

"You alright there?" Marie asked me when she noticed me pressing my palm flat to my forehead, closing my eyes and scrunching my nose.

"Yeah I think so, could you maybe turn off the tv?" It was getting worse and worse I feared I might be getting one of those nasty migraines.

"Sure hon" she turned of the tv and also turned off some of the lights in the living room, to make sure my eyes weren't being disturbed too much.

"This feels really weird" I said more to myself than her. I've had migraines a few times before but this feels worse in some way. It's like there's a loud banging inside my head and I'm starting to feel nauseous.

I made my way out of the couch to go to bathroom. Better safe than sorry and I really don't feel like cleaning puke of the couch if the worst were to happen.

"Do you want me to do anything?" Marie asked she was looking at me with her worried eyes. I took a few steps in direction of the bathroom but I had to stop because I was seeing double and then my vision became all blurry.

"ALISON!" I think I heard in the distant but I couldn't be sure because everything was spinning and then it all turned dark.

"Damon wait! Not fair using your epic running skills when I can't match them!" I yelled at him from the bottom of the stairs while Damon was already on the top. Cheater!

He just laughed at my misery and came back down and placed a sweet kiss on my lips.

What? Who the hell is Damon? And why would I be kissing him..?

Secrets in Mystic Falls (Damon Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now