9. Being safe

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Chapter nine:

Alison's POV:

Oh my god! Damon's lips were a perfect match fore mine, I could breath him in, and I did, I could feel his hand grabbing my hair and it felt so good, so right... Only problem was that it wasn't right.. It was very very wrong. I mean wasn't I technically dating Tyler..? And I liked Tyler, Damon has been a total jerk to me, but still I find my self kissing him with all I got.

I pulled away, just enough to escape Damon's gorgeous lips, but not his arms. The second I did, Damon opens his eyes, they have never looked this blue, or maybe I just didn't notice before.

"Damon we can't, you should probably go" my voice was shaking more than I would have liked.

Damon just gives me a studying look.

"You want me" he says.

"Maybe I do, I don't know" I lie

"It wasn't a question, I know you want me, you want me bad" he smirked at me.

Shit he was right, but this just couldn't happen, we live together and he is a major player, and an total ass, most of the time.

"Fine, but I am saying no, so please get out so I can get ready for work, Matt will probably be here any second" I thought it sounded pretty convincing, but I heard how my voice broke when I had to say no.

Luckily Damon let go of me and walked out of my room. I have never in my life gotten ready so fast, of cause because I was late, but also because I needed to get out of the house right now!

Matt was sitting in his truck outside of the boardinghouse.

"Sorry am late" I said while jumping in his car, he looked good today, he had put in a little time to set his hair just right.

"No problem" he smiled and drove off.

I screwed up all day at work, I was so distracted. Every time the door opened, I thought it was Damon. I messed up people's orders and worst of all I dropped a tray full of food in front of everybody.

And to at to the awful day, Tyler came in and was being all lovey dovey, about how sweet I was, it made me feel so guilty, even though we weren't really in a relationship...

When I came home I was scared to run in to Damon, so I opened the front-door slowly and sneaked on my toes to the kitchen, I was just going to grab something easy for dinner and take it to my room. But I wasn't that lucky.

"Why are you sneaking in your own house?" Stefan asked from behind me, which was pretty dawn scary since the lights wasn't on in there.

"Argh Stefan! You scared me" I said ignoring the question.


"I.. I just didn't want to wake anybody..." I used to be a good liar, but Damon and Stefan seemed to know every time I lied.

"It's 7.05 at night" he said "Are you hiding from Damon?" He looked at me and I nodded, " did he hurt you?" He said very serious, and then he looked me up and down and took a good look at my neck.. Why the hell was he looking at my neck I thought.

"No of cause not! Why would you ask that? Has he ever hurt a girl? Like beating?! I asked in disbelief, I couldn't believe Damon would do something like that, but Stefan seemed really scared for me.

"Alison listen to me, I think you should stay away from Damon, you should probably stay at a friends house or something, how about Matt, he is a good friend of yours isn't he?" Stefan was looking around to make sure no one was listening, then he looked me in my eyes.

"Absolutely not, this is my home to, and I am not just moving because you say it's best, you and Damon are both acting really strange, what is it you guys are not telling me?"

"I am sorry Ali, it's not safe for you to know, or for you to live here"

"Why not!?" I said harsh.

"Yes brother why not?!" Damon said angry from behind Stefan. I froze when I heard how mad he was. Stefan on the other hand turned around slowly and it seemed like he was trying to cover me.

"Alison please go to your room so I can talk to my brother fore a few minutes" Damon was addressing me, but he didn't look at me, in fact he didn't even blink from the glare he was sending Stefan.

"Uhm sure.." I said, I felt like a kid being send to bed because the parents needed to argue.

The rest of the night I stayed in my room, I called Tyler and asked if we could move our date to tomorrow, I just wasn't in the mood, I guess I feared the Salvatore brothers would decide that it for some reason wasn't good for me to live here. So the rest of the night I kept myself busy, so I wouldn't think of me maybe having to leave. I called an old friend from Seattle and we talked a bit about life, then I bradded my hair so it would curl tomorrow. A few hours after I had left the brothers to talk, I ran out of things to do, so I called Tyler back, just to talk, we talked way into the night, he was great to talk to, we laughed and joked and we talked serious stuff, like how he lost his father, we talked right until Tyler started to fall asleep on the other end, I said goodnight and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and put on my pajamas, then I got in bed and tried not to think about how strange all of this was, no matter how I turned it around in my head, it didn't make any sense...

What the hell are they hiding.... I thought to myself before i fell asleep.


Sorry about the delay.. Please vote for the story, share or commend, and thanks, I got a couple of private messages about a few things I should write in my story, it's much appreciated:) have a great day and enjoy:)

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