31. Home alone

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Chapter thirty one

Alison's POV:

It was pretty late by the time I parked my car outside the boardinghouse, so I was surprised Damon's car was nowhere to be seen.. Well maybe he's inside and just left the car somewhere else.

I opened the door and it cracked, the house was dark, and I quietly cursed myself out for not letting the lights be on before I had left, but then again I had expected Damon to come back. Not that I'm scared of being alone or anything, but things has just changed a bit after I've been let in on just how scary the world actually is with it's vampires, werewolf's, Bigfoot and what not. Ok well Damon claims there is no Bigfoot, but hey if the world is crawling with supernatural creatures, why can't Bigfoot be real..?

Trying to distract myself with thoughts about monsters as I walk through the dark house isn't the best idea I've ever had.

Finally I find the switch and I'm able to see the house.

"Damon..?" I call out even though I know he's not here.. Wishful thinking I guess.

Where the hell is he? He was so happy when I decided to come back home, so I find it odd that he isn't here with me.

Trying to distract myself from Damon's absence I decide to put a movie on in my room. It didn't work one bit.. I kept having this uncomfortable feeling something was not right..

Eventually though my eyes got to heavy and I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up alone, but I had hoped Damon would be in his room. I was proved wrong when I tip toed in there. He wasn't anywhere else in the house either.

Damon where the hell are you? Please don't be with Elena.. I mentally slapped myself for even thinking that, of cause he's not with Elena, he wouldn't do that to me! But where the hell could he possibly be, it's like 07.00 am.

After making myself a breakfast and getting some clothes on I decide to do some cleaning around the house. It's the only thing I can think of to do that would distract me from thinking about Damon's whereabouts. Normally I would have grabbed my phone, put music in my ears and gone for a long run, but that's out of the question today because of the dreadful weather. It's been raining and it doesn't seem like it's going to cease any time soon.

When the sky starts to darken I glance at my phone to check the time and hoping there would be a text or something from Damon. It's 06.45 pm and I haven't gotten a single call or text from Damon all day, despite the fact that I have called him multiple times during the day and left him voicemails asking him where in gods name he is.

I pick up the phone and tries to call him once again. It rings but then goes to voicemail like I expected. I find myself getting so angry at him, my other voicemails were pleads for him to come home or at least give me some sign that everything is okay, but not this one. By now I have had enough.

'Seriously Damon! Pick up your god damn phone! I hope you have one hell of an excuse for this! I mean what the hell, you beg for my forgiveness with that hole Elena situation and then as soon as I grant it to you, you pull a stunt like this. You better come home soon and explain to me what is going on!'

I didn't mean to mention the hole kiss thing with Elena, since we decided to never speak of it again, but I wanted him to know he was walking on thin ice with me.

I take my phone with me and go upstairs to take a shower in my bathroom. I peel my sweatpants and tank top off and step into the shower. I placed my phone by the sink so I would be able to hear it if Damon calls.

The hot water does a wonderful job at releasing some of the tension gathered in my shoulders. I wash my hair and let the bathroom fill with the scent of my vanilla shampoo.

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