13. Your true colors

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Chapter thirteen

Alison's POV:

I ran as fast as my legs could cary me. I didn't even know what to think about what just happened... My legs started to cramp from all the running, my breaths were short and hurting in my chest and by now I was starting to panic, I had no idea where I was or what just happened to my boyfriend..

I fell to my knees and started crying. My boyfriend is hurt. I don't know where Damon is, I don't even know if this is real, maybe I am dreaming? NO pull your self together Alison! This is real and I am sure there is an logical explanation to all of this. I took a few deep breaths and wiped my tears away, I could feel my body starting to relax. Alright now I just have to find my way back, that's easier said than done, it's dark, cold and the forest is huge...

I had been walking for about 10 minutes when I heard some branches snap.. It most be some animal, I suddenly started to feel scared again I felt like someone or something was watching me, I had heard about these crazy animal attacks, Matt for one had told me how his sister was attacked by an animal before she died. Please god if you are up there.. Please let me get home safe. I was never a very Christian girl, my parents were though, they had dragged me to church when I was a kid, but as I got older they let me choose weather or not I wanted to be Christian, I used to say that there must be something out there bigger that us but if I believed in an actual god I don't know so I never put a lot of trust in god but right now I figured it couldn't hurt.

I took a few more steps towards what I guessed was the direction of the boarding house, suddenly I noticed a pair of yellow animal eyes watching me about 20 feet away..

"Okay it's okay... It's not gonna hurt me.. it's just as scared of me as I am of it.." I said out loud trying to calm myself down, only problem was, that it didn't work the slightest!

I froze.. I looked at the yellow eyes, I couldn't see to what kind of animal they belonged. What ever you are just turn around... Go on.. I thought to myself. And like it was reading my mind the animal turned around and ran away. I took a few deep breaths, trying to loosen up my bones enough to actual move.

I started walking again, slowly picking up speed, soon I was running as fast as I could, not even being sure it was in the right direction. Then suddenly I heard that growl, the growl I heard back at the house.. But this time it was deeper and louder. I stopped and looked around, and yet again there they were.. The yellow eyes, this time they came closer, close enough for me to see that it was a wolf, a big ass wolf!

Oh my god I am never getting threw this alive!

Damon POV:

I could smell her blood. I ran as fast as my vampire legs would take me, suddenly I heard her scream... A painful scream! If anything happens to her I will never forgive myself.

I finally found her, for a second I froze, seeing her like that, made my heart skip a beat. She was lying on the ground with Tyler un top of her, she was bleeding from her head and her leg. Tyler was growling at her and looked like he was about to bite her.
I launched myself at him, wrapped my arms around him and forced him of her. We rolled around and he almost bit me, but then his eyes went back to his normal dark eyes, just for a second, but I knew it must mean he was becoming human again.. I threw him of me, he hit a tree hard, but was quickly back up again and came running forward Ali... But them he stopped right in front of her. He looked at her wounds and then back at me for a second before taking of in the opposite direction.

I kneeled down beside Ali, she was loosing a lot of blood and fast! I had to take a deep breath because of all the blood, it was intoxicating, but I got a grib of myself and bit into my wrist, forcing my blood to her lips which had lost color just like the rest of her face.

"Please drink Ali.. Please" I pleaded, her heartbeat was fading and she was not taking in my blood.

After a couple of seconds she finally took in my blood, it did the trick right away, her color came back, her breathing and her heartbeat became normal.. Thank god!
Then she shut her eyes open, choking on my blood, I let her go and looked at my wrist, which healed the moment I took it away from her mouth.

She was panicking, looking around, looking at me and looking down her leg where her wound had been. I could see her freaking out. I tried walking over to her, she had managed to get a few feet away.

"Breath Alison, everything will be okay" I told her calmly

"Okay..?" She spat out, I couldn't really blame her for reacting this way. "What part of this am I suppose to be okay with?!" I looked at her with so much sympathy, how do you tell somebody that the world she thought she knew, actually is completely different..

"Let's just get back to the house, okay?" I said taking a step forward.

"NO! STAY AWAY FROM ME!" She screamed and ran away.

I sighed, I didn't want to scare her but I couldn't just let her go. She ran really fast but I vamped speed in front of her, she bumped in to me looking even more freaked out than before.

"Hooow did you.." She said shaking.

"Look Ali please trust me, I am NOT going to hurt you" I tried to calm her down.

"What are you?" She asked whispering. I sighed, this is not how it was suppose to go.

"If you just give me a chance I can explain everything, please just come with me, I tried to get a hold of her hand, but she pulled it away from me.

"NO I AM NOT GOING ANYWHERE WITH YOU BEFORE YOU TELL ME WHAT YOU ARE" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Okay.. Fine, Alison I'll tell you"

Alison's POV:

Damon looked down, took a deep breath and then looked me straight in the eyes.

"Vampire. I'm a vampire"

Did I just hear right....?


So sorry about the delay, I finally understand writers block:) let's hope it's not gonna come back anytime soon:) the chapter is a bit longer, I kind of owe you that:) please vote and commend if you would like me to update again, I will most likely update when I have about 4-5 votes:) Have an awesome day.

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