24. Clubbing

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Chapter twenty four

Alison's POV:

"I'm leaving!" I skammer the door shut behind with much more force than necessary. I got in my car and drove to a bar right outside Mystic Falls. Damon and I have been fighting the last two days. Our arguing started out about him walking in and seeing me and Stefan hugging a bit more intimate than we usually embrace each other, but it really wasn't as bad as Damon was making it out to be! He accused me of having feelings for Stefan, I mean talk about being insecure. He said some shit about everyone choosing Stefan.. Our other arguments have been pretty much about every little stupid thing.

I yelled because there were no food in the house. He yelled because I drank from his expensive scotch. I yelled because a woman he slept with showed up at the door, actually that happened twice by the way, with two different women! We were becoming one of those couples that didn't do anything other than fight.

I walked in to the bar and let a breath out I hadn't even noticed I was holding in, I was finally alone and I needed a drink like now.

"Scotch on the rocks with a twist" I told the bartender, he was cute, properly in his mid twenties, with blond hair and tattoos on his right arm, he had a muscular body and dark blue eyes, hell this guy was not cute he was hot!

"Here you go beautiful" he said putting the drink down in front of me. Thank god he didn't ask for id, I mean I could totally pas as 21 and it usually work fine, but once in a while the bartenders are uptight about it, but not tonight fortunately.

I was on drink 4 now and mr. hot bartender were flirting with me, I didn't mind one bit, especially since the last two drinks were on him, like he said.

"So I get of at 02.00 am, fancy hitting a club with me?" He smiled at me reveling his perfect white teeth.

"Clubbing.. yeah why not, but I am not sleeping with you" I still flirted but I wanted to be completely honest and not lead the guy on.

"Haha are you always this upfront about things?" He chuckled


"Sounds great we will just go dancing then" he smiled and went to attend to a few other customers, it was almost 02.00 am so people were starting to clear out.

We arrived at the club in his car since I had already had a few drinks an were in absolutely no shape to drive.

We have been dancing away the last hour and Kyle aka my hot bartender, were one hell of a dancer.

"Do you want to...." I heard him say half a sentence, but the beating music was to loud.

"What..?" I yelled at him, he laughed at me and pulled me close so he could reach his mouth right down my ear.

"Do you want to get something to drink?" I smiled at him and nodded.

Thankfully by the bar the music were dialed down enough for us to hear each other. Kyle ordered us a round of teqilla, I love teqilla, I know it's weird but I am one of those people who actually like the taste. We down the shots and Kyle gave me a look, checking me out, I felt myself blush when his eyes scanned my body. I was very aware of my tight short.

"Respect Alison, you're downing those bad boys like they were water" he laughed at me. I took my third shot and downed it.

"Hell yes I do!" While pulling my hands in the air for a little victory spin. He laughed again and downed his own, but not without wincing his face. Haha sucker! We laughed again and then he pulled me up and took me by my waist, I thought he was going to drag me out to the dance floor again but instead he pulled me close and gave me long look before moving his eyes to my lips, he moved closer and I knew exactly what he was going to do.. Shit!

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