25. Hungover

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Chapter twenty five

Alison's POV:

Fuck my head hurts! Well I guess that's what I get for drinking so much.. It's been a while since I had a hangover, usually I never drink enough to get that hammered but I really screwed up last night with the amount of drinks I had.

I really need to open my eyes and face the day, but at the same time I really don't want to, if I am not mistaken my head will hurt even more when I open my eyes. Damn it. I open them slowly and like predicted everything spins and my head feels like it's gonna explode. It take me a few seconds to realize that Damon is holding me in his arms. Oh fuck I had a nightmare again. Like my night couldn't have gotten any worse. Thankfully Damon was there for me.

"Hi.." I try to sit up and give Damon a little space. When he doesn't answer me I look at him, only to see Damon starring at the table besides us.

"Uhm you ok?" I ask him with caution, I fear he might be mad at me for coming home so drunk, but let's face it Damon is fucking drunk all the time, so that would really would be hypocritical of him. When he still doesn't answer me I start to get a little pist.

"HEY!" I snap my fingers at him and silently curse at my self for raising my voice, my growing headache did not appreciate my little outburst.

"I guess you had fun last night!" He said coldly before getting of the couch. What the hell is his problem! I am right about to yell at him but he beat me to it when he open his mouth to keep talking.

"You got a text from the hot bartender" my mouth drop as I watch Damon leave the room.


I grab my phone and see a text from Kyle.

'I had a nice time beautiful, call me sometime we could maybe go out or something:-)'

Shit I don't even remember giving him my number or typing his in. Shit. I need to explain this to Damon, it's not as bad as I'm sure he is making it out to be.. I mean yeah we drank together, we danced together we... My thought are interrupted when Stefan comes through the door, it's almost noon and shouldn't he be in school and pretending to be a human teenager.. Oh wait no it's Saturday.

"Hey you're home" he stated happily.

"Yeah I'm home" I wince at his high voice, it's a little to much for my hungover to take. He seem to notice and chuckle at my misery before going to the kitchen.

I quickly get on my feet so I can head to Damon's room. That a lot easier said than done, the stairs were a nightmare getting up, I sigh after my fifth break on the way to his room.

I finally make it and walk right in since he didn't close his door. He is pacing back and forth in his room and I can tell he is trying to control his anger, I know that he heard me coming in, but he choose not to acknowledge my presence.. He is seriously pissed of right now.

"Please let me explain" I beg.

"No need I get it! You were drunk, he was there, one thing let to another and blah blah blah!" He doesn't even look at me, not even once. I take a deep relaxing breath, this is for sure not the way I wanted to spend the day, it breaks my heart to see Damon this upset, he puts on a good show, but he is hurting. I can tell.

"No that's not what happened" I try to argue but he gets really mad at me before I get a chance to continue.

"DONT FUCKING LIE ABOUT IT!" While screaming at me he throws the glass he was holding in his hand at the wall, it shatters and the beverage inside run down the wall. I jump a little out of surprise.

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