12. When a full moon

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Chapter twelve

Alison's POV:

I was sitting in the parlor with my whiskey, I was going over ideas about what to say to the guys... Hey I know you are hiding something! I just don't know what, nor do I have any real evidence... Yeah real smooth Alison!
I just hope we don't get into a fight, I hate fighting Winther them, especially with Damon, but unfortunate we get into fights pretty often, almost always about Tyler.. I just really hate fighting with Stefan and Damon because even though they tell me it's my house to, I kind of still feel like the houseguest, the houseguest that is suppose to leave again. But where should I go?

The front door opened, bringing me back to the real issue. Damon walked in, actually he walked straight to the liquor, he had an habit of doing that. It didn't seem like he saw me. I just watched as he poured him self a large drink, then he turned around and looked me straight in my eyes, without changing his expression. He looked a little sad.

"Hello Damon, welcome home. I was hoping we could talk?" I gave him a sweet smile hoping not to make him more sad that he already was.

He just looked even more sad from my question, my own face saddened, what ever was bothering Damon, it bothered me to, I hate to see him like this, I really care about him, as much as I hate to admit it.

"Look Ali I know what you are gonna ask, I talked to Matt" Damon sat down opposite me in the couch. "I just don't know how to tell you this" Damon was truly struggling with his words, which was very unlike him..

Just as Damon was about to say something again the front door burst open with a loud bang. I jumped out of my seat, and Damon was in front of me just as quick as I got up.

"Damon! What did you tell her!?" Tyler shouted, I took a breath when I found out is was only him, but Damon didn't move from his protective location.

"Matt told me that you guys talked, don't you think this is a conversation I should be in on?! I am her boyfriend! Tyler was furious, I don't think I have ever seen him like this.

"Tyler what the hell are you doing here at this time? It's a full moon.." Damon was trying to talk calm to Tyler, and it seemed to be working, tyler took a few deep breaths.

"Wait, what does it have to do with anything that tonight is a full moon?" I asked confused, actually everything they said was confusing me.
I tried to walk past Damon to go to Tyler, I was really disappointed in him, I did suspect that he to was withholding things, but he came bursting in here to prevent me from finding out what it was. But as I tried to walk past Damon, he grabbed me and forced me to stand behind again, I sighed... Really Damon you are gonna keep me from my own boyfriend.. I know you don't like him, but come on!

"Tyler you need to get out of here!" Damon said, he was panicking a bit now.

Tyler started to look crazy again, then I heard a sickening cracking sound, I got out of Damon's grasp and stood by his side where I saw Tyler fall to the ground, it was his arm which made the cracking, then both his legs cracked, it looked like his bones were moving around! I kept my screams down when Tyler looked up at us his eyes were changing to!

"RUN! ALISON RUN!" Damon shouted at me while pushing me to the side in direction of the door leading to the garden.

The last I heard before running out into the garden was a deep loud growl.

Damon's POV:

I watched as Alison ran out, I then jumped in direction of Tyler, who was turning now. I tried to punch him while he was in transition, I had to keep him week or maybe make him unconscious hell I would kill him if that is what it takes, I can't risk him hurting Ali or let him get his teeth in me. Literally...

I tried to hit him square in the face but he moved to fast away from me, even in transition, he was fast! I tried again and again, but every time he dodged me. Suddenly Tyler was gone, now I was standing in front of a full transformed wolf..

I got a hold of a gun with woodenbulluets, it was some weapons that my buddy Alaric had left behind. It wouldn't hurt him as much as a vampire but it should slow him down. I fired but he managed to dodge the first few shots... He then went for me and almost got a bite in! But I threw him of me and shot him in his leg, he made a loud notice indicating he was in pain. I prepared for him to jump me again but then he did something I didn't expect him to, he jumped throw the window. For a second I took a relieved breath. He was gone.

Oh shit! ALISON!

I vamped out of there as fast as I could trying to smell for her scent, what I could smell terrified me..

Her blood!


Sorry it's short, but the update came so fast that I hope you can forgive me:) please vote, commend and read:) and I am working on the next chapter, so it should be updated soon:)

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