4. My first day

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Alison's POV:

Two days after Damon and I had been at the grill, I had gotten an job interview and I got the job as a waitress. Next time I saw Matt I would have to remember to give him a big thank you, the manager told me that he had put in a good word for me.

Damon was driving me to my first day of work, I was still in my room, about to take a shower.
I loved this room - when I first came here to live with Zach he had given me a chance to choose between a few bedrooms. The bedroom I had chosen has light grey walls and a queen-size bed with a wooden frame - I brought my own make up table and a big mirror, when I had moved in I had brought with me some posters but I decided not to put them up because the walls were already filled with some amazing paintings that I just couldn't get myself to take down.

I went to the bathroom that were connected to my room, I turned on the water and got in - the water felt great on my skin - I had to admit that it was a weakness of mine - I had always loved water, when I was kid my parents used to take me to beach every single day doing the summer and I would spent hours in water. I smiled at the happy memory.
When I was done in shower I put on a short black rope and sat at my makeup table and began to put on som mascara - I had worked at a few different cafes and restaurants doing my travels and I knew that a little makeup could be good for the tips.
When I had dressed in a black pair of shorts and put on the Mystic Grill shirt that I had gotten when I received the job, I went downstairs to tell Damon I was ready to go. It was really nice of him to drive me, he had also offered to come pick me up when I was done, but I told him no thanks because I was working the night shift and wouldn't be done till after midnight - so I didn't feel like troubling him that late.

"You all done?" Damon asked looking approving at my tight shorts.

I nodded and got into his car. We were quiet the hole way there, but it wasn't an awkward silence it was just nice.
He dropped me of and said he might stop by a little later for a drink. I couldn't help but hope he would.

All in all my first day was going pretty well so far, everyone of the customers were nice and polite and the other ones who were working was Matt who I had given a hug when I came in and the other one working was a really cool bartender, she was 25 and fast as hell, at one point when there wasn't any customers at the bar I saw her throwing liquor bottle around in the air. So cool. I think I was gonna like it here.

A few hours later Damon came in and sat at the bar, I got all giggly when I saw him, but about 5 minutes after he had sat down, some woman walked up to him, she was clearly hitting on him, I couldn't explain the anger that developed in me, I felt like I had to stop her, preferably involving my fist in her face.

"You alright there..?" Matt asked worried.

I didn't even notice that I had been staring so obvious at them.

"Yeah.. Fine thanks" I answered looking away from the woman.

I don't think Matt believed me but he accepted it and walked away.
Not more than 10 minutes later I saw Damon walk out with that woman, it felt like a knife to the stomach. What was going on with me.. Damon could go home with who ever he wanted, he was my friend - my roommate, I think I should start dating and try to stop thinking about Damon like that.
I walked over to the billiard table to serve a couple of burgers and onion-rings to a few guys.

"Hi am Tyler, are you new here?" A seriously hot guy asked me when I had put down the food and were just about to walk away.

"Hello Tyler, my name is Alison and you could say that, I used to live here but I haven't been here the last year" I have him a flirting smile.

He noticed that I was flirting with him.

"Oh otherwise I would have offered to show you around, but how about I buy you a cup of coffee instead?" He was checking me out while saying so. And I didn't blame him because I too were checking out the muscles on him and damn he was well build. So I decided to give him my number and get back to work, I did make sure I worked the ass when I was walking away from him.

My shift was over and Matt had offered to give me a ride.

"So do you know that Tyler guy who was at the grill earlier today?" I asked Matt on the way to the boardinghouse.

"Sure, he is a good friend of mine, why did he hit on you" he replied, indicating that tyler was a bit of a player.

"Ha yeah I guess he did, I was just wondering if you knew how old he is?"

"He is 18, how old are you? if you don't mind me asking Ali?" He said kindly

"Not at all, am 19 so I guess I can date a guy who is 18" I said laughing a little.
Matt just gave me a smile and nodded.

I thanked Matt for the ride and said goodnight. I sneaked inside as quietly as I could because it was close to 1 am.
I went to the bathroom and stripped of my close, brushed my hair and teeth and got into bed wearing my pajamas. I smiled when I thought about how great my first day had went, but then I thought about Damon, I wondered if he was here and if he was alone. I tried to convince myself that he was sleeping alone in his bedroom after blowing of that stupid woman from the bar. It might not be likely but it made me feel better.


So I changed the cover of the story but it is still the same story and all:) please keep reading, vote and feel free to commend if you are enjoying my story:)

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