23. Brothers

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Chapter twenty three

Damon's POV:

"You know starring at my ass doesn't really classify as teaching me!" I smirked at her ass that was looking mighty fine if I should say so myself.

"Right sorry, but I am starting to think this is impossible. I mean no offense Ali but I have never meet anyone who sucked more at this!" I laughed at her before putting my arms around and trying to guid her hands the right way.

We have been at the grill for an hour now, I have been trying to teach her how to play pool, but when she said she wasn't any good she really wasn't lying.

"Why do people always say no offense right before they offend you?" Again I couldn't help but chuckle at her adorable commend.

We went on for another twenty minutes before I gave up teaching her. It was no use. We were now seated at the bar where I ordered us two drinks.

"I'm gonna need to see some id" the new male bartender said to Alison, hell he was. I leaned in over the counter getting his attention.

"No you don't and just for asking our drinks are on the house" I compelled the guy. I looked over and saw Alison giving me a disapproving glare, but she didn't say anything about more it, when it came down to it she wanted to drink. Last night she told me that she had picked up on drinking pretty early, not like an alcoholic or anything, but she used to like getting drunk, it would make her forget for a night, forget about everything that happened to her.

We have been together pretty much every awaken hour of the day for the last few days now. She told about some of her more happy days from her past and I to told her about my past, of cause there are a little more ground to cover, since I do have a few years on her in that department.

"Do you?" I snapped back to reality, relishing she had been asking me something.

"Sorry do I what?" I chuckled at my own lack of attention.

"Do you want to get take out here and bring back to bed?" She smirked

"Hell with food I'll just take you back to bed" I leaned in and whispered by her ear, I chuckled when I could feel the effect my warm breath had on her skin. She composed her self and looked me in the eyes.

"Sorry buddy but human standing right here and she needs human food to function. I chuckled at her and just kissed her neck making her take a deep breath, I smirked against her skin.

"Hey if you want me to be completely drained and not have any energy to be with you, fine forget the food" that got my attention.

"Now we wouldn't want that, would we" I said while picking up a take out menu and handing it to her.

We went through the front door and I followed Alison to the kitchen where she put her take out on the counter. I put my hands on her hips turning her around. She opened her mouth to say something but I crashed my lips to hers and within a second she melted in to the kiss. I pulled her even closer to me and lifted her up placing her on the counter. I stepped in between her legs and she wrapped her legs around me while deepening the kiss with her tongue.

"Argh keep it PG would you!" Stefan said while entering the kitchen.

Alison gave me a light shove and jumped down so she could get started on her dinner. She smiled warmly at Stefan who just gave her small smile back. I glared at him but he just turned around and left the kitchen. we weren't on the best terms lately. The other night when I told him Alison and I were officially together or what ever to call it, he kind of flipped on me, he really got to me when he said I would bring more misery in her life. It stung me hard, of cause I didn't let it show. Who the hell was he to lecture me?!

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