10. Firsts

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Chapter ten

It's been two weeks since my weird conversation with Stefan, I still don't know what Damon and Stefan talked about that night, or what they are hiding from me, but I am confident that there are something they will not tell me...

I don't really want to bring up the fact that Stefan thought I should move out, because I really don't want to go anywhere.

Another thing I have been trying not to bring up was the kiss. The kiss between Damon and I... I was so confused about it, and it didn't help that Damon kept staring at me with his seductive smirk. I tried my best to avoid him all together.

Tyler and I have been together pretty much everyday these past two weeks, I think I am really starting to fall for him.

I am trying to pick out a cute outfit for my date with Tyler, for the first time I am trying to dress pretty and elegant instead of sexy, because he wants me to meet his mother, which is kinder freaking me out, I have always been the girl parents thought was a bad influence... I just hoped she would like me.

I decided on a light brown dress to right above the knee, I put on a matching belt to force out my pretty figure which was hitting under the loose dress, to finish the look I put on a denim jacket and high heel sandals. The hole thing looked very feminine and a bit country, just what I was going fore.

Tyler picked me up and drove to his house, he had brought me here once before, but then his mother had been out, this time I had to meet her..

"Don't be nervous, she will love you" tyler said while turning off the engine, outside the huge house.

"I am not nervous!" I said nervously, he just laughed at me and jumped out the car. He took my hand in his while we walked to the front-door, it calmed me down a little to feel his warm hand.

"Mom?" Tyler yelled out as we walked into the entry hall.

"Right here honey" his mother answered sweet coming from the parlor. I actually thought his mother was quite beautiful, her elegance and her position as mayor really shined through.

"Hello mrs Lockwood" I stuck my hand out for her to shake "it's a pleasure to meet you" I said while she took my hand.

"Mom, this is Ali, my girlfriend" Tyler said proud. I felt like an idiot for forgetting to introduce my self, then I caught on to what Tyler had said, he called me his girlfriend, I couldn't help it, a smile erupted all over my face.

We had dinner together the three of us, then mrs Lockwood excused her self to go do some work in her office. Tyler and I went to his room.

"So you survived, it wasn't that bad right?" Tyler smiled at me.

"You called me your girlfriend" I said completely ignoring what he had said.

"Oh yeah I did, am sorry I know we haven't talked about it, that's just how I feel about you, I mean you feel like my girlfriend.." Tyler said awkwardly "is that okay, do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asked

"YES of cause I do!" I said and kissed him.

The rest of the night Tyler and I watched a movie, or well we tried to, we ended up making out in his bed most of the time. He tried to convince me to stay the night, but I felt that would be really weird, with his mother home, don't get me wrong she seemed like she really liked me, but still I don't want to have an awkward morning

situation, so Tyler drove me home.

I went inside and walked straight to the liquor that the brothers kept in the parlor, actually both Stefan and I are under age but we both drank and Damon didn't say anything. I pored my self a bourbon an sat in the armchair facing the fire. I thought about the great night I had just spend with Tyler and his mother, it made me miss my parents, I rarely thought about them, maybe because I never handled it very well. A tear escaped my eye and ran down my cheek.

"Ali, what's wrong?" Damon asked coming from behind me, I had been so deep in my thought that I hadn't even noticed he was here.

"Oh yeah, sorry I'm fine" I said distend.

"No clearly your not fine, and why are you apologizing?" Damon said worried, this was the side of Damon, that rarely showed, his carrying side.

"I don't actually know why I am apologizing.." I gave him a small smile.

"Well what ever it is you can talk to me about it" Damon said and gave me genuine smile, not a smirk or a sexy smile but a true friendly smile.

"Thanks Damon, it's good to know" I said and walked to my room, it was kind of him but I didn't feel like talking to him about this.

The next night I had a small shift at the grill, Tyler picked me up when I was done, we went to the boarding house fore some late dinner.

"How do you plan that we eat here when there is nothing in the fridge?" Tyler asked while closing the fridge. I laughed at him and shotted my shoulders.

"I guess we should order a pizza" I laughed, the guys never really did a lot of grocery shopping.

"Ha I'll give them a call, you want pepperoni?" He said pulling out his phone.

"Sounds good, I'll go find a movie we can watch.

The pizza came and Tyler being the gentleman that he is paid for it, then we settled down in the living room to watch twilight on my computer. We were coddled up in the couch when Damon made his entrance.

"So what are we watching" Damon said while dumping down next to me.

Tyler looked really uncomfortable, but he didn't say anything.

"So when the vampire walk in the sun, he sparkle? How freaking stupid!" Damon shouted out, it had been like this the last 20 minutes, him keep on telling us how stupid it is.

"That's enough!" I shouted and shut the computer "come on Tyler" I said and walked to my room with Tyler right behind me.

Of cause Damon just had to be a sarcastic idiot because Tyler was here.

Tyler shut the door and looked at me lovingly.

He walked over to me and kissed my lips gently, then he placed his hands on my back and closed the space between us. He kissed my neck leaving a trail of kisses from my lips to my neck. I took a step forward to the bed forcing him to step backwards, I keeps on moving till he was on the bed and I straddled him and started kissing him more passionate. He trialled his hands up and down my body, then he took a firm grasp of my hips and surprised me by turning us around so we were both laying down with him on top of me. Tyler found my soft spot by my collarbone, which made me moan, much to his pleasure, it started out gentle but was now real on passion, I managed to get his shirt over his head while not breaking the kisses for to long, then he very smoothly got both his hands under my black t-shirt and pulled it over my head. I kissed his neck, then his lips and then again his neck, by now we both manage to kick off our pants. Tyler was taking his time with me, which I really love since it was out first time, together that is. He was sweet and passionate all at once.

We feel asleep in each other's arms after a long night.


So sorry for the delay, this one is longer so maybe that makes up for it:) enjoy:)

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