21. You and me

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Chapter twenty one

Damon's POV:

"Look at me Damon" I looked in her green eyes, but all I could think about was the horrible things she had been through, sweet Alison should never had known such evil.

"I'm fine, and for the first time in a very long time I think I mean it, you make my life better" what? Does that mean she likes me? God I wanted her to I would take her in my arms and protect her.

"You and Stefan make my life a lot better" I felt my heart drop, she saw me as a friend nothing more... I took her hands and brought them down her sides, I needed to back away, if she didn't want me that way I needed to back away from her.. I took a few steps away from her.

"You must be hungry I'll go make us something to eat" I walked to the kitchen and turned on the stow found a pan and started frying some chicken, Alison often forgot to eat after she moved in with us. It was 7 pm now and I don't recall her eating at all today. Of cause she slept till late and we had been hearing her talk about her past for hours so the time just went by, but still we should really take better care of her, she deserved that.

I went to the dinning room with two plates of food, she came in and sat down, we ate in silence, not an awkward silence but non the less complete silence. Every single time I looked at her big green eyes I thought about her misery, it was killing me! How could anyone hurt someone like her! I felt like ripping that fucking perverts heart out his chest!

"Damon!" She choked out scared, I looked at her confused. She was looking at my right hand, I looked down and saw that the glass I had been holding was shattered and there was blood in my hand, my cuts were already healing though...

"Are your ok?" She asked me a bit confused. No I'm not...

"Yeah I'm fine. Sorry I didn't mean to frighten you" I gave her a apologizing look. I saw her shake her head at my answer..

"Dammit Damon you can tell me the truth. You are not handling this very well are you? What troubles you about it? Please talk to me" she pleaded while putting her hand on my left one, the one without the glass. I felt so selfish, I couldn't say that what she has been through pained me, hell she was the one it happened to! so I just shook my head no.

''Damon I opened up! I told you guys, what I never talk about. Please do the same'' there was frustration in her voice, I hated making her feel like this.

"I hate that he touched you.. I hate I didn't save you, even though I didn't know you, I hate I'll never be able to take back the pain you've been through!" I didn't mean to say it but I did. I looked at her waiting for her response, I watched her sit still for a while looking sad, dammit I should have kept my freaking mouth shut, but then I watched her get up.. Oh I'm sorry don't leave, she didn't.. She walked around the table looked down at me, dusted away the few pieces of glass left in my hand, then she took both my hands and pulled me up to a standing position.

Alison's POV:

I looked at those gorgeous eyes of his, I didn't even care at this moment if he didn't feel the same way about me as I did for him. All I knew was that at this moment, it felt right and I was going to follow my instinct, so I did. I toke the last little step forward closing any space between us. I put a hand on his cheek and looked in his eyes one last time before pressing my lips gently to his, he tasted sweet and his intoxicating smell surrounded me, he stood still so I pulled away and looked at him, I was just about to regret my action when he wrapped both his arms around my waist and smashed his lips to mine, we fitted perfect together and kissed each other with so much hunger, we've kissed before but that was the wrong timing, now this on the other hand was perfect. I wrapped my arms around his neck, I felt my legs give away under me, because of his amazing lips, Damon noticed and pushed me up a wall to support me, we were still standing in the living room but everything was blurry now, all I could focus on was Damon, his scent, his lips and his touch, I felt his hands going up and down my back. He moved his soft perfect lips down my neck and I moaned a lot louder than meant to, I could sense Damon smirk against my skin. I pushed my hips out a little to grind up against his jeans area, that by now was growing, I heard him growl at my movement, now it was my turn to smirk at the effect I had on him. Our breathing was becoming out in parts and the room was spinning, I felt Damon wrap his strong arms around me a little tighter and the next I felt was my feet lift above the ground, I didn't open my eyes before I felt the soft sheets underneath me. We were in Damon's bedroom, in his bed. I looked up at him, he had both his hands by the side of my face, supporting himself while looking back at.

"You are so beautiful" my heart skipped a beat, not because no one before have called me beautiful but because it sounded like the most amazing thing coming from him.

I pulled him down to meet my lips again, I felt his hand going from my neck, to my shoulder, down by my hips and ending at my thigh, rubbing the inner part of my thigh, his touch were leaving goosebumps all over my body. I pulled his hair and he moaned, I felt a new spark of confidence and I flipped us over so I was straddling him now, he looked at me with lustful eyes. I ripped his shirt open not even bothering to try and be careful, I wanted him and I needed him, I could feel by his very tight jeans now pressing against me that he wanted me to. I pulled my own shirt above my heard exposing my black laced bra, again Damon growled at me, he flipped me back down so he could pull of my pants, along with his own, so by now we were both lying in our underwear. His lips crashed to mine yet again, licking my bottom lip asking for permission, I teased him and denied his tongue entrance, I think he took that as a challenge, so he brought his hand to play with the outline of my panties, making me crave for more, he pulled them down in one motion and slipped a finger inside of me, I moaned loud and he used this as his opportunity to slip his tongue in my mouth.

Not long after that Damon gracefully slipped out of his boxers, I kissed him with more hunger than I thought I had in me. When he entered me I cried out his name. I pushed my hips up making him moan in my mouth.

It felt like we went on for hours, which we most likely did because when we both reached out climax at the same time, I had to fight myself from not slipping into the darkness. I laid my heard on his chest, he stroke my messy hair and I instantly feel asleep with a smile plastered on my face.

Damon's POV:

I woke up with my arms around Alison, my god she was so perfect. I kissed her on her cheek and smiled at her, I wanted her to open those beautiful green eyes, but she most likely needed her rest, I smirked at myself, well of cause she did after a night with me.

"Why are you being creepy" she asked me while slowly opening her eyes.

"I'm not, what are you taking about?" I gave her a flirty smirk.

"You are staring at me and smirking that sex-smirk of yours" she laughed at me.

"My what? My sex-smirk?" I laughed at her lightly, she was being adorable.

"Yeah I saw that smirk last night, and then you defiantly had some juicy things on your mind" ha I love she says exactly what she is thinking. She was right, I was thinking about last night.

I stroked her stomach looking at her seductively and started kissing her neck, she pushed me back and kissed me roughly, I loved it but then she pulled away just as I could feel my morning friend making an debut underneath the covers.

She got up and starts walking to my bathroom.

"Hey! Not fair to tease me like that" I growled at my frustration.

"Sorry but I have things to do today I need a shower" she smiled sweetly at me, walking further to the bathroom door. Before turning back to face me.

"Want to join me?" She didn't need to ask me that twice.


Sorry it took a little longer, but I have been really sick for days now:-( but here it is, I hope you enjoy:-) please vote and all that, happy new year:-)

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