27. Apologies

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Chapter twenty seven

Alison's POV:

I don't get it.. Why would Damon kiss Elena? That is his brothers girlfriend.. Stefan once told me that him and Elena were having issues because she was into another guy.. So that must be Damon! Oh my god I wonder if they have been hooking up all this time that Damon and I have been together..

God I really have to stop now! I'm driving myself crazy. It's like 03.00 am and I still haven't fallen asleep because I'm obsessing over this.

I have been crashing at Matt's the last few days. I had to literally stop Matt from going over there and staking Damon when I told him what had happened. He already wasn't a fan of Damon, but he is a really protective friend, so it doesn't take much to make him flip, witch is really weird to see because Matt is usually so calm and collected, but he can really get mad when someone he loves is being hurt.

Matt let me stay in his sisters old room, it was nice, he had cleared out all of her things and stored them in the basement, but her bed, desk and other useful things were still here and now worked as a gust room.

Well since I'm clearly not going to be getting any sleep, I might as well just find something to kill the time with. I pulled my sketch book out and started drawing. It's been a hobby of mine for years, but I never share it with anyone or show them what I draw. It was something my parents had gotten me into, and ever since they died, it's been something I do when I want to honor them and recall happy memories. My mother really used to love my drawings, saying that I should major in art, I had seriously considered it, but when they died, I changed my mind, I never actually went to college.

I started sketching two people walking a long a beach, and I knew that they would end up being my parents, just like pretty much all of my other drawings ended up ended up being of my parents.

While putting the final touches on my sketch, I glanced at my watch, I wasn't surprised to see that it was now 06.00 am. When I first start a sketch I get so sucked in that I lose track of time. It turned out pretty good, I signed my name in left bottom corner.

Since there were no use in trying to sleep now I put on my running shoes and a pair of shorts along with an old white t-shirt. I walked out of my room with my phone and my headphones. I used one of those fancy strap things to attach my phone to my arm so I don't need to be running with it in my hand.

I ran down the street that Matt lives on, without really knowing where to go. Mystic Falls is defiantly a small town so even though I kept running down streets I have never been before I quickly found my way back. After an hour or so I decided that was enough exercising, I'm not in great shape but I'm working on it. And exercising is also a good distraction, so that I don't think so much about a certain blue eyed vampire.

I opened the front door with the spare key that Matt gave me and walked in and saw Matt making himself breakfast.

"Hey sweetie" I said giving him a warm smile, I really appreciate everything he has done for me. Putting me up and being so supportive.

"Hi Ali, are you hungry?" He said while putting some milk back in the fridge.

"No I'm good, thanks. I'll just go take a shower" he just nodded and started eating his toast without even bothering to sit down at the table, such a guy.

I got in my room and stripped my clothes off and went in the shower. I had to use Matt's shampoo and stuff because I didn't pack a lot. I only got some different clothes, my sketch book, perfume a little make up and stuff like that, but I'm gonna need some more of my stuff soon.. Maybe I could call Stefan and he could bring me some more stuff. Or I could just go get it myself and stop being a wimp.

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