8. Come on guys!

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Chapter eight:

I was in my bathroom getting ready for work, when I head my phone ring, I walked out in my underwear, hell the bathroom was connected to my bedroom therefore I were the only one using it. I walked over to my bed where my phone was charging, I looked down and saw it was Tyler..!
It had been a little over a week since our date and I hadn't heard anything from him, I saw him once at the grill, but he didn't sit in my section and when he noticed I was working he finished his dinner quickly. I picked up the phone and let out an annoyed breath, he better have a good reason for not calling me.

"Hello" I said blank.

"Hi Ali, it's me, I'm sorry fore not calling" Tyler said.

"I'm sorry who is this" I said ignored

"Ali I know you know it's me Tyler.. Please, am really sorry" he said pleading.

"Oh you. I thought you died or something." I were acting especially snotty, it was just I had a great first date, and he seemed as such a nice guy. He really disappointed me.

"Look the thing is I can't really explain why I haven't called, but I was hoping you might let me make it up to you, I'll do anything"

He can't explain it.... I don't like the sound of that, I thought to myself.

"If you want me to even consider giving you another chance, you seriously need to tell why you didn't fucking call" I was hurt and it could be heard in my voice.

"Some day I will, I promise" I still didn't like it, but I had to accept it and I have always been a very private person myself, so I couldn't really demand him to tell me, but should I forgive him..?

"Any chance you might give me a second chance?" I could hear he was hopeful, but there was also fear striking in his voice, he feared that i would turn him down. I took a long dramatic pause.

"It's gonna need a lot of sucking up, but I guess you can pick me up tonight at eight" then I hung up and smiled like a little girl. By now I was bit late and really needed to get ready fore work, Matt was picking me up in... I looked at my phone... Shit in 10 minutes.
I turned around to find that my bedroom door wasn't closed anymore and that Damon was standing there, taking in the image of me in my black lingerie.

"DAMON!" I quickly picked up the little black rope lying on my bed, and put it on. "You can't do that" I sighted mad " we are suppose to be friends, but you are making that really hard, and what are you even doing in here, I thought you were ignoring me!" God I was furious at him. He pushed my buttons.

"So you are going out with Tyler again" he stated, completely ignoring everything I just said.

"That's it! Get out Damon! And leave me the fuck alone!" I screamed at him, while walking up to him, when I reached him I pushed him hard in the chest, trying to push him out of my room, but he didn't butch the slightest.. I did it again, and nothing happened.. I did it again and again and again! He grabbed my wrists before I could hit him again, he had crazy written all over his face. The right reaction would properly be, to be scared shitless, but for some reason i wasn't... He flung me around and forced my trembling body against the doorframe, he raised his hand, and it looked like he was going to hit me, I flinched fore a second, but nothing happened, then suddenly he grabbed my neck hard and slammed his lips to mine with more passion, hunger and spark than I have ever felt. I wanted him so bad!


Here it is:) chapter eight:) I hope you guys enjoy, please vote and feel free to commend or write if you have something or someone from the series you would like to bee a part of the story:) Elena and them are going to show up soon:) have a great day and please keep on reading:) sorry it is a little shorter

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